Monday, January 4, 2010

i shouldn't be so bothered

but I am. First, let's get the whole new year thing out of the way. Yay, 2010! First post of the year, woohoo!

Now, on to the rant. So I'm not the most fussiest of eaters but I do try to watch what I eat and as long as my weight isn't any higher than 127 lbs and I can still fit into all my clothes, I'm ok with my body. Like many other women out there, I'd want certain parts of my body to be tinier but overall I'm happy as long as I'm healthy.

Back in November, after coming back from Europe, I fell ill with the most awful viral fever. The only good thing that came out of that episode of sickness was that I lost some weight. Which I knew I'd gain back once my appetite recovered. During this time, my male colleague, who we'll call Y, made a comment about how slim I was looking. I, of course, attributed it to the fever and said that it'll most likely not last.

And it didn't. Whatever weight I lost during that time, I naturally put it back on. I was fine with it as well. Until today. We were sitting at work and it was just myself and Y. It was about 3-ish in the afternoon and I was feeling peckish. That morning I had had one chocolate cupcake for breakfast and lunch was home cooked fried noodle with one sausage, egg and I got one piece of fried chicken. I'm thinking that it's not too bad. So I open up my biscuit stash, Pepperidge Farm's Mint Milano, and offered it to my colleague. He took one and I took one.

Then he started laughing. I asked him what was so funny. He said that he found it amusing that we are both starting off the new year fat. FAT! He called me fat to my face! What guy doesn't know not to tell a woman that she's gained weight??? So I demanded he explain himself. I have not gained any more weight, I'm at the exact weight I was last year in January. At the end of 2009, I was at the weight I was at the start of that year. I figure that's accomplishment enough. But here I get this dude telling me that I'm looking fuller. Oh, he tried to weasel his way out of the verbal mess he got himself into but he didn't make it any better. All the while he keeps glancing at my stomach, which ok, may not be the flattest but stop making me feel even more bloated than I already am. I'm having my period, so I'm retaining water, gimme a break ass! He used fuller, round and went as far as to say that this is all only 'to his eyes'.

Ok, buddy, too late to try to save yourself. I got a bit pissy with him and just asked him to be direct. If he thinks I'm fat then just spit it out. So he comes up with this gem, "To my eyes you look fuller. If you think that you look fuller then you should take care of yourself, do something about it. If you think you are ok, then...." His face said it all, he thinks I should exercise. Look, you're not the perfect example of healthy living yourself! You wanna talk about rotund, let's talk about your pot belly there. That's what I wished I had said but I'm tactful so I just kept quiet and just went back to what I was doing.

He's been getting on my nerves of late. Offering me his pearls of wisdom. You're just a coupla years older than me, don't try to be such a wise old sage. He's been advising me about keeping my mind sharp and having a routine and even telling me how much more religious I should be. I find it offensive but I don't know how to tell this guy to back off. Dude, I keep my mind sharp by reading. A lot. Last weekend alone I finished 3 books. So I'm not on a regimented exercise plan but every other night I put on music and dance for around an hour to and hour and a half. Sigh.

Right. Rant over. First one of the year! Looks like we're off to a great start. Woohoo 2010!!!!

UPDATE (05/01/2010):
Not sure if he did it to placate me but today Y says he was mistaken and that it was most likely the outfit I had on for work yesterday which led him to think I had gained weight. Today he says I look as per normal. I just took it at face value and told him it didn't matter as long as I was healthy.