Thursday, November 3, 2011

listening to..... an assortment of people

Haven't really talked music in a while. The last time was probably when I was raving about Lee DeWyze. Or Linkin Park, it's a toss-up between those two. On a sad, side note, Lee DeWyze was dropped by his studio. Poor thing. His album just didn't do well and all the bashing his season received surely did not help him in any way. On another somewhat related note, I caught an epi of Body Of Proof and his runner-up, Crystal Bowersox, was on playing a reforming convict. That was rather odd watching her act. She did a great job though :)

So back to the tunes, I have been rather obsessed with a number of songs. Namely, Glee's version of Train's Hey Soul Sister, Glee's version of Katy Perry's Firework (and basically all of Glee's versions of Katy Perry songs), Flo Rida's Club Can't Handle Me (I always picture Kym Johnson and Hines Ward dancing to this on DWTS Season 12 - so totally cute!), Nicki Minaj's Super Bass, Jessie J's Price Tag, Adele's Rolling In The Deep and a rock throwback to Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead Or Alive (due to my unending obsession with Deadliest Catch) as well as the Richie Sambora led I'll Be There For You.

I have these songs on my playlist which I usually listen to on my ride to the site office but if any one of the songs come on rotation, I almost always end up putting them on repeat. Sometimes I end up listening to the one song perhaps close to 20 times in a day :) At least I'm not listening to just Linkin Park and Lee DeWyze anymore. There's some variety this year.

Just to end with something kinda off-tangent, I can't recall if I've ever mentioned this before but whoever it was at Discovery that decided on Wanted Dead Or Alive as the theme song for Deadliest Catch should totally give himself/herself a pat on the back for choosing the most APT song as the theme for the series. God, the lyrics just completely resonate with what the show is all about. I realize it's actually about biker dudes but hell, a fishing vessel can be a steel "horse" as well. Ok, closing the topic of music now :D