Sunday, October 28, 2012

summary of F1 for the past 3 races

Still all about the literal :D

Oh, Im still watching, however painful it gets to see Kimi trying so hard and going nowhere. When you look at the rev limiter topping at 310KmPH as he's trying to defend/overtake, it just all looks so sad for the Iceman. Sigh. What is there to do? That's the limitation of the car he drives.

Anyways, I realized when I was wondering about RoGro being retained for next year, I didn't actually mention the position Kimi finished in nor the race country even. Though I did say that it was Kamui Kobayashi's home GP so since that's a Japanese name, it does lead one to conclude that it was the Japanese GP. Okay, so Kimi finished sixth there.

Next, it was the Korean GP. It's a new track for the Kimster. Came on the F1 racing calendar just last year. He finished 5th there. Overall, not too bad. And at the recently concluded Indian GP, which, again, is another new track for Kimi, he came in 7th. Didn't gain a spot nor lose a spot so all in all that's a win I guess. I believe he is no longer in third in the WDC as everyone else who was behind him finished in good positions ahead of him and it wasn't like he was miles ahead of fourth place Lewis Hamilton, anyways. Lemme just go check to confirm.

Well, well, colour me completely surprised but the Kimster IS still third in the WDC ahead of Hammy and Webbo! He's at 173pts to Hammy's 167pts and Webbo's 165pts. I guess what Kimi and Lotus needs to do now is really start getting podiums again cos at the rate the Red Bull have improved, Webber is bound to steadily finish well and never discount those McLarens. Till Abu Dhabi.....