Friday, February 25, 2011

reality is making me weepy

I have been watching an inordinate amount of reality tv and I'm embarassed to say that some of the going-ons have made me shed a tear or two. Ok, a lil more than that if I'm honest.

I've been following the resurrection of American Idol and goodness, there are more than a few heart-bleeding stories this season! I think the one that sticks out for most people is the Chris Medina story and I was sad for him that he did not make the Top 24 cut. Then there's the mom, whose name I've forgotten, with the lil girl who was born with a disorder and was advised to terminate her pregnancy but decided to carry on. She did not make it past the Hollywood Week group round I think. Then the African-American girl adopted by the Caucasian couple. That was a sweet story too.

But it's not just American Idol that has tugged at my heartstrings - Kourtney and Kim Take New York had a few moments where I was overwhelmed by compassion, lol. The whole W mag debacle, Scott's defense of Kim in the club and subsequent undeserved fallout with Kourtney, Scott's total maturity in dealing with the Las Vegas birthday and Shengo leaving for AUstralia were some of the moments I felt were organic despite whatever the gossip sites like to suggest :)

And the most embarassing of all was the 2 episodes of Jersey Shore filled with the epic breakdown of Sammi and Ronnie's relationship. I shed tears for Sammi cos I just could not believe she would put up with that kind of treatment from Ronnie. I understood her despair of knowing you deserve better but unable to walk away. LOL, I WAS embarassed I cried but her pain really did seem so acute and real I couldn't help myself.

You know what? I'm just gonna pin all this weepiness on my overall fragile health state of the past couple of weeks :D