Tuesday, January 20, 2009

historical world events in my lifetime

In my 20-plus years, I've lived through quite a few significant world changing events. Notably, the devastating tsunami of '04, terrifying hurricane katrina, 9/11, the gulf war, the war on terror, Princess Di's and Mother Teresa's passings, Benazir Bhutto's assassination, horrific earthquakes both in China and Indonesia and so much more. When I look back, most of these world landscape changing events are simply awful, my mind can't seem to wrap itself around nor bear its magnitude. Death and destruction is depressing. So it's with a full heart that I join in with everyone this morning in celebrating a historical world event that rings great joyful significance all around the world, the inauguration of America's 44th President, Barack Obama.

This is positive history-making. I believe this is a progression considering the country's past (the slavery, KKK, the LA race riots, Mexican border issues, Ellis Island and the Mayflower, all persons who fought for racial ambiguity) but does this mean that as a nation, America is finally united? That question is difficult to answer. The new president is not a miracle worker, he is simply a man on a mission to implement positive change. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and pin too unrealistic hopes on the man. Change will also not come speedily, it'll take time but I believe the world as a whole is giving their support to Barack Obama to turn things around for the US.

For the last couple of years, the world over has lost their respect for the self-proclaimed last remaining superpower, confidence and relations eroded by many decisions made by the previous administration as it went on to bully its way (and policies) in places I personally hold they have no right. But that is all, hopefully, behind us. In his inauguration speech, the newly instated president mentions it is....."time for remaking America".....it is that time indeed.

On a wholly unrelated and superficial note, I just wanted to give a happy birthday shout out to Linkin Park drummer Rob Bourdon, may you keep on drumming and entertaining for many years to come. Isn't it cool that he will always remember his thirtieth birthday as the day America swore in the first Black president. The day he turned thirty was a personal milestone for him and a gigantic moon landing milestone for his country. There, managed to tie the 2 events together.....I can be crafty if I want to :D

For some inexplicable reason, each time I read a news item on the changes being put into motion by Barack Obama and his team, I start getting all emo with some kind of here-comes-the-knight-in-shining-armour type feelings and my eyes well up. I have no idea why it's affecting me like this. I know he probably will make decisions that people don't agree on and that his 'reign', realistically, will not be entirely smooth sailing. It's just each time I see his images and read about his plans I just get all.....hopeful, I guess. I don't know how else to describe it. It's really freaking me out!