Tuesday, July 20, 2010

of being sick, family visits and overzealous corporations

As the title suggests, I have been sick throughout the weekend only to have a greatly unexpected and happy visit from my parents and youngest niece on Monday ending with the stress of having to research everything and anything about this company that is claiming to be buying us out of our project contract.

However, alls well, ends well. I'm recovering nicely, I have managed to spend two completely relaxing days with my 'rents and my lil niece AND I manage to get some nice and juicy stuff on this company that has supposedly inked a USD700 million deal with the government for projects that do involve the current work I'm doing in this country.

We've had overtures like this before in the past three and a half years I've been on this job but none on this magnitude. Although our local attache has written a recommendation to rebuff this company's overtures, as this company really doesn't have any proven experience in providing the service the company I'm working for is providing, they are apparently going to try to go through a different project and see if they can then gain a hold from that angle. We, of course, have to cover all our bases. What I found out today is that this company is in hot soup with their investors. They constantly announce the procurement of mega projects since 2008 but rarely have delivered.

Simply put, their implementation track record is downright abysmal. Not to say that i'm confident that this overture will result in nothing but the way in which they procured the contract in itself is garnering a wave of dissatisfaction and outright criticism of the deal since many parties are decrying the lack of transparency in the award of the tender to them.

Ok, my worries has lightened significantly and now I feel I can at least get some good shuteye :)