Monday, January 19, 2009

the internet never ceases to surprise me

I was reading this person's blog, a blog that I occasionally check in with cos she's quite popular and I like to see what she's been up to, and found today's post was a rant about people from another blog badmouthing her. Personally I feel responding just fuels the fire further but that's just my opinion. I think that if you have a blog that you advertise and want people to follow, then you should have thicker skin and rise above the pettiness. As much as you have a right to post about what you want, other people have the right to comment on your post, irrespective if they agree/disagree with you and you shouldn't take it too much to heart.

Anyways, that's not the point of this post. In her rant she mentioned the people involved by name and because of her rant, I was intrigued and motivated to go and find this blog that had this post about her. Sucks doesn't it that your acknowledgement of the post through your blog rant translated to this other person getting blog traffic. Hence the whole attitude of rising above such things. I don't think it makes you a pushover, a more laissez-faire attitude would probably stop those comments. These people only want to provoke you into fighting back and get all pissy exactly like what this particular blogger did.

Again, went off topic. Back on track, so after much investigating (i.e: googling) in which I had to trudge through 2 other blogs, also discussing the post as some of them were cited in the controversial post as well OR are friends with those mentioned, before finally getting to the much talked about blog. I read her most recent entry and was a bit taken aback by the profanity in the post, this person is very direct and unapologetic about what she (although the blog identity is female, it could also be a he, who knows, it's the internet) blogs about. One of her blog's aims are to rag on people who blog incessantly about their high-flying lifestyles in a manner, she claims, that serves not to incite healthy envy/feelings of admiration but just a feeling of distaste at the person's perceived lordliness above everyone else, their indulgent self-love. C'mon, I believe all people who blog have a bit of narcissm drive them. I'll admit to it. I love seeing my words in print. Even if it's just me reading them. But through all this ballyhoo, again I would say, people, blog about anything you want. I went through her blog and all I can say is OUCH! I would really not want to be at the end of her whacking stick. But free speech and all, whatever.

Ok, the actual surprising thing was that she also unmasks people who commit blog plagiarism. I did a double take on this. WTH? What in the world could blog plagiarism mean? I found out soon enough. Apparently there are people out there who copy other people's posts and make it their own. My reaction to this was to go "HUH?". Why would you want to copy someone else's thoughts and pass it off as yours? Don't you have any ideas of your own? What is the point of blogging if it's not to speak about issues that concern/bug you? I mean I find it hilarious there are people out there who go around filching other people's blog posts, lol. As I'm typing that I actually giggled. I just find it unbelievable that some people would stoop to this. If you don't have any ideas then don't blog about that topic right? Anyway, this person who outs these 'plagiarist' provides incriminating evidence of the plagiarist and the plagiarised. *Snigger* I just find it funny.

Phew, well, that's actually how I spent my lunchtime.....and yes, it may seemed like a waste of my lunch hour but who cares, I found I had something to say about it. Pilfer my post anyone? :P