Sunday, January 10, 2010

sometimes you just marvel at the heinous nature of humans

So I'm just lounging in bed, was actually reading my old blog posts and thinking of doing a write-up on epi 11 of Season 2 "Dollhouse" when I get a phone call from my eldest sis.

Her house got broken into last night. Her jewelry, gaming consoles and other valuable as well as sentimental possessions were taken. It's awful that someone willfully made the decision to enter someone else's property for the sole intention of taking things that do not belong to them.

The person who broke into the house hurt themselves and bled on my sister's white chaise lounge. I'm glad the person got hurt but that's just insult to injury. Couldn't even break into the house mess free, you had to bleed on her expensive white chaise lounge?!?

I'm just sad for my sister because this has happened to her. She always has the worst luck as this isn't the first time she's been in a situation where things have been taken from her. Some of the major incidences include being mugged at knife point, had a snatch-theft incident and now this.

My religion teaches us to think of 50 good thoughts about a person before you condemn them but I'm kind of finding it hard to come up with one. I do not care if you were stealing to put food on the table or you have a loved one dying of some kind of life-threatening disease. Instead of focusing on your own pain, think about the pain and loss you are inflicting on the person you're taking from. Think about how that person will lose their sense of safety/security, think about how that person will possibly doubt the intentions of everyone in the future. It is besides the point that my sister is financially well off enough to recover from the theft but she will never recover from having her sanctuary invaded by an evil, thoughtless and cruel act.

I pray to God that your soul will be saved, Thief, because if you continue down this path, all you'll be accumulating is years in purgatory.

My other sis just texted me to say that she's watching our local CSI at work, dusting for prints to be specific :) Not that it's anything to be gleeful about but it's pretty cool to see life immitate art or art in action. Whichever way one chooses to look at it.

Ughhh. Hate the damned Thief even more now. My Raspberry Mulberry seems to be a casualty of his thieving hands! That bag was kept at my sister's place because she has a special place for all her designer handbags and I wanted my Mulberry to be stored in a good place but now, my poor baby's gone :( I hope he never got to do anything with it. I hope the rain storm last night ruined that bag!

Ok, Raspberry Mulberry is safe after all. Sis moved her handbag collection to her new husband's place to sort through what she was keeping and what she plans on selling off. I guess once one owns a Chanel 2.55 and a Chanel Jumbo, all other purses pale in comparison or something to that effect :P Thank god, my beautiful pink baby is safe. Mummy totally loves you! (Yes, I do realize I'm talking about a handbag but well, I prize them all the same!)