Friday, January 27, 2012

having no luck with the postal service

It seems like I have been jinxed with bad postal service for 2012. First, my Strawberrynet package, the one with my over 100 dollar purchase of Murad skincare as well as my friend's fragrance stuff, went MIA.

It took a lot of subtly threatening worded emails as well as calls and personal appearances to finally get my package back. Supposedly it was mistakenly delivered to another address. I'd believe that if the address it was delivered to had some similarities to mine but it was way off. Plus, the person who signed for it, proceeded to take the package back to her home and opened it. Also, once it was delivered back to us, the shipping label had been ripped off. See where I'm going with this. It's a good thing I was actively tracking my package and knew that it had arrived at my district mail sorting center. If not, I could have said goodbye to that package and woe is me cos then there'd be a whole lengthy process of police reports and whatnot. If it's not clear, I believe the package was intentionally delivered to that address as they are all part of a syndicate that takes packages sent during holiday season and sell them off. The recipients are none the wiser if they don't know they should be expecting a package.

Anyways, aside from that, my Blackberry case from eBay has not arrived either. I was lucky with the Strawberrynet parcel cos it was sent via registered mail so I was able to track it, however my case was sent via normal post. There was no other option, if I could, I would have added some insurance for it. Nonetheless, the listing was covered by eBay Buyer Protection so I received my refund from the seller. I just feel bad for these sellers who lose money, not to mention, inventory due to dishonest people working in the postal industry.

Sigh, you hope people will be honest but is that really too much to ask of our society. I hope it eats at their conscience.