Wednesday, December 31, 2008

hormones and selective insomnia are not my friends

It's that time of the month. That seasonal time of the year when there are parties and gatherings galore serving non too healthy party food washed down with alcoholic/carbonated beverages and usually lasts till the wee hours of the morning . Thought it was a post about PMS huh? Well, it's that AND about festive celebrations. The annoying after-effects that is.

Anyways, due to the late nights and a visit from dependable Aunt Flo, I have 3 frickin zits on my left cheek AND am suffering from a runny nose and the beginnings of a sore throat. So much for going low tech on the beauty front, lol. I post about beauty routines and skin improvements and BAM! THREE RED BUMPS appear on my cheek. Things like this always happen to me, I start saying something good happening and then the opposite will happen :D I've accepted it as my lot in life to be proven wrong by fate or whichever grand design that God has assigned to control these things :D However, it's not all fate/other grand design's fault. For the past 2 weeks I have been sleeping late, eating a lot of fried stuff and temporarily abandoned my exercise pledge.

Hence, no surprises on the face front nor am I shocked my immune system is so battered down. Just need a few days to recuperate and I'll, hopefully, God willing, be as good as new. Don't want to jinx myself further on this topic so see ya in the new year!