Friday, December 26, 2008

one more rung up the ladder

For most companies, December is when the yearly employee performance evaluations are conducted and as I mentioned in one of my recent posts where I went a bit off my rocker, the place I am working at were in the midst of our project team's appraisal. Well we had our evaluation meeting last Friday and I am glad that I, and in the bigger picture, the rest of the team, have come away unscathed!

Considering the state of the global economy where a lot of industries are slashing their workforce, which incidentally were some of the issues brought up in my individual meeting, I am extremely blessed to be able to have gotten a promotion to a senior executive position with a 20% bump in pay. Receiving the official letter during the company Christmas/New Year team dinner, I felt overwhelmed by the gesture on the part of the company. Granted, in the grand scheme of things, our business remained relatively unaffected by the problems facing most other companies worldwide but I still took those factors into consideration and was not expecting much. I feel completely gratified, valued and as I recall the myriad of stresses I faced this past year, the end result has made all the hardship worth it.

In addition to the pay raises and for some, promotions as well, the company also announced that our annual company trip would still go ahead as planned. This elevated the already bouyant mood of the team to practically euphoric status with some individuals getting all silly with fist pumping and going all apey, lol. And there wasn't even any alcohol involved!

All in all, in the run up to the new year, I hope that this is a sign for more prosperous things to come, not only for myself but for the team and the company as a whole. I am grateful for the past year's experience in which I was assigned more work in the vein of project managerial duties as now it has provided me with a good practice run for the additional responsibilities I will undertake in the coming year. And on a more global scale, I sincerely hope that the global workforce is able to start recovering from the hits taken in the past year faced with a sluggish world economy.

I still do want my weekends to be uninterrupted though :D