Sunday, August 1, 2010

watching.....Sex & The City 2

Just finished it and I felt I needed to come on here and write about it. I don't understand how this movie got panned so badly because I found it hilarious and fun and, dare I say, enjoyed it much better than I did the first.

I laughed and I sympathized and gasped and cheered and swooned and it was just so much fun. I love how I am now comfortable with Big and Carrie together. I guess Settled Big is what makes the difference. I was disappointed with the Aidan-Carrie kiss. I felt the betrayal on Big's behalf. And that's saying a lot cos I am a HUGE Aidan lover.

And what can I say.....bad judgment call kiss aside, I still find Aidan sexy and appealing and completely attractive. Just not for Carrie. Carrie does belong to Big now. And Aidan, you have a wife (whom I can't remember) and 3 boys so please don't go around kissing ex-girlfriends thus spoiling that wonderful good guy image you personify.

I enjoyed loose and fun Miranda. She really was a stick-in-the-mud while working at that old law firm. Outside of that, she just seems so enthusiastic about everything. Charlotte is as Charlotte does. Still the same, still trying to project that perfect family personafication. I did love how the writers verbalized her previous struggles to have children versus her struggles as a mother of two. Cos all I was thinking while she looked exasperated with the kids was that this is what she had always wanted. And Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam. Nothing much changes with Samantha. Except for the men she beds :D Ooh, but that Richard/Ricard, however the name is supposed to be spelt, is one yummy man. I swooned when I first saw him, much as Samantha, and the rest of the girls, did.

Overall, I liked it and I really would love if they made a third movie. Please don't let the critics scare you into not making another one ok?