Thursday, January 29, 2009

what ties you to the tube

I follow a lot of tv shows. I get word of a tv show and if it seems intriguing, I'll make an effort to seek it out. Most times, I'll end up getting into it and become a follower. Some are now defunct due to low ratings and some have run their tv series course. It's always disappointing of course but there are always other tv shows to fill in the gap. My first fave series would have to be the '80s hit "V". I also was very much into "The A-Team" and "Air Wolf". Ok, looking back, I liked a lot of covert ops style action tv didn't I? That's probably cos I'm a military brat and growing up in that kind of environment, well it seeps into your consciousness, all the tanks and missiles, etc, etc.

But I believe the tv series that has stood the test of time and repeated viewings, without EVER coming off as lame, or evoking why-did-I-invest-time-watching-this feelings or being boring after the umpteenth watch, is "Friends". I can watch Chandler, Monica, Joey, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross over and over and over and, one more time, over again without getting bored AND will still manage to laugh no matter if I've seen the epi perhaps 50 times ("The One With Princess Consuela" anyone?). Even "Gilmore Girls" and "Sex and The City" can't compete with "Friends" and I profess my love for "Gilmore Girls" and "Sex and The City" to anyone who will listen. Speaking of which, I really miss "Gilmore Girls", I miss seeing Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel (and it should go without mention, Matt Czuchry, but I'm mentioning him anyway) every week. With "Sex and The City", the series came to a satisfying ending. Granted, I was more in Aidan's camp but I do admit Carrie and Mr Big was a justifiable ending. "Gilmore Girls", however, ended on a completely ambiguous note. It left a lot of loose ends, not because there's a movie version planned or anything but because the show was in talks for another season before everything broke down and the show officially went off the air.

But through watching these 3 shows, I fell upon other shows. I started watching "Supernatural" and "Heroes". This was because the star of "Supernatural", Jared Padelecki, and Milo Ventigmilia from "Heroes" were both on "Gilmore Girls" playing Rory's paramours. In Milo's case, he played Alexis's real life boyfriend as well. Back then anyways. Another reason I started watching "Supernatural" was because I had previously liked "Dark Angel" and the dashing and handsome Jensen Ackles who played Alec was the other star of "Supernatural" so naturally I'm not going to miss out on some gorgeous eye candy. I am also a fan of "Lipstick Jungle", because the series is an adaptation of Candace Bushnell's book of the same name and Candace Bushnell also had another book made into a seven seasons long show, "Sex and The City". I love "Lipstick Jungle" especially Lindsay Price's character Victory Ford. But unfortunately, word on the street is the show is being put out to pasture due to low ratings which really sucks as it is a fantastic show. Another show I am currently following but as of yet I am unsure if it's on the chopping block or not is "Dirty Sexy Money". I love this show as well but it does not look good for Peter Krause, Donald Sutherland and co.

Comedies I am currently into are "Samantha Who?" starring Christina Applegate and the delightfully hilarious "How I Met Your Mother". I find Christina Applegate is a great comedic actress from her turn as Rachel's bratty, spoilt sister in "Friends" so was intrigued when this series started. It is funny and I completely enjoy Sam's journey rediscovering herself. The "Friends"-esque "How I Met Your Mother" is something I just recently got into. I had heard about it ages ago but because I find Neil Patrick Harris icky due to his time on "Doogie Howser, M.D" I didn't tune in. But a friend insisted that I give this show a shot and when I was still hesitant, she gave me one episode to watch to try to get me onboard.....the one where Robin's teen secret is revealed :D That was soooooooo funny, I think I watched it about 10 times the first day and I have been hooked ever since, I even find Neil Patrick Harris's portrayal of Barney attractive and that's saying a lot!

The word-of-mouth system has also played a part in generating interest in tv shows for me. I am a lurker on the TWOP forums (Television Without Pity) and from them have gotten into a number of shows. While on the "Gilmore Girls" forums I kept reading about this other tv show about a high school girl playing detective. The show was called "Veronica Mars" and this petite blonde chick who does not look like she can lift a textbook let alone fight the scum of Neptune, Veronica Mars played by Kristen Bell, is the show's protagonist. I followed V Mars all the way to college and then she was not renewed, I pouted for a few weeks but life goes on. So there ends my affair with Veronica. Other shows I found through the internet are "Greek", which has remained relatively quiet after the Christmas break but should start up again in February/March I think so there's still hope it won't be discontinued, "Dexter" (Michael C. Hall is totally hot as a serial murderer killer cum blood forensics expert) and "Friday Night Lights" (my lil bit of Texan pleasure, I actually don't get American football but it never seems to stop me from enjoying football themed series/movies). I am also a mucho huge fan of "Brothers and Sisters" and "Prison Break", though I recently read "Prison Break" will be ending this season and there are plans to write out Balthazar Getty's character from the main cast due to his thing with Sienna Miller.

Then there are the shows that I started following because they were good but now are just meh though I can't seem to give up on them completely. These shows are "Grey's Anatomy", "Desperate Housewives" and "One Tree Hill". Let me just say, I have hated the whole Derek-Meredith tug of love war that went on for the first 4 frickin seasons. When Meredith nearly died in that big ferry accident and while in her coma she saw "the light", I screamed for her to RUN TOWARDS IT, unrealistically I might add (i knew it wasn't going to happen but one can always try right?), and that this would signify the end of that tired, worn out storyline. I stopped watching Greys after that and have no idea what happened between then and the end of the fourth season except for what my sisters have casually slipped into conversations. I recently got back on the G-Train this current season, cos I was bored during the barren Christmas hiatus and discovered the show has mellowed out and things are looking good again 'cept for the weird Izzie-Danny storyline which is quite hard to swallow. Even Teri Hatcher's Susan Meyer is unbelievably bearable this season in "Desperate Housewives". She used to annoy me to kingdom come and I only ever watched the show for Felicity Huffman but at the end of the last season, I saw that they brought on Gale Harold, who I had seen in "Queer As Folk", and had to tune it to see how that played out. Well, he wasn't on the show that long because he got into an accident in real life and just recently came out of a coma I think so they broke Susan and Jackson up. Nonetheless, the show is doing good, no too-freaky for the suburbs kinda happenings. Ah, "One Tree Hill". Yes, I am guilty of watching this hard-to-believe show. I started watching cos it was good in the first 2-3 seasons then things just got wilder and wilder and crazier but I stuck on. I got my wish (sorta) when Peyton and Lucas finally got together, yet again, but somehow, of the past 2 epis, I have found Peyton to be annoying as Luke's fiance. Too cloying. But like the show, I will continue to trudge on beside it, I don't believe it can go on much further.

Now, of course, who can leave out "LOST". I have followed "LOST" from the moment it debuted till now with a brief break from season 4 because I completely forgot about it. I'm all caught up now cos, again, during the Christmas break, there's just simply nothing to watch. I love a tv show that can make me go WTH! and gasp in mega surprise. Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams reeled me in when they threw out that polar bear on a tropical island bit. I am a sucker for weird, implausible stuff like that. There's only one thing that's changed for me on "LOST" and that's my liking of Locke. I used to have a soft spot him but now he just seems like he's gone all ape-shit crazy. But it's ok, there's always Desmond to make it all better. Next in line is of course, Gossip Girl. Yup, I need my clothes and handbag fix and this show has them in designer shopping bag upon designer shopping bag. It's practically a course in haute couture. I love the clothes and shoes and the handbags, they had me obsessing on the Foley+Corinna Jet Set tote carried by stunt cast Lydia Hearst in the last epi of Season 1 for weeks (I'm still slightly in love with it). The storyline is merely so-so, the show only remains a fave because of the awesometastic styling department!

So as can be seen (or read), my viewing pleasures are many and diverse. It seems a bit on the insane side to be watching/following this many shows but the tube and I have something special and this keeps things interesting for both of us. I wouldn't want it any other way ;P