Monday, November 26, 2012

Dorothy Koomson always does this to me!

I'm emotionally exhausted! I just completed her book, "The Woman He Loved Before" and the entire thing was an emotional rollercoaster! She always does this! There are so many exclamation marks in this post! :D

Anyways, I've been on a bit of a Dorothy Koomson binge lately. I finally got myself to finish "The Ice Cream Girls" earlier in the month. Oh my god, I just don't know how she manages to put pen to paper and come up with these soul-jarring prose.....EVERY TIME! The way she manages to create these characters that draw you in and have you emotionally invest in them is just mind-boggling! And like I've mentioned before, her books are not just fluffy romantic chick lit, they usually revolve around a serious female-centric topic/issue that's relevant in today's society.

I'm now about to sink my teeth into her latest book, "The Rose Petal Beach". Honestly, I have no clue what it's about and wasn't even aware she had a new one out. It was part of a collection of her books I downloaded recently. For the first time ever I found some Dorothy Koomson mobi books and this was one of 'em. I actually would shell out money to buy a physical version of her book cos I feel she deserves it and it's my way of supporting her writing endeavours. Once I see it on The Book Depository, I'll get it. In the meantime, the mobi version will whet my appetite for all things Dorothy Koomson :)