Friday, June 4, 2010

watching.....and loving.....once

If a love never was, is it even love at all? Sigh. Once. I get it, I understand the concept of two people who are perfect for each other and never quite getting together. Sigh. All that yearning, that connection, that feeling that everything fits. I guess at one point in my life I felt that I've gone through that but I'd say that in my case, I'm happy it never happened for me.

Once. I know it's been eons since this movie made waves and it's not that it eluded my space of consciousness but I honestly can't say why I was determined not to watch this movie before this. It's right up my alley, it's indie, it's a feeling movie, I love to watch stuff like that. But at the heart of it is a simple yet complicated love story. Not complicated in a convulated dramatic "I'm-having-your-brother's-baby" kind of way but complicated in the "there-are-many-outside-variables-in-our-seperate-lives-that-are-preventing-us-from-happening" vein. And not a simple love that is straight forward "I-like-you, you-like-me" but it's simplicity is in the honest and genuine actions of both parties and how they grew into a love that was borne out of a mutual respect and friendship for one another.

In an ideal romantic movie, of course I want to see them together but I feel this movie realistically depicted what so often happens in real life. How everything can come together and it still won't come together. Does that make any sense? Love can be as simple as I love you, you love me but it rarely ever is just about the I love yous. I'd like to meet someone who wholly subscribes to the premise that love is enough because I certainly don't. I think that in every relationship, at all times you have to be aware that it isn't only about what you feel for that other person. I don't believe in subsisting on love alone, it's not a logical or rational way of living life.

And I guess that's why I like this movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for convulated romantic storylines. One of the movies I love best is Love Actually. And I swoon when I watch The Princess Bride but I know not to believe that those mirror life. Perhaps in some instances they do but almost always there are other factors that need to come into play. Once. I get you.

Thank you, Crystal Bowersox for finally pushing me to watch this movie. LOL. I guess I would have come around to it sooner or later ( I suspect later) but because of Crystal, who wholeheartedly loves this movie, I felt compelled to give it a watch. For some reason she doesn't strike me as the romantic type, but there she is gushing on national television about this singer songwriter love story and I felt, well, if she, the antithesis of what I would deem a romantic (again, I dunno why she gave me this impression, I believe, now, she's a hopeless romantic) can find this romance (why wouldn't she right? it's singer-songwriter, art imitating life kinda stuff for her probably) captivating then so would I. So, thanks Crystal. No disrespect to the original but I completely love your version of Falling Slowly with Lee, you guys should really release it as a proper single, it is fantastic. Oh, and have to say, the music in the movie is fabulous, every piece of it. Love the soundtrack :)