Saturday, January 31, 2009

what i've the month of Janus

Yea, *rolls eyes* I know. I'm one of those fans who try to incorporate Linkin Park song titles/lyrics wherever I can. It's just a geeky fun thing I like to do, sort of a way of paying homage to my fave band. Lame but....I like to do it anyway.

Ok, carrying on. So in keeping with my lifestyle bible "A Year In High Heels", I thought that at the end of every month I'm going to do a recap/surmization of the new things tried out or accomplished. To kick it off, here is January's list:


Smoked an entire choccie cigarello. I'm not a smoker and perhaps have previously ever taken 6 puffs of a ciggie in my entire existence but every time I'm paying for groceries at the supermarket, these chocolate flavoured cigarellos they place at the counters start trying to seduce me and former roomie so we finally gave in and bought a pack. It was disgusting to say the least, the taste/feel that is. And the sight of a couple of non-smokers up on the balcony attempting amateurish cigar smoking, trying to look blase while rapidly sucking down the stick is just hilarious. But it was a fun last gasp activity we did before she left and it's one for the memory book :)

Finished reading "Sophie's World". Woohoo! What a milestone for me, I did it! I overcame my Mount Rushmore. Atlas Shrugged, I will conquer thee. But seriously, I gained a lot of insight. I did come away feeling as if these thinkers who were great influences on civilizations throughout history sought out to contradict each other at every turn. However, I also saw merit in the leanings of each and every one of them.

Danced the chacha, albeit badly, but chacha nevertheless.

Debuted my Mulberry Raspberry. The jewel in my handbag collection. It's basically the single most expensive piece in my wardrobe.

Finally caved and bought a teeny tiny notebook I can stuff in my handbag. I got myself the HP Mini 2133. Can't seem to wait for the Nokia N97 (which is slated for the mobile computing generation). Don't worry dream phone, we'll get together by the end of '09, I promise. Anyway, prior to this purchase, I only had my work laptop provided by the company so I figured it's time to invest in a piece of my own. I was looking for portability as my main criteria cos I don't want to have to lug around a lot of extra luggage when I travel or go for meetings or basically when I'm out and about. And with 2 gigs of ram, 160 gigs of hd space and running XP, I am set. I don't particularly care that the chipset is not Intel.

Planned and booked a vacay to Bangkok at the end of March. This will be my fifth trip to the city. It's one of my most favourite shopping destinations. I'm a complete market hag and absolutely love hoofing it down to Jatujak market. Bargains galore and the things you can find there are great. Jewelery, clothes, shoes, bags (although this will not be on the list of items to purchase due to my vow of bag celibacy), home decor, you name it, they have it. Unique and in-trend stuff too. Also, they have the most awesome shopping mall there, it's called Siam Paragon and it is designer heaven. This is merely a window shopping treat for me. One thing I will do is watch a movie there. The theatre is a completely luxurious experience, I have frequented cinemas in a number of countries including the good ol US of A and bar none, Siam Paragon offers THE BEST cinematic experience for appreciative moviegoers.

Redecorated and reorganized my apartment, not really purging the existence of former roomie, but more like creating a new atmosphere for my newly 'for a single' abode. I've simply moved around a bunch of furniture and hung stuff on the wall. The extent of my redecorating expertise. A trip to Ikea might be in order to add more panache to the place.

Kicked off my 'Wear All Unworn Clothes' campaign. This should be pretty self-explanatory.

Started my detox plan and regular exercise regime. I have been drinking the detox tea every day for the past month and I don't know if it is really helping with purging toxins from my body but this month I did not get any PMS and I have felt more energetic. On the exercise side, I have not reached my 5-days-a-week yet, only up to 4 right now but I have upped time spent on my weekend exercise from an hour to between 2.5 to 3 hours. Although next week I will be homeward bound so there will be a one week hiatus from exercise activities. I'll try and make an effort, it just might not come to fruition :D


And that ends the list. Till the end of Feb.