Friday, January 9, 2009

global warming has seriously messed up the weather

It is soooooo frickin cold right now! My hands and feet are freezing, the wind is blowing so hard it's rattling the window panes and I'm wearing 3 layers of clothing with my blanket wrapped tight around my body. I dread going to shower in the morning cos my heater is on the fritz and ain't working so I'll have to do a few trips with the water pot, crossing the length of the ice cold floor of my kitchen, living room and bedroom to be able to have a nice warm bath.

But seriously, in a span of one year, the weather change has been really stark. Although it doesn't snow here and it's the biting cold wind is what characterizes their winter, I noticed the 'cold period' has moved from the normal November-December months to January. We were still experiencing relatively warm days in December which I had thought was odd cos last year at the same time I was going to work bundled up in double layers but it looks like 'wintertime' has finally arrived, albeit very late. However, the winds are so strong now, much worse than before and the cold is nearly unbearable, at night it wakes me up often and during the day freezes my limbs (think along the lines of Summer in San Francisco).

I can't help but think this is global warming at work, messing with the climate. It's scary how our actions can seriously affect the environment in this way. In recent years I have been more aware of the issues affecting the environment and have tried in my own small ways to reduce any environmentally unfriendly behavior. I can only hope that any of my small actions will contribute to make a difference.