Wednesday, November 28, 2012

why do i watch it if it irritates me?

Every week like clockwork I'll watch the latest epi of MTV's Underemployed. Storyline-wise, I can accept it but the characters are just annoying! I dislike practically all of them bar Miles and to a lesser degree Sofia. The one who irritates me the most is the ad agency girl whose name escapes me right now but her annoying face is imprinted in my head taunting me. LOL, yes, I know I sound like a wacko.

Ah, IMDB has provided the answer- Daphne. I truly dislike her. Self-absorbed, selfish, deluded; the list of why I don't like her can go on and on. It irritates me further that she's supposed to be the most likeable one! At the beginning of the show, she was an unpaid intern who slept with her direct superior and then threatened to expose their affair if he didn't recommend her for payroll. Granted, she was willing to leave her unpaid internship if he was serious about starting a relationship with her but when he mentions he has a girlfriend whom he wasn't going to stop seeing, she uses the whole "you slept with me in your car" to get him to make her a permanent employee. Which he does, subsequently dumping his girlfriend and then wanting to continue shacking up with her. First she takes the moral highground and says since they work together it's best that they don't but then later in a scene at the guy's apartment, reasons for them being there escape me, she comes on to him. But what makes her really annoying is how she feels entitled to ask for a pay raise EVERY SINGLE EPISODE! She's so unprofessional, always bringing her personal life to work and I don't know at which company this would be allowed to go on but I don't see new employees going around constantly to their bosses office to ask for a raise because the letters to repay their student loan has started coming in. Who the hell do you think you are?!?!?! And girl, keep your mouth shut when people tell you to keep it on the DL! Or perhaps, PEOPLE, stop telling blabber-mouth stuff you don't want other people to know cos she's got a trapper that just won't shut!

And Viva, the new mom. God, is there a more annoying self-appointed know-it-all. Yes, you gave birth to a child, however, childbirth doesn't come with wisdom and knowledge as a door gift! Woman, you don't know all the answers to life so I wish you wouldn't act like you did! That dine-and-dash in the latest episode, wow, way to set the bar for your kid! I hate how she goes around making all these bad judgment calls and when her boyfriend (and baby daddy) commit nearly identical infractions, she gets all self-righteous as if her shit don't stink! Yes, I went there, I typed that out, hehehe :)

Which brings us to baby daddy, Captain Planet wannabe Lou. Dude, you blather on about the evironment and recycling and how earth is dying yet I saw you blatantly letting the tap run as you vigorously scrubbed the fingers you used to finger that co-worker of yours in your dad's office! If you were so environmentally conscious and not simply pretentious, you would have turned the tap off while you soaped your hands. Letting the water run is called wastage and you so eloquently told Miles after your jog/run that fresh water is a precious commodity and he should have some while he still can. And later in that episode, you allowed said water to run down the drain as you soaped your dirty little secret off! Continuity in character would be much appreciated, Producers!

:D Yeah, that was really getting to me, hehehe. Just needed to rant about them. Not to say there aren't things about the other two I don't like but they are to a lesser degree than those three who always sit on their almighty high horse. I mean, okay, if I wanted to nitpick, I felt Sofia being told off by the customer when she she was working in the donut shop was completely justified. What kind of establishment allows employees to take personal calls as they are serving customers. I wanted to tell her to put the damn phone down and give that man his donuts! And I have a feeling, the way that scene was filmed felt like the viewers were supposed to sympathize with Yelled-At-Sofia and give the indignant customer dirty looks and call him "Ass-hat". The only ass-hat I saw was Sofia. You do not get to attend to your personal business while you're on the clock especially when in the service industry! Just saying. And Miles, I can't really think of anything particularly annoying he's done. I guess I tolerate him because he don't act like he's perfect-yet-misunderstood. He fully realizes he's flawed and he embraces it.

Anyways, mad rant over - perhaps I'm just suffering from F1 withdrawal what with Interlagos having come and gone. And lemme tell ya, what an eventful race that was. Loads of angry, frustrated screaming at the screen when I thought Vettel had messed up at the start and was letting Alonso win it all. I guess Vettel heard me cos he fought tooth and nail to make sure it did not happen. At the end of it all, Vettel's the 3x WDC and I got to see Alonso look all despondent, mulling over how he's been touted as the most complete current F1 driver on the grid yet it's Vettel who is the highest placed WDC. Also probably wondering why he can't win it in a Ferrari when Red Bull is just an energy drinks team. It's been THREE LONG YEARS dude, you should be wondering WTF is going on :D Kimi came in his first year and won both the WDC and WCC. Next year, he helped Ferrari get the WCC. Since you, FAlonso, came in, you've given them squat! Karma's a bitch ain't she, Ferrari. Yes, I know what you did to Kimi - but thanks for that. He was too good for you anyway. Hehehe, how did this turn into an F1 thing? Even so, I feel better having got that off of my chest, muahahaha. Okay, can't wait till next week's epi *rolls eyes* :D