Thursday, March 12, 2009

of early mornings and beauty treatments

I managed to fall asleep at a reasonable 10:30 last night, mostly due to the 2 hours worth of sleep I got the day before but I still ended up waking at 4:30 again. So, I thought I'd just get on with my day like I did yesterday. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, had coffee and leftover banana fritters I ate at teatime for brekkie. Then I was stumped, was a lil too early for a shower. I was looking for something to do to while away about 2 hours so I thought why not do a facial!

I had half a clay mask packet that I was waiting to use during the weekend as a birthday prep treat but thought might as well get a head start on the face pampering, haven't been doing my body any favours with the crazy sleeping schedule. And there I was, slathering on blue self-heating goo on my face at 5 am. I wonder if there is an optimal time for facials? I dunno if it was the bleariness but after 45 minutes and a rinse in the sink, I felt my skin was feeling and looking mighty good! Better than when I usually use the mask, which is on Saturday afternoons, if I remember to do so that is.

Since it was still quite a bit of time till I wanted to prepare for work, I got out my pore strips and slapped one on my nose. I like to leave them longer than the recommended 15 minutes, at least twice as long. Some silly belief that the strip gets a better grip on those pesky grease blocks clogging the nose area. After a satisfactory passage of time, I pull off the strip and take it over closer to my lamp, I like to see what kind of gunk has been clogging my nasal pores. People can say it's disgusting but I'm sure more than half of the people who use these pore strips do the EXACT SAME THING! I am pleased with the job done by the strip and throw it in the wastebasket (now, if I had kept it aside for god knows what reasons, THAT would be disgusting and just plain weird...*shudders* GROSS!).

It's still 30 minutes till 6:40, which is when I usually get up for work so I continue googling and reading other people's blogs to fill in the time. That's when I saw this review on someone's blog about this charcoal and kaolin clay facial bar soap from Japan. I read her experience with the soap (tightened pores, stubborn zits be gone, immediate smoother complexion effect right after washing) and it convinced me to give this soap a look. I'll have to google around and read up on some more stuff on this thing before I get it. It's USD10 and I don't know the size. Before I plonk down 10 bucks, I'd like to know what my money's getting me in this economy, as do many other people. Well, I do that regardless what the state of the world's finances are. Pelican Deitanseki Clay & Charcoal Facial Cleansing Bar is what it's called.

Sounds so samurai-ish. I'm always attracted to black facial stuff, it seems intriguing to me, better than all the white/off-white products out there. I seem to like those glycerin soaps with bits of stuff (petals and such) inside as well. I think they're awesome. As you can read, doesn't take much to impress me. Anyways, if I do get the totally cool black soap, I can assure I'll be doing a post about it soon after :)

Oh well, off to work now, toodles!