Sunday, December 14, 2008

what's not to love about lazy sundays

That's the kind of day this has been. I am now feeling less manic after the last post. Today has been good for me. No phone calls, no work interruptions, just a whole day of nothingness :)

As on most Sunday mornings, I woke up early today to do my weekly load of laundry. It's a communal laundry room and we practice a first come first dibs kinda rule. As this is the land of perpetual sun, our building does not have any dryers so I need to do the laundry early in order to milk all that sunny goodness for all its worth. While waiting for the clothes to be done, I'll usually try go back to bed for about an hour, else I'll catch up on the news, digitally of course. Once my alarm rings and I've gotten the laundry hung, however much I'd love to continue catching up on my Zzzzz's, my body is usually awake by now and I know it's a lost cause to try to trick myself into sleeping in. Today I got my laundry done by 8 a.m and after giving myself a breakfast of 1 blueberry muffin and a cup of hot choclate, I decided to treat myself to some tv extravaganza. I have been queuing up the entire Desperate Housewives Season 5 episodes and so for half a day I had a DH marathon.

At about 12 p.m, I'm done with 7 epis and am realizing I am hungry. I run down to the kitchen, ransack around and I realize that I need to make use of some romaine lettuce I had bought, before it renders itself inedible. Salad it is then. I make myself a big bowl of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, onions and a grilled chicken sausage topped off with one third of french dressing and a lot of parmesan cheese. *Grins*. I attempted to be healthier food-wise but well, I also want my food to taste good. At least I'm loading up on plenty of veggies, let's not think about the amount of dressing OR cheese that went in. Lunch was washed down with a glass of low-fat milk.

It's now a lil bit past 1 and I decide to do some web crawls. While surfing, I fell asleep and managed to nap for about an hour and a half before waking up at 3-ish p.m. I'm now feeling a choclate pang coming up but what's left in my hershey's choclate mix is not to my fancy, I decide to make a choclate ice blended drink instead. With 12 pieces of Whoppers, 1 mini Hersheys bar, a packet of hot choc mix and 2 handfuls of ice. Oh, the heavenly taste of ice cold malty choclate goodness going down my throat was beyond delicious. Took in my laundry and switched on my Wii. Did an hour and a half of WiiFit and a housemate of mine pops by to give me some tea, banana fritters, yummy!

After a long leisurely shower, I tackle the day's laundry in front of the tv. By the time I'm done folding and arranging my closet, I am beyond lazy to think of dinner so I nibble on some biscuits while continuing my relationship with the tube. And now here I am, typing up my non-descript day before I nod off to sleep.

There's nothing like a lazy sunday :)