Tuesday, February 22, 2011

so i know i've been on the quiet side

I've just been busy. My year hasn't started slowly, in fact, it's been one thing after another after another. Work and personal life and work and personal life, interspersing and making it seem like it's been go, go, go all the time.

I've also been sick a lot. I was ill for two weeks in late January, got well but two weeks later when we had our company kick-off meeting, my sister, who was my roomie, was sick so I caught her illness and fell sick. Again. I can tell you at this time I believe my 'Being Ill' quota for 2011 should be considered 75% full now. I'm currently battling a cripplingly painful and insanely annoying ear infection. In both ears. I think it was due to my immune system not being up to full strength before it was battered again that I'm now enduring stabbing pains in my left ear.

Work has not stopped for my sickness though. A lot of things were up in the air the first few weeks of 2011 as we had been renegotiating our contract with our suppliers so it has been a lot of digging around into the current process to figure out what else can be improved from our vendors. Not to mention dealings with the client. And also travelling to a different state SIX LONG HOURS away for another project we're working on. I'm just tired and longing to see my family whom I haven't seen since November last year.

Lest you think my life only revolved around getting sick and work, far from it, I managed to squeeze in a bit of online shopping as well *sheepish grin*. Eh, that's something that won't change about me I think. On that note, I'm off to retroactively blog about my shopping exploits so perhaps this post will make less sense later :)