Friday, March 6, 2009

watching.....In Bruges

Am doing an awards season movie marathon roundup. Well, movies that interest me anyway. One of the movies I just watched, won Colin Farrel a Golden Globe. "In Bruges". Starring Colin (as if I know him on a first name basis :P), Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes, it is a comedy about being hitmen in the killers-for-hire business.

When I first heard of the movie, I thought the title was just weird. I had no idea Bruges was a town in Belgium. The thought just occurred to me, is Bruges even a real place or completely fictional? Will google it later. Instead I thought "In Bruges" was a gaelic word/phrase :P The question of what is Bruges was answered in the first 15 minutes of the movie so I wasn't bothered with the mystery of the title for too long.

The plotline:

Colin Farrel is Raymond, a newcomer to the business, who on his first job shoots down a priest in a confessional box but in the process, accidentally kills a little boy caught by the spray of bullets from his gun. Ken, his mentor, played by Brendan Gleeson, whisks him away into hiding in a fairytale-esque medieval town called Bruges in Belgium on the orders of Ralph Fiennes's character, Harry, who, I think, is the head of the whole operations. Led to believe they are in Bruges for 2 weeks, or till it rains, to wait out the accidental murder of the little boy, Ken leads around a surly and whiny Raymond around the town, visiting famous landmarks and soaking up the Bruges culture. Raymond, however, has other things on his mind. Wracked with guilt by the accidental killing, he begins to have suicidal thoughts. Meanwhile, Harry issues a directive to Ken. He must off Raymond for shooting the little boy. In their business, children are off limits and what Ray did was unforgivable, accident or otherwise. When Ken fails to kill Ray and even stops Ray from killing himself, instead putting Ray on a train out of Bruges, Harry makes his way to Bruges to deal with the errant Ken. What happens from this point, I won't tell, it's best to watch the movie and see how it turns out. All I can say is that it surprises me the high level of integrity found in the hitman business.

Ok, from reading my summary of the movie, it seems more dark and disturbing than funny haha. It IS dark and disturbing BUT done in a completely comedic way. I laughed out loud at soooo many points in the movie. The acting was spot on by all three. Raymond and Ken were completely endearing and lovable and Harry with his code of conduct showed that even in the business of killing, there's always some form of ethical lines you just don't cross. All said and watched, it was a lovely, entertaining movie starring an on form Colin Farrel who deserves the Golden Globe he won for the role.