Wednesday, June 30, 2010

just a lil end of the month chit chat

Feels like I dropped off the face of the earth the past ten days or so. I was just exhausted from the really hard work I've been doing lately :)

Anyways, work-wise, updates are, mainly, going swimmingly and with the exception of a 3-day site visit to a different district 4 hours away beginning this Friday, it can be said all is done. Well, I guess it can't be said all is done, exception notwithstanding. But the gist, you get it, don't ya? am wondering if starting a second paragraph with another anyways is a done thing or not. Apparently the catchphrase(s) for this post are anyways and done. The story is short but here I am making it long.

No, I have not been eating any Happy pizzas -> Google it if you don't know cos I ain't explaining. Ooh, ooh, I have received all my lurverly shopping. Ok, truthfully, not in my (am going crazy with the italics, aren't I?) hands per se, not all of 'em at least but what I do have are the two Newport News tunic blouses (simply gorge!), my F21 military vest - delightfully stunning despite being in a smaller size than ordered; point is - it fits, my Spanx stuff which I'm happy with - nuff said and of course - my impulse buy - the Just Cavalli lizard embossed clutch which I am totally and unequivocally in love with thankyouverymuch!

When I am not as completely hyped up as I am on this last night of June, I will post pics of some of the purchases. On the whole shopping front, I've been really great about not doing any online shopping. Aside from getting a birthday present for one of my besties (this does not count as a selfish purchase), I have only managed multiple rounds of chicken with the shopping cart. It always gets down to a stand-off between me and the Pay Now (or whatever variation of 'Make Payment' is chosen by the web developer) button. I can never finish, it always ends up I close the browser in a fit of frustration. I'm trying to be good, I am.

In some sad online buying news, I have, sadly, requested a refund from The Book Depository for my 'The Carrie Diaries' pre-order that never translated to actual order. Got my money back so instead of spending money, I actually made some back :D Yet, I will be spending a chunk of my hard-earned mid-year bonus (that's right, folks, don't be jealousssss!) on my wish list projector. At first I was thinking of buying in-store but after having to cut the budget by a 100 bucks and refusing to compromise on the exact make and model of the projector, I have opted to stalking an eBay listing. Cross my fingers and hope I win cos it'll be at least a 150 bucks saving even inclusive of shipping. Muahahahaha. Hmmm, guess evil laugh would be more convincing if I actually won the auction, right?

Anyways (hehehe), perhaps its the overdose of my peanut butter on wholemeal toast that I've been scarfing down for brekkie (and tonight's din din) the past week that has me acting so unbelievably kookily annoying. Anyways, done :)

projections of projectors

Yay! I am sooooo happy! Got my half year bonus and it's great! I was completely skint for the month of June and now I'm going to be solvent! Woohoo!

I had only three dollars and fifty cents to my name yesterday so man, was I relieved salary went in yesterday. And I was worried I wouldn't be able to make my projector purchase this month since I had to dig into the Zlena Projector Fund to cover my daily necessities and was in overdraft of 125 bucks but what with the generous 1.5 months bonus and my shopping around to find a place that will sell me my dream projector for less than expected, I'm able to afford it this month after all.

Initially, I was going to get it at this shop where the company always gets our IT pheripherals but since the price of the projector has been USD650 since January when I helped purchase it for the Company then and is in no way going to go down anytime, I found this other place who first quoted me $610 and now we've gone down to an awesome USD550!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

late night with.....

.....visiting engineers :) Been busy with work the whole weekend. On Friday I got home at 12:30 in the AM. Had a half days work on Saturday and spent Sunday at the main office doing more work.

We're doing a lil upgrading work on the operations here so we have visiting engineers from our partner company coming in to do various technical housekeeping activities. It's been a while since I had to endure a 19 hour work day. If I'm honest, I kinda enjoyed it. Once in a blue moon that is. If its every other day, it's just stressville and a turn away from complete meltdown :D

Anyways, have to say, am enjoying this visit cos the engineers sent this time around are laidback and cool. It also helps that they are cute and single so I've been enduring/enjoying mild flirtation. Usually I get stuck with the slightly snotty types who are so hell bent on withholding their job task from my team it's off-putting. I always wanna mention that if you just shared what it is you're supposed to do with us, you'd most likely get the job done quicker and get to go back home faster. Usually ends up with them having to extend their trip to finish the work. When I encounter these types, I just don't bother making an effort to get all pally with them. Which is why I probably earned a bit of a snooty rep but I don't particularly care.

So it's such a relief to meet up with these two normal dudes. I find it refreshing that I can actually sit down and have a pleasant conversation with them. And the main engineer is so forthcoming with the work that needs to be done, I love him - from a professional standpoint that is. I suspect he's not following the normal company procedure cos he is currently serving out the end of his contract and will be off to a new place come next month. Even if that's the case, still appreciate his willingness to share and not be all covert ops on us.

The other guy is new to the company and so eager to please. I like that as well. I'm all for you offering me updates to the existing system without my having to go through hell to get them from you. However, the longer he works there, I believe the herd mentality will get to him and then he'll be all pod people like the rest of his colleagues.

Anyway, it's been nice having them around. A break from the banality of hanging out with the guys from my own team since these two guys are from my Homeland. The one who's leaving keeps flirting with me, it's cute. I just ignore him during work hours but when we are officially off the clock, I just flirt right back. Not in an obvious kinda way, we just end up complimenting each other a lot. He keeps telling me how pretty I am and I respond in kind.

Ok, am trying to get in an early night since tomorrow will be a full days worth of training and upgrades and whatnot. I know, boring stuff but a necessity. That's the life of people in tech support :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

an announcement for the queen.....

.....of my heart. Hehehe, sappy, I know but whatever. It's my beloved mother's birthday today. She turns a grand 63 years of age. I cannot express how much I am thankful to God Almighty for allowing me the privilege of being raised by such a wonderful mother.

Mum, you are the most important woman in my life. No other one person has been a present constant for me, and my sisters, and I thank God every day for giving me YOU as my mum. And on that note.....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOST EXTRAODINARILY BEAUTIFUL MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

15dollarstore is a no go :(

So sad. No Necessary Objects blazer after all. Sigh. That blazer and I are just not to be. But on the other hand, the people at are very nice. When I came clean about my card being issued outside the States, they gave me advice on how to make payment in other ways.

However, none of the 3 mentioned options were viable for me hence I had to get them to cancel the order. A bit bummed but I consoled myself by getting some stuff from Walmart.

I decided, after seeing my blazer in person, that I would get another Miley Cyrus + Max Azria blazer and so when I saw that it was restocked online, I just went for it. This is, of course, after I had to cancel my 15dollarstore order. I also figured I'd get this nice-looking hoodie from the Norma Kamali line as well as this grey racerback dress. I love the look of the dress, very laidback yet sleek and the hoodie's design is a departure from normal with the drawstring waist and 4 pockets.

Total with shipping was USD46.91. Took a bit of the sting of disappointment outta the whole AMEX Platinum rejection. On another happier note, my F21 military vest has arrived in Portland. I will await the delivery of this Walmart shipment to arrive to the Oregon addy before having all my stuff DHL-ed to the Homeland.

UPDATE (18/06/2010):
Walmart order on its way! Yay! And I also managed to get my hands on the Kenneth Cole Reaction Tri Fold Patent Clutch/Wallet in Black/Grey for $25 on It's being prepared for shipping last time I checked. Sigh. 15dollarstore, you were a great shopping find but alas, living outside the US is my folly. Nonetheless,, YOU TOTALLY ROCK!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

completely frivolous news item

I wish I could say that my crush on Lee DeWyze has abated with the end of the American Idol season but since I've been feeding the obsession, it's not dead quite yet. In the interest of full disclosure (I do have a tendency to use this line a lot on my blog), I actually created a category for him on my Google News page. LOL.

Yes, I'm delving into murky waters but eh, I'm just going with the flow. If that's what I wanna feel, that's what I want to feel. Anyways, I just found it so cute that he's barely out of the show and he's already nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Fave Reality TV Star - Male.

I don't know how exactly the voting process works but if I were a teen in the States, you can bet I'd be voting for him, hehehe. Ok, so I'm being fangirly, sue me.

Just to show that I'm still fans of other AI contestants this season, I will also report that Crystal Bowersox too is nominated for a Teen Choice Award in the same category but for Female reality star. I also saw Lauren Conrad nominated for The Hills which I found weird since she's not even on the show any longer.

i am complete crap at making instant cookies

Over the weekend I did some grocery shopping and on impulse, I got myself a pack of Betty Crocker Cookie Double Chocolate Chunk Mix to try. I have never baked any form of biscuits before and thought that since this was reduced to clear for 2 bucks, I'd try my hand at it. I mean, I make superb muffins and cupcakes and though presentation-wise my cake attempt was kinda ugly but it tasted fabulous, how hard or different will baking biscuits be?

Apparently pretty damn difficult! My first attempt was yesterday, it turned out too soft even after following the instructions to a tee. Did not make a difference when I added an additional 10 minutes to the baking time. Tasted more like cake than actual cookies. Which is fine, still edible and all. Today's batch however turned out a bit burnt. Ok, if I'm honest, it was more than a bit. I scarfed it down anyway. The taste was generally okay if a bit bitter in some parts. I upped the temp and baking time but I guess since I already increased the baking temperature, I didn't need to do double on the time. Ok, never mind, rookie mistake. I'll give it a go again tomorrow. I'm stretching out this batter so I can experiment till I get the best result. So far, first day I got 8 cookies and today I made 5 more. So figuratively speaking, for every 1 teaspoon I can get 23 more cookies.

Too shy to even put up pics of the first two attempts. I'll put something up ONLY if the next few tries yield a successful, normal-looking batch :P


Thought it only fair I back up my ugly cookies claim with pics so don't judge, they really did taste alright despite looking like that :)

when love and hate collide

A couple of months ago I talked about my sister's transition from a relatively happy singleton to being one half of a marriage partnership. Back then, she offered me these words of advice, I paraphrased them a little so they sound more coherent - "Marriage is not simple. Especially if you marry late in life, you're trying to combine two different lives and making it work together. My advice is, if you want to get married, do it before you are thirty because at least it gives you a fighting chance of making it work."

It's been nearly 6 months since her wedding. Has it gotten easier for her? No, it has not. In fact, she's miserable and she's trying so hard to make it work. But at what point should you realize that enough is enough? Do you keep on soldiering on and try to give it more opportunities to work in the hope that it will get better or should you trust your instincts and give in knowing it'll give you back your sanity and some semblance of happiness?

Marriage is hard, I get that. It constantly needs work but do you still subscribe to this if from the get-go, right out of the gate you have to keep batting so, so, so hard to keep the game alive? Ok, that's me trying out a baseball analogy and I don't particularly like nor understand the sport. Anyways, how much crazy should you forgive before you hold up your hands and say, "That's it, I surrender, I can't take it anymore"?

I ask this because after the latest string of crazy behavior my insane brother-in-law (i loathe to refer to him as family but it is what it is ain't it?) I can't understand the rationale of "trying to make it work". When is it time to give in? Is it at the point where you are calling your mother so often in the wee hours of the morning because your mentally unsound husband is accusing you of carrying on an affair with your business partner? Is it at the point where he pressures you to start trying for kids because he believes it'll make all you problems go away but then when you disagree, he accuses your business partner of influencing you not to have kids? Is it when he issues ultimatums for you to sell your business where you are the managing director of a relatively extremely successful small business as a solution to saving your marriage? Oh yes, and if you want to work so badly, said husband will make you his PA, no worries!

Yes, that is some of the completely off the chart behavior the ego maniac is displaying. I am filled with so much disdain towards him. Ok, I f@$king wish he'd just eff off to whereever and leave my family alone. When you drag my poor mum into this who has to listen to my sis at 3, 4 o'clock in the morning telling her, "I'm tired, Ma, I'm tired. I don't think I can do this anymore." , you f@$king well am pissing me the hell off! When you request to meet my dad to discuss your wife's behavior with her father that really riles me! You miserable excuse of a human being.

But the part that really gets me, that completely pisses me the hell off is the fact that the longer my sister stays to try to make it work, often times just barely hanging in there, I feel the heavy weight of my disappointment bearing down on me. I am disappointed and angry that she has put herself in a similar situation she was in about 5 or 7 years ago. I look up to you as my role model. I listen to you. I watched you go through the worst time of your life and rebuild yourself to become the strong person you were. I can't watch you let yourself get beat down again by a man. I can't do it. It disappoints me that this is where you are today. I never wished this for you, I wanted to be proven wrong, I prayed to be given peace with your decision and I held back at every turn where I wanted to really say something. I can feel my respect for you erode and it makes me angry as hell. Did you lie to me for all those years you lectured me about men? Why are you allowing yourself to be treated this way, Sis? You don't have to take this, it's ok to walk away if the other option is staying in a marriage that makes you miserably unhappy everyday. Those small glimpses of sanity he displays isn't reason enough to keep on going. You'll be chasing those moments for the rest of your life. Make the right decision, Sis, CHOOSE to be happy.

Thanks to Def Leppard for providing that apt title. Love and hate, sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the two. In this case, however, I think my feelings are pretty clear which side I'm on. I write this as a way to get off my chest the feelings I can't convey to her. I will say this, if she stays, my relationship with her will forever be ruined. I can't respect you for something like this and that makes me sad. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

my Iceman is getting the hang of things

F1, Schmef1. Kimi, Kimi, Kimi. I am so proud of you, babe! In the past 3 rallies you've contested (Jordan, Turkey & Portugal), you've finished in the Top 10 and scored points.

But to, right at this very moment, be leading the Rally della Lanterna in Italy is simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! You are just unbelievably talented, Kimster and you always manage to reaffirm my commitment to you. Granted, you're on more familiar territoy competing on asphalt but to do this officially 6 races in on your first official WRC year is a feat that's beyond words for me.

Kimi Raikkonen, you are a total rock star driver!

UPDATE (13/06/2010):
At the end of the final stage, KR came in second to score his first podium and the first one-two finish for the Citroen Junior Team. I'm proud of my Iceman. In his first rally year, to be able to finsih on the podium and in your first asphalt contest, that just speaks volume of your talent. The guy has no experience racing a rally car on asphalt and beat his more illustrious teammate Seb Ogier for most of the weekend. Granted, he lost his massive lead but it's okay. It's all a step in the right direction. You keep going, Kimster!

these are a few of my favourite (new) things

What would my days be like if I didn't indulge in some online shopping?

Boring as hell is the answer that comes to mind. Anyways, these are some of the new stuff I got myself. I've been really testing out the limits of the AMEX Platinum. So far, Haute Look and Kohls is a no go. Such a bummer cos I really wanted to get the LC by Lauren Conrad sequin cardie and I hate being denied when I'm trying to give an online store money.

However, below is a collage of the things I DID manage to get from various sites on the luverly Internet.

The first pic from my Latest Online Shopping Spree (the first letter of every word spells LOSS which I find tres amusing since it signifies the loss of money from my pockets :D) is of the Kenneth Cole Tri-Fold wallet. Yes, I know I have a perfectly beautiful Bottega Veneta but this faux leather wallet has a compartment to stuff my N97! I love that. I can't stuff my smartphone into my Bottega. So a point goes to Kennneth Cole for the ingenius design idea to incorporate a smartphone/iPod/iTouch compartment into a wallet. Plus, I love the kisslock coin purse and the fact that there's a cajillion card slots! And for the low, low, low price of 15 bucks, we have a winner! Ding, ding, ding, ding!, you totally rawk!

I talked about the next item in the collage a number of times this year. That, my friends, is the Necessary Objects boyfriend blazer I have been totally lusting over on In the colour du jour. I've only recently (as in the past week) been looking around for a grey blazer. And was COMPLETELY STOKED to get my hands on my declared most perfect boyfriend blazer. BUT I got mine not from but from the site. Yup, that's right folks. My coveted blazer cost me a mere 15 bucks! Love it! Love it! Love it! This is what makes online shopping the bestest!

Another great buy from is my Necessary Objects Banded Waist Maxi Skirt. Also a 15 bucks purchase. If it's not clear yet, 99% of the stuff on the site cost a mere 15 bucks. The site caters to Juniors size clothes and most of the brands featured are in the high end of Juniors dress. Anyways, I have been looking for a long black skirt to wear with peasant blouses and in this one, I've found it.

I also did a lil bit of shopping on Newport News. Got myself the white tunic at the end there. Also got one in Dahlia, a purplish pink hue. I love how the cut of the tunic is so romantic with the pussy bow at the neck and the bell sleeves with the pleats. It's just so darn feminine. And for the 38 bucks total I paid for the two shirts, completely W-O-R-T-H I-T!

Last but not least is my first purchase off of Forever21. The web site, that is. I love how I got this military inspired vest for the bargain price of USD9.99. It is just such a cute piece and I'm happy I managed to get my hands on something military for my closet. Been coveting a military piece for some time but never found one that I wanted to really put money on for this trend till I came across the Relevent Military Vest on the F21 website.

The pic above is stuff I got when I experimented shopping on sample sale sites like Rue La La as well where I got some Spanx stuff. The Slim Cognito Seamless Tank in nude and the Hide & Sleek Mid Thigh Smoother in nude. The tank retails for over 70 bucks while the shorts/pants are about 56 dollars. My total was $69 inclusive of shipping. I was definitely a happy camper.

And thanks to AMEX Platinum and comGateway, I am finally able to shop at Gilt and this is what I got!

During the Just Cavalli event, I got myself the metallic leather lizard embossed clutch in silver. I dunno why it's called silver when the colour looks more dirty gold to me. I decided to get this clutch cos I don't have an appropriate dinner type accessory and I have plans to rock this during my gal pal's wedding this October. It cost me USD119. Which is a reasonable amount to pay for a Roberto Cavalli diffusion line product.

So I've been happily aiding in shoring up the US economy by doing my small bit of online retail therapy. At this present moment, I actually have 4 items in my Wal-Mart cart, inclusive of a second Miley Cyrus + Max Azria knit blazer, but am wondering if I'm overdoing the shopping a tad since I did some brick and mortar buying today (got myself a nice foldover waist maxi skirt in olive and two Ella Moss-inspired tunic tops in grey and violet/fuschia). One thing I know for sure is that I have to stop buying blazers. It's the singular piece of clothing that I simply hoard when I can for reasons unknown to myself and the world at large.

UPDATE (15/06/2010):
WOOHOO! Spanx stuff and Just Cavalli clutch already in Homeland. Also, Newport News package containing my two tunics has arrived in Portland. F21 vest is shipped but no clue to whereabouts. Now, all I need is for to not hold the fact my US addy is a freight forwarding service against me and just ship the items I got already. The site emailed me for addy confirmation. I gave a reply, so fingers crossed, they'll just accept the explanation I gave and just approve the buy already. If not, one less store I can shop at. I'll be disappointed though, really want that blazer :(

Friday, June 11, 2010

i could not believe this is who i got?!?!?!

I'm quite the expert on frivolous ways to spend time and this evening is no exception. Obviously, from the pic above, I had a lil downtime on BuddyTV and decided to take some silly quizzes. Thirteen to be exact, hehehe. Yup, I wasted at least 2 hours randomly picking one quiz after another (is it considered random if I picked quizzes based on the fact that I follow the TV shows?). And giving the answers some thought, I may add. I blame Lee DeWyze. It's because I was reading a BuddyTV article on him that led me to whiling away my night doing some very revealing (and disturbing) questionnaires. LOL, I like how when I crush on someone I'm always finding ways to work 'em into the posts!

Anyways, instead of listing the results one by one, I figured, since I'm in a pic collage kinda mood these days that I might as well lump them all together in a nice photo sequence.

The first quiz was "Which American Idol Winner Are You?" and was what started the whole quiz-taking ball rolling. I got Jordin Sparks which I felt was odd as I definitely did not feel Jordin Spark-ish in any way. I was hoping for David Cook but I guess my answers reveal me to be less of a rocker and more of a popster. Sigh. Next to Jordin, you'll see Claudia Joy Holden. I got into watching Army Wives through my boss :P He has a thing for military-based series. I think the outcome of this quiz, "Which Army Wife Are You?", is rather spot-on though I'm definitely not as "perfect" as Claudia Joy is portrayed to be.

Was completely ecstatic to find I'm most like Rory Gilmore when I completed the "Which Gilmore Girl Character Are You?" Throughout the show I did identify with Rory the most but not completely up to the "perfection" that Rory often exudes. For the Glee quiz, I was surprised to find that the character I'm most like is Emma the counselor but the description that comes along with being Emma is reflective of myself so I accept the character bequeathed to me. I thought I would have been one of the students.

I also didn't understand how I could be Lily from How I Met Your Mother because I most definitely identify most with Robin on the show. Can't say that I agree with everything in the description especially the bouts of jealousy bit and the artistic flair thing. On the other hand, I thought my being Gillian Foster from Lie To Me was definitely accurate. Especially the part where it says that I allow emotions to get the better of me. I do that sometimes.

I did a "What Would Be Your Lost Fate?" quiz and apparently if I had gotten stranded on a mysterious island after surviving a plane crash, I'd be prone to have a whirlwind romance with a fellow castaway. Glad I have my priorities straight :) This next one is completely inconceivable (Sevvik, that's for you. Throwing out a lil The Princess Bride quote there :D). How in hell's name did I end up on Team Edward?!?!?! I am Jacob, Jacob, JACOB ALL THE WAY! No way in hell am I ever, EVER, on Team Edward. The quiz counter/meter thingy that tallies up the scores MUST have gotten it wrong on this one. Made me want to puke when I saw the results.

Next, I did a "What Would Simon Say About You?" quiz. I like that he'd call me a superstar. It made me beLeeve (:P) I was one. I was channelling my favourite American Idol while I did this quiz. That's right, am talking about you, Leon! Of course, could not NOT do the Sons of Anarchy quiz. I figured I'd get Jax. I don't particularly know why.

Then I took the The Good Wife quiz. I got Will and I have to say, I do have a crush on this character. I find him very sexy. I like a man who's in control. Well, I like him when he's a made-up character in charge of a fictitious law firm. Plus, I guess a lot of Will Gardner's qualities are similar to my own. Then there was the "Which TV Bad Ass Are You?" Again, I somehow foresaw I'd get Jack Bauer. Now, this is actually one series I don't follow. Never managed to get into it. But Jack Bauer is I and who am I to complain? It seems I'm saving the world every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Well, up to season 7(?) I guess. I hear the show's cancelled now.

When I did the "Who Is Your Ideal TV Husband?" and got Tracy Jordan of 30 Rock as my soulmate I did go WTH. He's my least fave character on the show, I definitely wouldn't mind Jack McBrayer's character rather than Tracy. Was so disappointed. I really wanted to get John Krasinski's The Office character to be my TV husband. Yup, that's right people of the internet. I just typed one of the weirdest lines I've ever thought up. Am I delusional or am I delusional?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i find this despicable

I was going through my normal after-work routine, doing my news roll via Google News when one particular article's headline caught my attention: Disturbing Job Ads: 'The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered'

Intrigued, I clicked on the link and was brought to the Huffington Post website. I proceeded to read the article that basically states employers in the US are looking for qualified people to fill positions in their company. Oh, but if you're already currently unemployed due to whatever reasons, please don't bother to apply cos we ain't interested in giving jobless people jobs.

To say unemployment in the States is a prevalent issue is understating it. It's an issue on a global scale. I've been reading about retrenchment, job cuts, etc, etc for close to a year and a half and can only imagine how hard it is for those who have been laid off to find work since they are competing against others who are in the same predicament as well as fresh grads coming into the job market.

To blatantly state you won't even consider hiring a person who is currently unemployed yet looking to rectify that situation is just plain wrong. I understand that it is the company's perogative to find the best person for the job but how does that help the country as a whole when you continue to recycle the current workforce and leaving the ones who are able, ready and willing out in the cold? Some of those retrenched are skilled people who caught a bad break. Where are their chances for new opportunities if potential employers are shutting the door in their faces from the get-go? Aren't you basically limiting your chances of finding the right fit when you refuse to see candidates that presently don't hold a job?

I get that it's the process of weeding out the ill-equipped, unqualified but what about those who can and will excel? Do they not deserve a chance? I just feel for all those people who are doing their damndest to find a job in this really lousy job climate and having to endure this type of discrimination. How can one maintain a positive attitude in the face of such polarizing rejection? Such selective criterias of employment will in the end come to - how shall I word this as succinctly as possible? - bite you in the ass, Employers. It's just sooooo wrong.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

and making their debut are.....

I've decided I'm a subscriber to that age-old adage, "A picture speaks a thousand words". BEHOLD!

Yes, the picture is horribly grainy but that is me and my awesome twosome, the magnastastic (if this isn't already coined, let it be known that I, Zlena Adam, came up with it first) camel hued Foley+Corinna Mid City tote and the beaumazing (also claiming rights if this hasn't been used before, I think, nay, optimistic, it'll catch on) cognac Cynthia Vincent For Target Gladiator wedges. I am sooooo in love with my awesome twosome!

As well as all the other new stuff I got and are displayed cleverly in the following photo montage. I realized I was too lazy to document all the fabulous new stuff individually cos that would have meant too many individual posts. Hence the collage. It's got the new ecru coloured ruffled tank that I've paired with my abtastic (how many more of these do you think I can come up with?) Miley Cyrus + Max Azria black boyfriend knit blazer (seriously love this and wanted to get another one but they're all sold out at and my wonderlous Dorothy Perkins belt. I also have a shot of my new, completely ab-fab, work tote; the hand-woven laptop bag I got in Indonesia. It's an Indonesian brand named Dowa and the model I got is called Boston. I got mine from the shop's boutique located inside Novotel Solo where we stayed at prior to our Mount Bromo sojourn during the Indonesia Escapade last month.

While I'm modeling the Boston Dowa, I have on my Juicy Couture destination slim cargo pants in desert. I got the wrong size, it's majorly big but I'm trying to work it. Thank god for the drawstring waist or else that's 60 bucks gone. Since it's not working the slim fit, it actually looks more like a boyfriend fit which is fine with me. I've got on a H&M top there but it's an old one. Then I couldn't help but break out my jumpsuit and try variations of outfits that would go with the blazer and shoes and bag and I think that what I came up with is totally work appropriate. The last pic is of me in a forest green tunic dress I got from the markets back in early Feb which I've never worn and it's paired with the new numero uno shoes and a wide belt I got during the Thailand Extravaganza of last year and have never worn either.

Love 'em all. And I still got more coming :D I know I have a problem but there are just too many pretty things calling out to me and this is after all the year Zlena lives frivolously. Once the new pool of new things get in, I'll do another montage. Tis easier this way. Love, love, love my bags, shoes and clothes. Shopping is great fun and effective therapy!

It's my eldest sister's birthday today so birthday shoutout goes out to you sis numero uno. And, with Rob Bourdon on the drums and Lee DeWyze at the mic accompanied by Casey James on guitar (no, I have not been smoking pot).....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BIG SIS NO 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muahs and love!

Friday, June 4, 2010

watching.....and loving.....once

If a love never was, is it even love at all? Sigh. Once. I get it, I understand the concept of two people who are perfect for each other and never quite getting together. Sigh. All that yearning, that connection, that feeling that everything fits. I guess at one point in my life I felt that I've gone through that but I'd say that in my case, I'm happy it never happened for me.

Once. I know it's been eons since this movie made waves and it's not that it eluded my space of consciousness but I honestly can't say why I was determined not to watch this movie before this. It's right up my alley, it's indie, it's a feeling movie, I love to watch stuff like that. But at the heart of it is a simple yet complicated love story. Not complicated in a convulated dramatic "I'm-having-your-brother's-baby" kind of way but complicated in the "there-are-many-outside-variables-in-our-seperate-lives-that-are-preventing-us-from-happening" vein. And not a simple love that is straight forward "I-like-you, you-like-me" but it's simplicity is in the honest and genuine actions of both parties and how they grew into a love that was borne out of a mutual respect and friendship for one another.

In an ideal romantic movie, of course I want to see them together but I feel this movie realistically depicted what so often happens in real life. How everything can come together and it still won't come together. Does that make any sense? Love can be as simple as I love you, you love me but it rarely ever is just about the I love yous. I'd like to meet someone who wholly subscribes to the premise that love is enough because I certainly don't. I think that in every relationship, at all times you have to be aware that it isn't only about what you feel for that other person. I don't believe in subsisting on love alone, it's not a logical or rational way of living life.

And I guess that's why I like this movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for convulated romantic storylines. One of the movies I love best is Love Actually. And I swoon when I watch The Princess Bride but I know not to believe that those mirror life. Perhaps in some instances they do but almost always there are other factors that need to come into play. Once. I get you.

Thank you, Crystal Bowersox for finally pushing me to watch this movie. LOL. I guess I would have come around to it sooner or later ( I suspect later) but because of Crystal, who wholeheartedly loves this movie, I felt compelled to give it a watch. For some reason she doesn't strike me as the romantic type, but there she is gushing on national television about this singer songwriter love story and I felt, well, if she, the antithesis of what I would deem a romantic (again, I dunno why she gave me this impression, I believe, now, she's a hopeless romantic) can find this romance (why wouldn't she right? it's singer-songwriter, art imitating life kinda stuff for her probably) captivating then so would I. So, thanks Crystal. No disrespect to the original but I completely love your version of Falling Slowly with Lee, you guys should really release it as a proper single, it is fantastic. Oh, and have to say, the music in the movie is fabulous, every piece of it. Love the soundtrack :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

am NOT feeling lost, just mightily disappointed

WTF?!?!?! WTF! WTF, WTF, WTF!!!!!


OK, so I've vented my intitial reaction of the ending. Well, honestly, what I did was let out an audible "HUH????" after the white light closed on Jack's face. Then came the wtfs'. I knew I was not going to be happy with the way things ended based on the snippets of info I was unable to avoid prior to watching the finale but that was just.....unspeakable. I don't feel like I came away feeling resolved. I don't feel as if there was a conclusion. I feel that was just pure bollocks!

Now, I need to go online and read those articles that explain the series ender cos I have to admit, if there was some kind of enlightenment that was supposed to occur after watching that, it went beyond me. I cannot believe that the showrunners want to get away by telling me that the everyone on Oceanic 815 are actually all dead and that the whole show was about these souls trying to reconcile themselves with the fact that they are no longer alive. Is that what you were trying to tell me JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof and co???? What the hell was the last six years about then? Why the hell were they made to endure the hell that is that island? Is it because it IS their hell? What are the mystical numbers that made Hurley a millionaire about? What the heck is that light in the heart of the island? What do the caretakers of the island, from Jacob's mom to Jacob to Jack and finally Hurley, have in common after they drink the voodoo-ed water? What the hell is the black smokes name? And most importantly, why was there a polar bear on a tropical island? What the hell was the point of the show? I knew expectations were running high and it would have been impossible to satisfy everyone but I can't help but feel cheated, nay, robbed, of the time I invested watching this series and am unable to get at least some of the implausible stuff I was made to swallow answered. AARRRRRGGGGHHHH!

I'm not sure if I just didn't get it or it IS the crap ending that I believe it is.

Why LOST? WHY?!?!?!?!?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

fate just conspires against me and apple

Not that I mind. I've made known my feelings on the cult of Apple and how much I DON'T want to be apart of it.

That's not to say that I have never been tempted but at every point when my resistance grows weak, other manufacturers come up with a product that make me forget the allure of any and all Apple products.

I really don't get my disdain for Apple. It's not like I don't like the stuff they come up with. They're very innovative and very good. I guess it stems from my own personal feelings of not wanting to be told that you're in with the cool set if you go Mac or own an iPod/iTouch/iPhone/iPad. I don't particularly know what that says about me but it seems like I don't want to be cool, LOL.

Anyways, I wasn't succumbing to the siren calls of the iPhone (I'm looking into an android phone as my next mobile purchase) nor the iPad, which I've played with cos my bandwagon-y sister owns one (I was totally prepared to go the opposite direcion and get the HP Slate before HP shelved the concept) but was about to seriously invest in a Macbook.

I had just read a news article that talked about Google HQ banning Windows OS due to the hacking debacle a coupla weeks ago and it finally spurred me into really giving a thought to switching my personal OS. Let's face it, as much as Mac wants to get us all onboard, the OS market is still predominantly Windows as is my entire working environment so it's not like I'm ditching windows for good. And I'm not a complete Windows hag, I used to be a very vocal user of Linux. But that was in my spirited OSS days. Now, I'm just too lazy to fight the Windows tide, it's just easier cos the majority of software runs pretty much seamlessly on a Windows platform. I just got tired of having manually mount/unmount external storage and finding drivers was a chore. It could all be sooooo much easier these days but I wouldn't know, my Red Hat days ended the day I started working for this company. And I did get to play around with Mac's Jaguar that I liked but didn't love.

So, anyways, Google banning Windows really got me to re-evaluate. I figured I should really explore my tech choices and after a couple of days thinking about it, I came to the decision that I will save up for the highest spec Macbook Air. Yes, when I wanna do some tech upheaval, I usually like to go all out. After deciding this, I was feeling just ambivalent, it's not like a life-changing thing or anything. Then I remembered a plug piece on the Lenovo Ideapad I saw in the Indonesian Cosmopolitan mag I was reading at the hotel lobby. It was a tablet/netbook hybrid and I thought it was a great concept.

I ended up googling it and though the reviews for the Ideapad S10 were less than favourable, the Ideapad U1, however, is creating waves. The difference between the S series and the U series is that the screen on the U1 can be popped out AND runs on a standalone processor seperate from when it's hinged onto the dock. It's basically 2 seperate devices in one, running two seperate processors on two different OS. When it's in notebook form, it runs on the Windows 7 platform, which I've only heard mainly good things about, with an Intel Core 2 Duo SU 4100 processor; and when it's popped out like a tablet, it runs Linux and has a speedily efficient Qualcomm ARM 1Ghz Snapdragon processor. How is THAT not cool? And for an estimated price of USD999.10, it's waaaay less than the highest spec Macbook Air I was planning on getting which would have cost me USD1800 at most.

Of course, it's all early stages right now as the Ideapad U1 hasn't even been released (tentative release date was June 1st - which has come and gone - but I haven't seen any news confirming that as yet) but after the initial reviews come in and if they're good/great, I would definitely go this way instead. If the reviews are lacklustre, perhaps only then will I become bandwagon-y and join the Mac pod people. Hey, even Lee DeWyze stating he's unequivocally a Mac guy can't 100% convince me to switch however hard I'm crushing on him. And I am. Crushing hard, that is, however embarassing it is to admit. I heard his version of Beautiful Day on the local radio station here today for the first time and I practically went giddy with excitement. My colleagues think I'm nuts. I'm just glad they don't know why I'm acting all teenager-y :)

UPDATE (03/06/2010):
Perhaps fate is just screwing around with me :) Practically every product that's been deemed an Apple product killer that I've wanted ends up (a) not living up to the so-called hype - i.e: N97 which I love anyways cos I don't care for the touch screen superiority of the iPhone (b) killed/shelved because the concept can't realistically be turned into production - i.e: HP Slate and now....the Lenovo Ideapad U1. LOL. I hate how I blogged about it and right after I get smacked right in the face with egg :D Anyways, to be fair, they are pushing back the release to the end of the year cos they decided to go a different route on the OS. I'm not sure if it's either the windows platform or the linux platform that's causing the redirection but well, that gives me more time to mull over the Macbook Air. Maybe it's just time I became a convert already :)