Thursday, March 26, 2009

that lil thing called lazy

Yea. I'm at it again, the lazy has taken me over. I don't look to blogging as a chore, it's actually a method of self-expression and a way to record all my thoughts/memories/experiences. That's why I don't blog for the masses, merely for the audience of one. Moi. Writing has always been a cathartic release for me. I wrote all the time when I was younger, mainly short stories. Some were published in school newspapers/college magazines and some others were for my eyes only.

This blog is mainly for my eyes only. I guess some people could say that if I don't write for other people to read, what's the point of it being public? The reason is simply because I just don't care. I blog for me, myself and I. If it so happens somebody stumbles upon this blog and decides to read it, she/he is welcome to. But I digress.

Like the title suggest. I have been lazy. It's not that my thoughts were completely switched off for the past 2 weeks or so but instead it was the opposite. There were just too many things going on that I could not catch up with them fast enough to blog about them. And when that happened, I just thought to hell with it, I'll start up again when things have calmed down.

And so things have. There are a few things that I wanna type up but I thought I'd do a transient post to give myself a kick in the @$$, something to get me back into the swing. However there is a possibility of this transit write-up being a long transit cos I am headed to Bangkok tomorrow and am debating whether my gorgeous, revamped HP 2133 is coming along with me or not. If the decision falls in the not category it thus would definitely limit any and all lingering effects of this kick-in-the-rear-end post. Perhaps if I am not feeling too lazy, there'll be another one that follows this. The thoughts are there, I just need to get my fingers to type them. But if not, then, I bid adieu to you my beautiful blog and sawadee to the land of smiles!