Sunday, June 20, 2010

late night with.....

.....visiting engineers :) Been busy with work the whole weekend. On Friday I got home at 12:30 in the AM. Had a half days work on Saturday and spent Sunday at the main office doing more work.

We're doing a lil upgrading work on the operations here so we have visiting engineers from our partner company coming in to do various technical housekeeping activities. It's been a while since I had to endure a 19 hour work day. If I'm honest, I kinda enjoyed it. Once in a blue moon that is. If its every other day, it's just stressville and a turn away from complete meltdown :D

Anyways, have to say, am enjoying this visit cos the engineers sent this time around are laidback and cool. It also helps that they are cute and single so I've been enduring/enjoying mild flirtation. Usually I get stuck with the slightly snotty types who are so hell bent on withholding their job task from my team it's off-putting. I always wanna mention that if you just shared what it is you're supposed to do with us, you'd most likely get the job done quicker and get to go back home faster. Usually ends up with them having to extend their trip to finish the work. When I encounter these types, I just don't bother making an effort to get all pally with them. Which is why I probably earned a bit of a snooty rep but I don't particularly care.

So it's such a relief to meet up with these two normal dudes. I find it refreshing that I can actually sit down and have a pleasant conversation with them. And the main engineer is so forthcoming with the work that needs to be done, I love him - from a professional standpoint that is. I suspect he's not following the normal company procedure cos he is currently serving out the end of his contract and will be off to a new place come next month. Even if that's the case, still appreciate his willingness to share and not be all covert ops on us.

The other guy is new to the company and so eager to please. I like that as well. I'm all for you offering me updates to the existing system without my having to go through hell to get them from you. However, the longer he works there, I believe the herd mentality will get to him and then he'll be all pod people like the rest of his colleagues.

Anyway, it's been nice having them around. A break from the banality of hanging out with the guys from my own team since these two guys are from my Homeland. The one who's leaving keeps flirting with me, it's cute. I just ignore him during work hours but when we are officially off the clock, I just flirt right back. Not in an obvious kinda way, we just end up complimenting each other a lot. He keeps telling me how pretty I am and I respond in kind.

Ok, am trying to get in an early night since tomorrow will be a full days worth of training and upgrades and whatnot. I know, boring stuff but a necessity. That's the life of people in tech support :)