Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i find this despicable

I was going through my normal after-work routine, doing my news roll via Google News when one particular article's headline caught my attention: Disturbing Job Ads: 'The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered'

Intrigued, I clicked on the link and was brought to the Huffington Post website. I proceeded to read the article that basically states employers in the US are looking for qualified people to fill positions in their company. Oh, but if you're already currently unemployed due to whatever reasons, please don't bother to apply cos we ain't interested in giving jobless people jobs.

To say unemployment in the States is a prevalent issue is understating it. It's an issue on a global scale. I've been reading about retrenchment, job cuts, etc, etc for close to a year and a half and can only imagine how hard it is for those who have been laid off to find work since they are competing against others who are in the same predicament as well as fresh grads coming into the job market.

To blatantly state you won't even consider hiring a person who is currently unemployed yet looking to rectify that situation is just plain wrong. I understand that it is the company's perogative to find the best person for the job but how does that help the country as a whole when you continue to recycle the current workforce and leaving the ones who are able, ready and willing out in the cold? Some of those retrenched are skilled people who caught a bad break. Where are their chances for new opportunities if potential employers are shutting the door in their faces from the get-go? Aren't you basically limiting your chances of finding the right fit when you refuse to see candidates that presently don't hold a job?

I get that it's the process of weeding out the ill-equipped, unqualified but what about those who can and will excel? Do they not deserve a chance? I just feel for all those people who are doing their damndest to find a job in this really lousy job climate and having to endure this type of discrimination. How can one maintain a positive attitude in the face of such polarizing rejection? Such selective criterias of employment will in the end come to - how shall I word this as succinctly as possible? - bite you in the ass, Employers. It's just sooooo wrong.