Saturday, October 23, 2010


Ok, so I've really been back to Workland for five days now but the blogging bug just wasn't biting. I wanted to but laziness got the best of me. As it always does :)

Anyways, I mentioned I was going back for a gal pal's wedding reception and the whole do was great. In fact, the whole trip was a blast. First day back was the sleepover we five gals had in one of the hotels in the city. We were minus one as the new bride needed her beauty sleep and staying with us would have meant gossiping till the wee hours of the morn - simply not good for looking one's best for her big do the day after. But all 6 of us did manage to have dinner together before heading back to our suite for a lil bit of talking till about 11:30 pm when Bride went home. The rest of us stayed up till one by one fell prey to fatigue - some of them were working that day. I was up till 4 am with Oz and 1st-To-Marry. We only decided to get some shut eye cos we had plans for the entire day and knew we should rest or else we'd be flat-out dead by mid-morning.

I managed to sleep till 8 am. That's when my body clock woke me up and I joined Dr in the living room. Dr had gone to bed super early - 10:30 the night before so she was well-rested. We had a chat while waiting for some signs of life to stir in the suite. Once 1st-To_marry and Glue awoke, we headed for the hotel restaurant; letting Oz sleep in since she didn't want to go for the complimentary brekkie. After getting some food, we knew we had better get a move on our day of leisure so all of us cleaned up (yea, we went to breakfast without showering - big deal) and by 10:30 am we were all checked out and ready to have a fun day of shopping and eating, hehe. Dr couldn't join in for this so it was us 4 gals.

So to iterate the day would make this a REALLY long post so I'm just gonna squeeze in the important bits. We were all excited to become ladies of leisure for the day and we shopped A LOT (ok, if I'm honest, I only got myself a belt and that was out of necessity since my Unionbay cargo pants were falling down constantly). We ate really good food; doing our ladies who lunch bit - yes, being ladies for the day seems to be the running theme cos we even discussed living life planning charities and doing flower arrangements, lol. And we ended our day by getting a 2-hr Balinese Aromatic Massage package at this great lil boutique spa. Totally heavenly - it started with a 5 minute herbal detoxing foot bath followed by a 2-hr Balinese massage with your choice of aromatic therapy oil (ok, it was only between lavendar and eucalyptus - I chose the latter) and it ended with a soothing cup of hot ginger tea. THE PERFECT WAY TO END A GREAT GIRLS' DAY OUT! Seriously, that was my first oil massage and I am in love! And best of all, it only costs 32 smackaroos!

Then we all went our seperate ways - I hadn't even seen my family save for my parents who picked me up from the airport and then dropped me off in town. I was sorely missing my lil kiddies and my sisters. So I went home Friday night and spent time with the fam. Saturday was spent going grocery shopping early in the morning and mid-morning I went to get my new work laptop (which I will post about in a seperate blog entry) and later in the evening my eldest sister did my makeup for the reception that night using her new Temptu airbrush system - I gotta say, airbrushed makeup is great for those big events one needs to attend. The reception started at 8 pm and I car pooled with Dr. It was somethng like a mini high school reunion since A LOT of our high school classmates were in attendance and it was great catching up with everyone. Got back at about 12 midnight and tried to go to bed but couldn't sleep cos I was busy setting up my new laptop to my liking :D

Sunday morning I spent with my sis and my eldest niece - we went shopping, I got a bunch of stuff (which I will also blog about in a seperate post). Then later that day one of my best gal pals whom I've known the longest (22 yrs if I'm not mistaken) came over and we hung out till about 7:30 pm - we took the kiddies to McDonalds for an ice cream sundae treat and some playground time. Then I just lay around the house playing with my nephew and nieces. Monday I spent trying to coax my nephew to revise his work for his exam later that day and before I knew it, it was time to head to the airport. And I arrived safely as can be attested by the fact there is a blog post saying just that. And that's that.