Thursday, January 1, 2009

the party poppers have popped, that leaves us with.....

the start of a new year, Happy 2009! This is the beginning of another 365 days, another 54 weeks, another 12 months. And new (or renewed) New Year's resolutions? What are your thoughts? Are you for them, against them, couldn't care less about them? My own take on them, I have never truly bothered with resolutions made over the new year. I'm from the school of thought made popular by sports brand giant nike; if you want to change, just do it, swoosh :D That being said, when a new year comes around, I do think about the things that I want to get around to doing (more of a nostalgic habit rather than a serious commitment) but not since I was 14 have I put pen to paper and wrote down a list.

And of course, anyone knows that you don't need to wait for the beginning of a new calendar year to make changes in one's life. But it's actually the idea of a fresh start to a hot-out-of-the-oven year that is appealing, motivating and inspiring to most. My own plans for change were put into motion when I started this blog in October, inspired by "A Year In High Heels" and a crossroads of sorts in my life, and this declaration is merely a continuation of my life improvement goals. Since my main aim is personal growth therefore I'm trying out new things, things that I normally wouldn't do, have previously failed to keep doing or haven't had the guts to do. Some are frivolous, some a test of my will, some are to break me out of my comfort zone. Under that umbrella of thought, I thought I'd do a simple new year's list, one with, god willing, achievable goals. And so I unveil .....



Finish reading "Sophie's World" by the end of January and "Atlas Shrugged" by mid 2009 (June at most, I know I'm giving this a wide berth but at least I'm not procrastinating till the end of the year) as these are the two books that seem to trigger my yawn syndrome.

Buy matching pair of undergarment cos every girl should own at least one matching set and I, as of right now, own none, I just colour-coordinate. And sometimes I don't :P

Go to the cinema and watch a movie solo (I have a self-conscious paranoia of being viewed as a saddo with no friends if seen alone at a cinema but eating alone is somehow ok).

Start being more "green" by being more aware of my own actions like remembering to take the plug out of electrical outlets when I leave the house or not putting the tv in standby mode.

Have 10K in untouchable savings by the end of this year.

Make more effort in learning the local language, I foresee this as a tough one to keep as I get complacent when the locals can speak English to me.

Attain my goal weight of 120 lbs from my current 127 lbs through regular exercise (5 days a week) by mid-2009.

Detox every 3 months.

No bag-buying, purses and clutches included, unless it's in Paris, France and the piece is a Louis Vuitton ( I'm a little bit sad about not being able to get the Double Flap Hayden Harnett for Target handbag but a promise has been made and also at this point the gay Paree trip looks unlikely for this year but having something to 'look forward' to might help strengthen my resolve).

Wear any and all clothes bought but yet to be worn. There's a few, ok a little bit more than a few, new pieces (are they still considered new if they were bought almost a year and a half ago although still with tags?) sitting in my wardrobe constantly waiting for the right occasion to be worn. Somehow there never seems to be any since I always revert back to the reliable standbys so the aim is to make the clothes work for any occasion.

E11EVEN (I know there are no double L's in eleven, just making the number fit in)
Own the Nokia N97 by the end of the year.

Bring down the total of my student loans to 15K by December. I hate having this debt hanging over my head but considering the study loan powers that be have eliminated the monthly 'administrative fee' they kept charging on top of the monthly payments I can safely say this target is very much achievable, I just have to keep my commitment to the fixed monthly amount I've set for myself.

To break my bad (for my beauty :P) habit of perpetual frowning. I have a habit of creasing my forehead when I'm in thought, doing work or doing nothing and after nearly a lifetime of it, I am probably on the cusp of that time where I can no longer get away with it wrinkle-free. This of course includes all eye squinting activities as well. Those wrinkles will come, I'm just attempting to delay their arrival a tad. Also, to cross my legs less when I am seated as it is simply bad for you all around.

To be a better communicator. Sometimes I forget that in life you have to nurture the relationships, platonic or otherwise, that you have. As I am a person who is comfortable with her own company, I tend to allow friendships to languish in the back of my mind, occasionally it'll rise up in my consciousness and I'll think, what's going on in so and so's life but still not quite enough to get in touch. Don't get me wrong, once I'm your friend, you have me for life but I tend to be too self-absorbed to keep it going if you're not in my life on a daily basis and it makes me sad when I look back and think of how we've lost touch like that. In saying that, I want to make a more concerted effort to take an interest in the going-ons of my closest pals. And also my family, I need to talk to them on a more regular basis. Should not go a week without talking to them once.

To be more zen. I tend to get high strung especially during that lovely time of the month so I want to make more of a conscious effort to not allow the little things to bug me unnecessarily. Achieving this will undoubtedly help towards lessening the possibilities of coronary-related incidences and make me feel less guilt cos I won't be acting like such a biatch :)


And that's my list of 15 things I would love to start/do/be this year. Having it in digital print allows me at the tail end of '09, to reflect on how many I have managed to achieve (if any) and those I didn't complete and why. I know that some of the items on the list (i.e: items 4, 6-8 and 13-15) will require a continuous commitment on my part extending beyond this year alone. I know the hardest ones to live up to are the ones to do with my character and I'm up against 20-plus years of ingrained behavior but I'm feeling inspired and motivated to prove to myself change can happen if you want it bad enough. Here's hoping 2009 will be a great year for the world at large and on a personal level, an improved-in-the-most-positive-of-ways Zlena.