Wednesday, June 30, 2010

just a lil end of the month chit chat

Feels like I dropped off the face of the earth the past ten days or so. I was just exhausted from the really hard work I've been doing lately :)

Anyways, work-wise, updates are, mainly, going swimmingly and with the exception of a 3-day site visit to a different district 4 hours away beginning this Friday, it can be said all is done. Well, I guess it can't be said all is done, exception notwithstanding. But the gist, you get it, don't ya? am wondering if starting a second paragraph with another anyways is a done thing or not. Apparently the catchphrase(s) for this post are anyways and done. The story is short but here I am making it long.

No, I have not been eating any Happy pizzas -> Google it if you don't know cos I ain't explaining. Ooh, ooh, I have received all my lurverly shopping. Ok, truthfully, not in my (am going crazy with the italics, aren't I?) hands per se, not all of 'em at least but what I do have are the two Newport News tunic blouses (simply gorge!), my F21 military vest - delightfully stunning despite being in a smaller size than ordered; point is - it fits, my Spanx stuff which I'm happy with - nuff said and of course - my impulse buy - the Just Cavalli lizard embossed clutch which I am totally and unequivocally in love with thankyouverymuch!

When I am not as completely hyped up as I am on this last night of June, I will post pics of some of the purchases. On the whole shopping front, I've been really great about not doing any online shopping. Aside from getting a birthday present for one of my besties (this does not count as a selfish purchase), I have only managed multiple rounds of chicken with the shopping cart. It always gets down to a stand-off between me and the Pay Now (or whatever variation of 'Make Payment' is chosen by the web developer) button. I can never finish, it always ends up I close the browser in a fit of frustration. I'm trying to be good, I am.

In some sad online buying news, I have, sadly, requested a refund from The Book Depository for my 'The Carrie Diaries' pre-order that never translated to actual order. Got my money back so instead of spending money, I actually made some back :D Yet, I will be spending a chunk of my hard-earned mid-year bonus (that's right, folks, don't be jealousssss!) on my wish list projector. At first I was thinking of buying in-store but after having to cut the budget by a 100 bucks and refusing to compromise on the exact make and model of the projector, I have opted to stalking an eBay listing. Cross my fingers and hope I win cos it'll be at least a 150 bucks saving even inclusive of shipping. Muahahahaha. Hmmm, guess evil laugh would be more convincing if I actually won the auction, right?

Anyways (hehehe), perhaps its the overdose of my peanut butter on wholemeal toast that I've been scarfing down for brekkie (and tonight's din din) the past week that has me acting so unbelievably kookily annoying. Anyways, done :)