Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 birthday haul numero siete

If there's something you'll learn about me through this blog, aside from me doing a lot of shopping, is that I LOVE GIMMICKY WEIGHT LOSS APPAREL! LOVE EM! So when my Homeland Groupon had a deal for the Zaggora Flares pants that usually retail for a hefty USD112 going for about 34 bucks, I got em!

I've bought more than my fair share. Do they work? To an extent, I believe they do but are they enough, that is a resounding 'NO'. Anywho, these Zaggora products, heard so many good stuff about them so why not give em a go if it's selling for that cheap :)

I believe that is the last of my birthday hauls thus far. I am not saying it's the end of the hauling, I'm coming into some drugstore dollars in April so there's that :D And geez if some Asos stuff ain't calling my name but we'll cross that bridge when we reach it.....

Image is from Zaggora itself, I do not own it.