Tuesday, January 12, 2010

reading.....Lauren Conrad's L.A. Candy

So I caved. Once you start Kindle it just becomes an obsession. I've bought up to 50 bucks worth of books from the Kindle store since trying them out back in November.

In a post last year I talked about Lauren Conrad and possibly getting her debut novel L.A. Candy. I had read the reviews and some are just not flattering but I can't tell if it is bias because she's a former reality TV star or that the book just sucks. The price of the book was a lil steep for me and I waited for it to go on some kind of special discount.

And recently, it did. On Kindle. I figured this was a good thing since the book was only published in hardcover and even if the price went down to below 5 bucks I'd still have to pay around about 13 dollars for shipping. The Kindle version was $9.99 which I still considered pricey for an untried author but then Amazon marked down the price to $7.19 and that seemed affordable enough to me.

I got the book on Saturday night and just completed reading it. First thoughts are that it's an enjoyable fluffy read and she does give us a glimpse into what being on a reality TV show is all about. There are things that I did not particularly enjoy such as how the main protagonist Jane Roberts' whole self-effacing demeanor can be quite grating. Gaby, the other girl featured on the show also is someone I can't quite make out. She's portrayed to be this ditzy girl but is she a lovable ditz or a catty one? Sometimes she's sweetly silly, other times she's nasty. Scarlett, Jane's BFF, can also be annoying with her "I'm-better-than-thou" attitude. And Madison is your basic arch-enemy, always looking out for number 1.

Jane's romantic interests in the book are.....interesting :) I liked how LC portrayed Jesse's personality as different from his public persona as I always believe that what we see is not always what goes on behind the scenes. I liked Braden as a character too and understand the conflict but I wished LC had not made Jane hook up with Braden. It seemed predictable, she could have achieved the scandal without having them actually get together. Photos can be suggestive without truly portraying the real situation.

Overall, it was a good read. Like I mentioned, it's a fluffy story, your basic chick lit. I did wonder if she had help writing the book because she never struck me as much of a literary type but perhaps good writer is just one of the many hats worn by the likeable Ms Conrad. Anyways, I would not mind finding out what happens next in the sequel coming out in March, L.A. Candy, Sweet Little Lies.

Disclaimer: Image of the eBook does not belong to me and is courtesy of Amazon.