Saturday, December 6, 2008

for laughs anytime and a perfect way to spend your weekend.....

visit PassiveAggressiveNotes. I was doing my usual trawl of amazon when I happened on a book in my recommended list titled 'Passive Aggressive* Notes: Painfully Polite and Hilariously Hostile Writings'. It's basically a collection of, most times guaranteed, laugh out loud funny, intentional or otherwise, notes from, to quote the site, "shared spaces the world over".'s review describes the book as.....

"Voyeuristic entertainment, part group therapy, Passive Aggressive Notes offers a fascinating look at the all-too-familiar frustrations of embattled office drones, apartment dwellers, parents, and pet owners everywhere. This curated collection combines dozens of outrageous, never-before-seen notes as well as favorites from a 2008 Webby Award Winner and the official "Best Blog" of the South by Southwest Interactive festival."

So, there's a website, an award-winning website at that! I'm a complete sucker for award-winning everythings (I believe awards validate the awesomeness of a product/service/anything) so thought I'd go check it out and I have not been able to do anything else since. Just thought I'd post the humble beginnings of the site before mosey-ing back for more laughs. I especially loved this post on muscle milk, something I had no idea even existed. Read the comments left as well, they are equally as entertaining, I spent close to 20 minutes just laughing about muscle milk!

A note from the author and site creator, Kerry Miller.....

"It all began with a first date...and not a particularly good date, either. Apparently, things between this guy and his roommate had gotten so bad that they now communicated almost exclusively via Post-it note. Ah, yes, I said, I know those notes well--my current apartment (where I lived with three other roommates) had seen its share, most of them about the presence of unwashed dishes in the sink. They were usually signed with love; they were never addressed directly. I should start collecting them, I joked--put them on the Internet or something. Now that would be passive-aggressive.

Later that night--after it became clear that our relationship wasn't going to progress beyond standard small talk--I decided to do just that. And unlike my roommates' approach to dish-washing, the response to was enthusiastic, immediate, and overwhelming. Within weeks of the site's launch, thousands of notes poured in from shared bathrooms, kitchens, cubicles, and parking lots. (Wrote one reader: "Instead of a single note, can I submit an entire person? Like my mother?") This book represents the funniest and most outrageous of those submissions."

If you enjoy the site and want more, the book is currently priced at USD11.16 on