Friday, July 12, 2013

sigh, why does this happen around this time every year?

Every year, when one specific colleague takes his month-long leave and I undertake his responsibiliteson top of my own job scope, it will always turn out to be one of the most stressful times work-wise

EVERY YEAR! EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN YEAR I'VE BEEN HERE! I never get a single moment of reprieve. It's stress coming from my own job, the guy's job and then office politics. The office political on-goings are the worst which totally compounds the stress I have from doing the guy's job. I can take my own duties in stride considering I've been doing them for the past 6.5 years but when undertaking so much more on top of my own, I feel like I'm gonna explode.

I hate having my job security threatened every year. This post is somewhat related to the previous rant I had. Man, can I not just do my job? I mean I'm doing it well and things are running smooth so why can't I just catch a break? I'm tired!