Tuesday, March 31, 2009

march-ing to the beat of the monotonous drum

Yes. If it still isn't obvious. I will try to come up with the corniest post titles for my monthly recaps. I have a few titles in mind for the coming months but I figure september, november and december will pose a bit of a conundrum :) On to my good friend March.

March! What HASN'T happened in March? Well, quite a bit of things but it is my most favouritest month of the year. Partially because this was the month in which I was born. A lot of notable persons were born in March. Namely Albert Einstein who was born on 14th March. A lot of musicians are born in March. Chester Bennington and Joe Hahn from Linkin Park, Stephen Gately and Ronan Keating from the boyband Boyzone (yes, I was a huge groupie back in the day). Eva Longoria is a March baby. And if I recall correctly Lord Byron was also a member of the March family as well. The amount of talented people who have made their mark on the world that are born in March is astounding! And it's especially better if they are Pisceans to boot.

March also is the start of the Formula 1 racing season, usually on the last weekend of the month. That's when the cars, and my heart, start revving. Thus begins my weekend hermit personality. I simply loathe having to be out and away from the sports channels on a weekend and most times I am successful at avoiding having to step out during this time. I mean, like I mentioned before, how else is Kimi supposed to get the extra push to drive better and faster if I'm not in front of my tv urging him on during the LIVE telecast. It's anti-climatic and completely useless to be doing it AFTER the live showing or during a repeat/delayed telecast cos by then there is no changing the outcome of the race. If you get to yell during the race and something good comes out of it, makes you feel as if the shouting played a part, hence making YOU feel good to have made a contribution :D

March 15th is also the date signalling the start of the Spring Equinox. After the long, dreary winter season, the first flushes of Spring begins in March, signifying the birth/rebirth of new life. How wonderful that most living forms come awake during this time of the year. It gives a sense of newness and hope (ok, perhaps I'm stretching a little bit).

On a more personal front, it was in March that I made my first solo travel arrangements. What I mean is that although I have been on planes all by my lonesome multiple times, I have always been picked up at/left the airport in the company of people I am familiar with. This time, I had to make my own way to/from Bangkok city and considering my past experiences with taxis in Bangkok, I felt a bit on the apprehensive side. Just to comment; Thailand is a thriving Asian holiday destination, the least the tourism board can do is ensure that their taxi drivers UNDERSTAND AND SPEAK BASIC ENGLISH! For the 3 times in the past 2 years that I have gone there, everytime I step into a taxi is always a frustrating experience. English is the universal language, learn to speak it cabbies! Also, geez, drive with more regard for your passenger's life if not your own! The way they speed down the highway, it seems like their arse is lit on fire! And that's me putting it politely. But despite the tip fee debacle and taxis making sure the speedometer maximum limit works, as can be seen, I survived the experience. Maybe I'm paranoid but, a single female travelling alone is not a matter to be taken lightly. A number of unspeakable things could have occured but if precautions are taken, maybe they can be prevented. It makes me sad that this is the kind of world we live, where we have to be suspicious of anyone and everyone.

Besides that, there have been nothing really note-worthy. I shopped (clothes, books, shoes), watched my tv shows, cooked and baked, decorated, y'know, mundane stuff like that. April should be more or less the same :)