Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i'm not happy i'm right

Ok, it's not that I'm completely correct in my assessment of her situation prior to her wedding but well, my sis is quite strained after just about a month of wedded (part-time) bliss.

After the ceremony which occurred early December, I now have to hear her tell me about making the matrimonial jump before turning thirty. And to just forget about getting married after that point. Firstly, I'm nearing thrity as it is. In a year or so. That doesn't particularly leave me a lot of time to find someone even if I was desperate to :)

I don't like to think that my feelings and thoughts on her abrupt change of marital status is in any way on the mark. I want my sister to be happy with the decision she made. She tells me to do it early so that my partner and I can grow together instead of trying to integrate two seperate lives into one. I can see why she says this. At her age (she was 37 at marriage time), she's set in her ways and so is her hubby. To then, have to unify these different lives, I can see how stressful it gets. The fact that my new bro-in-law is a complete control freak, which she knew about before getting married and said she could live with, does not help. I feel suffocated by all the phone calls checking up on her. He calls like every 15 minutes. Where are you now? Why is it taking that long to reach that place? How many kilometres is it from Point A to Point B? Shouldn't you have reached there already? Who is sitting next to you? Why is Zlena sitting where she is? And on and on and on and on. He even called the office number to make sure that the number was a working number.

Oh, if it isn't clear as yet, I work for my sister. She's one of my bosses, the MD of my company. It's been a year, I figure I can let the cat out of the bag already. Trust me, it ain't easy working for family. I'm held at a higher standard than everyone else and that is a complete and utter pain in the ass, neck and any other body part you can think of. So, anyways, back to my sister's husband. On and on he yaks for the duration of our drive from the city to the beach town we were to have our Kickoff meeting. Dude, chill and get a life. If you need to check up on her so badly, plant a chip on her and track her on the PC.

At one point during the Kickoff weekend, he was calling for the umpteenth time and before answering she started yelling at the phone, "OMG, what the hell is wrong with this guy? Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone!!!!!" I was quite shocked to witness this but smartly kept my mouth shut. When she tries to talk about it, I just tell her that she knows he's like that so she shouldn't be surprised about his crazy behavior. My mum finds him odd as well. She says he's immature. I don't disagree. I mean, when we were in Paris last year, he kept calling at all times asking her where she was. At one point, her status on Gtalk read "Gone to the Eiffel Tower" which was for the benefit of my other sis, in case she needed to find her, and he immediately called and berated her for telling people on her Gtalk list where she would be because he was uncomfortable (read: irrationally afraid) knowing my sister's Greek ex-boyfriend who is in Greece, would magically appear at the Eiffel Tower to stalk her. LOL! What a nutter!

Also, the dude is always paranoid that people are talking smack about him. The night before their wedding, we were all hanging out at the hotel and some embarassing misunderstanding (for me, that is) occurred while I was talking to my sis so I was shushing her up and doing that pointing two fingers at my eyes and then at her eyes thing signalling it's between you and me so that she wouldn't spill the beans and embarass me in front of everyone. Seeing this, he asks what it was about and I expressly told her to keep mum. He grew huffy and then stormed off to his room. My sis chased after him and after a brief heated discussion, she came back and told us he thought she and I had been talking about him. He also said he did not like at all the whole two-fingers-eye-pointing thing my sisters and I are fond of doing. I just gave up at that point. Whatever dude.

So, yea, I guess the point of this post is somewhere in the long anecdotes I've talked about. Can't be bothered to surmise though.