Thursday, August 19, 2010

that chilled white coffee was a bad idea

I've been on a major cooking kick these past two weeks since coming back from Homeland. I'm being creative and making things from the stuff in my fridge without doing what I usually do - planning out a meal before I enter the kitchen.

It's mainly just me trying to clear out my fridge considering, especially the veggies, I like to buy and they usually end up shriveled up and dry in my crisper.

The meals I've been coming up with are just simple things - soft wrap tortillas with paprika chicken and veggie filling and a sour cream and herb sauce, starter of simple garden salad and double decker tuna mayo sandwiches and a side of baked sweet potato fries, organic paprika-laden parma spaghetti. Basically, if you caught it, the running theme (as in main ingredients) are paprika and herb de provence :)

Anyways, tonight, I downed my gourmet hot dog and sweet potato fries with a tall mug of white coffee. And now, I cannot fall asleep. I am totally annoyed. I have been avoiding coffee for the past two weeks and had no trouble at all till today when I broke my coffee fast. Hence, the blame lies squarely at coffee's feet. White coffee's feet to be exact.

That is why, I'm on my blog rambling at 11:39 pm. Yea, yea, so for some people that's just the start of party time but I am getting up early for work tomorrow so I really want my beauty sleep or else my face is gonna turn into racoon eyes and pizza pie (that totally rhymes:))

Ok, gonna attempt to lay in the dark and hopefully fall asleep but before I do I just wanted to say that I have gotten all of my goodies - no, not these recent purchases but the ones from Gilt-Lush-RueLaLa-NewportNews-Amazon-eBay and am testing them all out. I'm majorly happy with 99% of 'em. There were perhaps two mishaps but I think I can work them out. I might, or will, give my thoughts on them after I've tested the stuff out a lil bit longer cos I really want to give the beauty products especially, a fair shakedown. I don't want to gush or hate too soon without giving a period of adjustment.

Anywho, toodleloo <- It's the coffee speaking *shakes head whilst rolling eyes at own dorkiness*