Thursday, August 19, 2010

yay, yay and another yay for UPS

Since becoming an AMEX Platinum holder which has allowed me to shop, shop and shop (A LOT) on US-based e-tailers, I have been a regular UPS customer (not by my own choice, anyways).

Most online sites based in the good ol' US of A use UPS as their forwarder since it probably provides the cheapest means of shipping. Who knows, really...anywho...I have had a bumpy start to my relationship with UPS but now, I have to say, they have really stepped up their game and have outdone themselves delivering parcel after parcel to my Portland addy :D

Today alone, my comGateway addy will be receiving my sister's Newport News order (the one where I snuck in the leather boyfriend blazer for myself - as seen in the above photo, courtesy of the Newport News website), my three seperate KMart shipments and my Macy's/Amazon Unionbay cargos. In one morning! Geez, I love it!

So, UPS, thanks a lot for restoring my faith in your abilities to deliver on time (pun intended)!