Wednesday, July 10, 2013

am ranting.....

I've worked in this godforsaken country for the past 6 and a half years and to this day, I have never met or heard or seen a more corrupt bunch of civil servants. Hey, my country isn't free of corruption inside the government but for god's sake, when serving the public, they've done a great enough job of eradicating the "tea money" culture.

FFS, you are hinting for some money just to receive a letter intended for your Big Boss?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! I am so fucking pissed off at the state of civil service in this country. It's such a greedy, selfish culture. And I just went off on a major diatribe to the local staff too which I feel bad about however true whatever I said was. I told them that they shouldn't have to accept this as part and parcel of dealing with government departments. I was practically telling them that their country is the most corrupted place I've ever been to - which is the truth.

There are elections coming soon but I doubt anyone other than the current ruling party will win. I am gonna call it now and say it'll be a landslide victory. The people have the "Better the devil we know than the devil we don't" mentality. It just pisses me off that this is the image that is promoted to the world. I ain't the only foreigner to have talked about the seriously unbelievable amount of corruption I, myself, have witnessed firsthand. And to then receive the laissez-faire, blase retort, "This is the insert nationality here way".

Sigh. I'm having more difficlty masking my disgust as the years roll on by. I am truly close to my wits end to just upping and leaving. My tolerance of being apart of this culture - even when I do not participate or am an unwilling, kicking-and-screaming, participant - is wearing seriously thin, I feel disgusted to even be standing next to such blatant displays of corruption from the low-level all the way to the top.

I am likely indulging in too much naivete. This is how the world works, no? Money talks? Fuck, I'm getting so disillusioned. How much more of myself do I have to compromise?