Monday, November 28, 2011

it's official


After weeks and weeks of non-stop google-newsing, stalking F1 pundit twitter accounts and haunting F1-related forums non-stop, Kimi Raikkonen is finally confirmed to make a comeback to the premier motor racing event, FORMULA 1. I can finally stop feeling so anxious and agitated - for now that is, hehehe. Thank god I have about 5 months to prep for the 2012 season :D

The pic above is of Kimi in the official Lotus Renault livery I took from the official Lotus Renault website. Ok, I know the earlier post mentioned he was coming back via WIlliams but that's not how it all worked out and instead he signed with the Lotus Renault Grand Prix outfit. OMG, I am super duper, mega excited for his comeback!

Finally, after two years, Kimi is back where he belongs - in Formula 1. And I can finally stop feeling so lost, tossed around in a sea of uncertainty. I know, I know, such proclamations are more than a tad dramatic :D

Looks like I'm backing Lotus Renault next year! LET THE MADNESS BEGIN.....AGAIN!

I'm in the midst of watching this, which is Kimi's first interview after the LRGP announcement was made, and I started noticing the old, and weird, habits are back - racing heart, smiling to myself for no apparent reason other than listening to Kimi talk :D Watching the revealing, albeit haltingly loading, video interview of Kimi, I feel as if he is even more laidback than before - but where else he used to be more guarded, this time he just comes across more relaxed. It's amazing to see the change in him. He said he missed wheel-to-wheel racing - I missed seeing him race wheel-to-wheel too! MUAHS KIMI! WELCOME BACK!