Wednesday, March 4, 2009

if you had to choose, would you pick.....

death by shark attack or death by croc attack? I can hear those who say neither but just play along. So the topic's morbid, violent death and all, but I think it's a valid question to ask oneself. A lil backstory as to how this post came about. This mornig at work, my colleagues and I were minding our own business when one of us spotted a cockroach. I'm not afraid of them but it's not like I want to be best buddies and keep one as a pet. One of my male colleagues is quite disgusted by these roaches and can't stand to be around them (he's straight and already married :D) and was insisting someone get rid of it, namely not him. As someone went about whacking the roach with a broom (moi), we started talking about animals/insects that creep us out. And that's when I started going off on crocodiles and my hatred of them. My colleagues actually sat around listening to me rant and rave about them for a good half hour :p All the while being productive, of course. I mean the mouth can move but so should those hands. Gabbing is not an excuse to stop doing work (see boss, if you ever accidentally stumble on this blog, we are a responsible and hardworking team).

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. My personal choice.....I definitely would pick shark attack. I'm under the impression that it's quicker and survival rates seem higher in shark attacks. Whereelse crocodiles just freak me out. They are the one animal I completely loathe in the animal kingdom. I mean, how sadistic can the animal get? It doesn't offer you a quick bite of death but instead clamps on you as tight as it needs to so you can't get away and then drags you down to the depths of the river to drown you, all the while thrashing you around like a chew toy. So not only are you being crushed by the bacteria-filled steel jaws of death but at the same time have to suffer the inconvenience of a spinning head (due to all the thrashing) and drowning as well. And even if you do manage to get away limbs intact, the bacteria from the bite will possibly cause you to lose it anyway as it'll turn your wound gangrenous.

From numerous viewings of this one show on the Discovery Channel, I think it's called "I Shouldn't Be Alive", and having watched reenactments of both croc and shark attacks, I would say sharks just grab on and try to tear you to pieces. Hopefully, by that time, if it's looking more likely that death is imminent, you'd probably have lost consciousness at this point. However, if there's a chance of escape and you are near enough to the shoreline, the shark can't follow you up to land. So yea, shark attacks rule over croco attacks. I mean that reptile can live comfortably in the water AND on land. How much more greedy can it get?

I mean, seriously, make up your you wanna be a land animal or an aquatic one? Sharks don't have that identity crisis. It firmly knows it belongs in the water. Another thing with the greedy crocs is that they also wanna hog all types of watery domains. There are freshwater crocs and saltwater crocs. They couldn't just leave the salty waters to the sharks, they needed to put their scaly selves there as well. The only way you'll find a shark in freshwater is if it's lost. And how unfair is it that, not only do crocodiles swim like a fish (hehehe) but they are also nimble on land. AND even if you were confronted by an obese croc, thinking that you have some kind of advantage, well think again. Crocs have a swishy tail that'll still manage to knock you off your feet waaay before you managed to run away from it.

So, there you have it. This isn't some irrational fear I have of this reptilian creature, I believe I've posed valid arguments that prove the complete horribleness of crocodiles. The only way I'll get close to one is if its in a 10 foot high enclosure or its already made into a nice handbag.

Phew! Ok, vent over. Needed to get that off my chest or else I'd probably be bugged by it for days. But one thing I'll admit, crocodiles are one of God's more magnificent creations. Science-wise, it's an intriguing and complex creature, the croc. It can slow down its heart rate and has some kind of trap door in its mouth to prevent itself from drowning (which is apparently the part you want to try and jab if you ever find yourself in the jaws of old scaly log), the ugly scales act like all-over recpetors sensing unusual water movements of potential prey, the eyes go all glow-in-the-dark (something semi-cool about them that I don't hate) and so on, so forth. Croc, I don't like you one bit but you do have my respect. We'll just agree to keep our distances from one another eh?