Sunday, August 21, 2011

members only sites are taking me for all i've got

I guess what I should do is unsubscribe shouldn't I?

Anyways, I've had a pretty stressed day, it has not been relaxing at all. First off, the washing machine in my building is acting up. Again. It switches on but the water doesn't flow into the machine. I have no idea why. Usually when that happens, i leave it for about 20 minutes, come back and it works. Today, I spent three and a half hours going up and down the stairs every half hour to check on the machine. I did not get to do my laundry today but my glutes sure did get a workout :D

Then I spent the entire day dealing with my friend Oz's crisis. She's been off the grid since she emailed me and she's been texting the other girls with emo sms-es and when one of them culminated with a "What's the point in living if the person you love doesn't love you anymore" kinda response and then complete silence, of course we were all freaked.

I spent the day emailing and texting her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. I made my gal pal who works in Singapore give her parents a call to see if they had heard from her. Scary thing is, Sing Gal told me that her parents didn't know that the wedding was off. I had suspected she might have not said anything just yet to her parents. I was telling Sing Gal to inform her parents so that they would check up on her. She hadn't been returning our calls, emails or texts but she most likely would talk if her mum called. Luckily, just about 20 minutes ago, another gal pal forwarded an sms from Oz to Sing Gal that proved she was still alive and kicking and was apparently going to go fight for her relationship. I'm just glad she's ok.

This post was supposed to be about my first purchase off of OpenSky. I had a 15 dollar credit - 10 bucks from registering and an additional 5 dollars for 'following' one of the chosen curators. My 5 bucks was expiring at midnight so I was trying to see if there was anything I wanted so that I could take advantage of it.

Ok, before I get to the point, lemme explain a lil bit about OpenSky. It's a shopping site that's like twitter. Basically, there's a bunch of "handpicked" celebs from different industries (i.e: food, health & wellness, style, design) who "introduce" you to their favorite product and then invite you to purchase said product at a discount. Some of the celebs involved are Padma Lakshmi, Carolyn Murphy, Alicia Silverstone and Nancy O'Dell. These celebs are called curators and you as the subscriber can pick up to 10 curators for you to "follow" ala twitter. Some special offers are only available if you "follow" the curator that put it up. The 10 you pick are not set in stone, you can just as simply dump one curator and follow another. Get the gist?

So I had the 15 bucks and I wanted to spend it but most of the items were things I wasn't interested in or out of the price range of what I was willing to pay. In the end, I settled for the Sibu Sea Buckthorn Beauty Supplements. I have never heard of this before but it was going for 21 bucks and sounded interesting. I decided to put it in my cart and google it for info. What I found were many rave reviews on the Sibu Sea Buckthorn line. The softgels were highly recommended for the maintenance of skin, hair and overall health. And apparently it also helps with weight loss - BONUS! Don't we all have that few extra pounds we'd love to get rid off? It also has Dr Oz's, Oprah's physician of choice, seal of approval. The company that manufactures the product is affiliated with GNC which is one of the sites I looked at for reviews. Many people decided to get it based on Dr. Oz's recommendation and proceeded to praise it to the moon once they tried it. I was sold, sucker that I am :D

I just checked to make sure that the stuff was kosher and it is. Uses veggie-based glycerin and kosher gelatin. I am still eating my Murad Pure Beauty but thought I'd try this as well. It retails for 30 bucks but OpenSky had it on offer for 21 dollars. All in all I paid 10 bucks for my first OpenSky purchase. There was a 4 bucks shipping fee and after subtracting my credit, I was left with 10 bucks that will be charged to my card.

It says it takes about a week to process but I dunno how accurate that estimation is since this is my first buy and all. Could be it's like Bluefly - super fast or could be it's like Bravado USA (Linkin Park tees) - pretty slow. However it is, it's most likely not gonna make the next ComGateway shipment next week. I am awaiting both the LP tees and the LP Dylan Messenger to arrive on Wednesday and Thursday respectively and then getting all my stuff sent back to Homeland. Am hoping that the stuff will arrive sometime next week whilst I'm there!

DISCLAIMER: All images are from