Friday, January 2, 2009

mellow is my middle name

I just had the most perfect end to a working day. Like I mentioned, I did not get any time off during the past 2 weeks as Christmas time and the period leading up to New Year isn't made into such a big hoopla here. I was working on Christmas day which I don't mind as much since it's not a religious celebration for me so the only day off was the actual New Year's Day itself and since I was a bit under the weather, the day was spent recuperating in bed.

Woke up January 2nd 2009 and I'm feeling good. The fever's gone and my nose is no longer runny. Showered and went off to the daily grind. Work was good today, no incidences, emergencies or catastrophic events. I got home quite early as well as the roads were pretty empty. First things first, checked my work email to make sure I don't have any outstanding work before the weekend (I know it seems as if I'm married to that email account and in some ways it is my primary relationship). Then I decided to do a bit of step aerobics while watching the movie 'Wild Child' starring Emma Roberts (Julia Roberts' niece for anyone interested). An hour and a half later, done with exercise and feeling less guilty about the pounds I most likely gained during my 2 week hiatus, I popped in the Big Mac I bought earlier into the convection cooker for reheating and that was dinner (hehehe, I put in the extra half hour of step to compensate for the Big Mac).

The best part was my completely relaxing bath complete with Lush's Creamy Candy bath bar and vanilla scented candles. I love how the vanilla scent from the bath water clings to my skin and hair, the aroma makes me feel so serene. It's also a plus that I have a king size bed to lounge on as I do some online bill payments and a little window shopping. It's been a good day.