Friday, January 16, 2009

a labour of love

I'm knackered. Not through doing any physical activities. I was just simply lying on my bed in front of my laptop and spending the last couple of hours redesigning my blog. I was previously using the dots template, one of the limited choices of designs provides for newbie bloggers but in keeping with my personal improvements goals, I thought I'd challenge myself into giving my blog a makeover. I'm the least creatively arty person I know (I can't draw/sketch anything good, even my doodles are rubbish) and putting myself through hours of colour pallettes and image editing in MSPaint (medieval right?) is what I would perceive as a form of excruciating torture.

Thank god for '' where I got this background. That simplified the whole process quite a bit. The site provides free backgrounds with some of the most fun designs I've seen. It took me quite some time to go through their inventory and after I had picked out a few designs that I liked, I needed to test drive them. The method they suggested to incorporate the background into your existing template is simple. Just go to the 'Layout' tab on your blogger dashboard and pick 'Add A Gadget'. Once the new window opens, scroll to 'HTML/Javascript', click on the '+' to add the script provided, save and voila, background incorporated! This made the background design elimination process easy to do as you just have to modify the background design image location in the javascript. After making my choice, I, however, did not like the minima layout you have to revert to prior to applying the background so what I did next was a bit of coding modification to the dots template to incorporate the background from '', doing away completely with the javascript, enabling moi to set up the blog exactly as I'm comfortable with.

Nonetheless it's done now, I worked hard and it most definitely took me more time than I would have otherwise spent on something like this. I do have to say I like the results despite a few sloppy editing :) I think it best reflects the state of mind I'm NOT usually in, airy and carefree (those 2 words could be describing the same thing, I can't tell the difference right now, suffering from pantone overdose). I do wish I had fluffy pastel thoughts 24/7 though, that would definitely be a trip :D