Friday, June 11, 2010

i could not believe this is who i got?!?!?!

I'm quite the expert on frivolous ways to spend time and this evening is no exception. Obviously, from the pic above, I had a lil downtime on BuddyTV and decided to take some silly quizzes. Thirteen to be exact, hehehe. Yup, I wasted at least 2 hours randomly picking one quiz after another (is it considered random if I picked quizzes based on the fact that I follow the TV shows?). And giving the answers some thought, I may add. I blame Lee DeWyze. It's because I was reading a BuddyTV article on him that led me to whiling away my night doing some very revealing (and disturbing) questionnaires. LOL, I like how when I crush on someone I'm always finding ways to work 'em into the posts!

Anyways, instead of listing the results one by one, I figured, since I'm in a pic collage kinda mood these days that I might as well lump them all together in a nice photo sequence.

The first quiz was "Which American Idol Winner Are You?" and was what started the whole quiz-taking ball rolling. I got Jordin Sparks which I felt was odd as I definitely did not feel Jordin Spark-ish in any way. I was hoping for David Cook but I guess my answers reveal me to be less of a rocker and more of a popster. Sigh. Next to Jordin, you'll see Claudia Joy Holden. I got into watching Army Wives through my boss :P He has a thing for military-based series. I think the outcome of this quiz, "Which Army Wife Are You?", is rather spot-on though I'm definitely not as "perfect" as Claudia Joy is portrayed to be.

Was completely ecstatic to find I'm most like Rory Gilmore when I completed the "Which Gilmore Girl Character Are You?" Throughout the show I did identify with Rory the most but not completely up to the "perfection" that Rory often exudes. For the Glee quiz, I was surprised to find that the character I'm most like is Emma the counselor but the description that comes along with being Emma is reflective of myself so I accept the character bequeathed to me. I thought I would have been one of the students.

I also didn't understand how I could be Lily from How I Met Your Mother because I most definitely identify most with Robin on the show. Can't say that I agree with everything in the description especially the bouts of jealousy bit and the artistic flair thing. On the other hand, I thought my being Gillian Foster from Lie To Me was definitely accurate. Especially the part where it says that I allow emotions to get the better of me. I do that sometimes.

I did a "What Would Be Your Lost Fate?" quiz and apparently if I had gotten stranded on a mysterious island after surviving a plane crash, I'd be prone to have a whirlwind romance with a fellow castaway. Glad I have my priorities straight :) This next one is completely inconceivable (Sevvik, that's for you. Throwing out a lil The Princess Bride quote there :D). How in hell's name did I end up on Team Edward?!?!?! I am Jacob, Jacob, JACOB ALL THE WAY! No way in hell am I ever, EVER, on Team Edward. The quiz counter/meter thingy that tallies up the scores MUST have gotten it wrong on this one. Made me want to puke when I saw the results.

Next, I did a "What Would Simon Say About You?" quiz. I like that he'd call me a superstar. It made me beLeeve (:P) I was one. I was channelling my favourite American Idol while I did this quiz. That's right, am talking about you, Leon! Of course, could not NOT do the Sons of Anarchy quiz. I figured I'd get Jax. I don't particularly know why.

Then I took the The Good Wife quiz. I got Will and I have to say, I do have a crush on this character. I find him very sexy. I like a man who's in control. Well, I like him when he's a made-up character in charge of a fictitious law firm. Plus, I guess a lot of Will Gardner's qualities are similar to my own. Then there was the "Which TV Bad Ass Are You?" Again, I somehow foresaw I'd get Jack Bauer. Now, this is actually one series I don't follow. Never managed to get into it. But Jack Bauer is I and who am I to complain? It seems I'm saving the world every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Well, up to season 7(?) I guess. I hear the show's cancelled now.

When I did the "Who Is Your Ideal TV Husband?" and got Tracy Jordan of 30 Rock as my soulmate I did go WTH. He's my least fave character on the show, I definitely wouldn't mind Jack McBrayer's character rather than Tracy. Was so disappointed. I really wanted to get John Krasinski's The Office character to be my TV husband. Yup, that's right people of the internet. I just typed one of the weirdest lines I've ever thought up. Am I delusional or am I delusional?