Saturday, July 31, 2010

on to happier things!

So, I know the tone of the blog posts of late has been angstsy and an overall bummer therefore what better way to cheer it up with more shopping exploits!

Ok, some people might think that I use shopping as an emotional crutch, try to associate some form of psychological explanation to all my spending but let's just say, I really do like to shop. I just do. Yes, it makes me feel good. And at the end of the day, as long as there's no remorse, I know I got the stuff for the right reasons.

Anyways, got some more stuff from Lush. My parents are in Perth visiting some relatives and I thought I might as well take advantage of that and order something weighty and easily perishable. My sis and I both wanted to get stuff so we did the research, gave the name of the mall the Lush store was at to my mum and the next thing we knew, my mum was texting my sis back to tell her she's in front of the store. After much back and forth and my eldest sis suddenly joining the Lush train, my mum probably walked out of the store with a big shopping bag worth of Lush stuff. The image of this 60-plus year old lady going to town at Lush makes me smile. Especially since she doesn't even know wth Lush was prior to this. My mum is simply the best :)

Now, the weighty product I got was the big tub Ocean Salt cleanser(250g) for AUD35. The smaller tub was AUD20 for 100g so even though I have never used it before, I took the value for money train of thought and just went for it. The main reasons I got this cleanser are:

1 - I have a thing for salt-based (like bath salts and whatnot) beauty products. I just like the idea of using ocean salt as a scrub on my face though, honestly, I've actually never bought any salt-based products prior to this. But I'm feeling like this Ocean Salt stuff is going to be right up my alley.

2 - It has lime in it. Salt and lime, what does that remind you of? MARGARITAS! I know I mentioned I don't drink but I have had mocktails before and one of my faves is non-alcoholic Margaritas! The salty, the citrus, the sweet. Love it! Furthermore, apparently, according to the description which I've lifted verbatim, the antibacterial effects of lime and the trace of alcohol in the product is ideal for blocked pores, blackheads or blemishes. The minerals in sea salt soften as the salt scrubs away dirt and blockages. I'm always game to try anything that purports to get rid of my stubborn blackheads!

3 - It's got coconut and avocado in it. I love the smell of coconut and in beauty products, I think they are very moisturising due to the rich nature of coconut milk. And avocado has that good fatty stuff in it. Plus it's green and I do love geen stuff in my beauty products!

4 - It's blue in colour. Love the fact that it's blue. I have a thing for blue/green products. Blue drinks, blue face mask, blue cakes, blue ice cream and in this case blue cleansers. I don't really know why I find the idea of putting blue stuff on my face so damn appealing. I mean just look at that image - does that not make you want to slather salty blue goo on your face?

5 - It's supposed to be really, really, really good. And I am willing to try anything once :)

There are reviews that say the salt granules in the cleanser are a bit harsh for daily use so I'm thinking if that's the case for me as well, I'll primarily use it as my bi-weekly face scrub. I still have my Deitenseki charcoal soap for normal use. And if it's still too scratchy, I'm just gonna make it into my body scrub. The current green tea body scrub I'm using is halfway finished so it might need a replacement soon. Always a silver lining ;P

Aside from the bluetastic Ocean Salt cleanser, I also decided to get the easily perishable Aqua Mirabilis body butter; something I would describe as an in-shower massage scrub bar. Now, when I think of body butter, it always conjures up the image of gooey, creamy moisturisers. In the case of Aqua Mirabilis (such a cool name), it looks like a hunk of sand that was patted down into a solid square form. Which makes me think of Egyptian beauties bathing by the Nile. Yes, I'm imaginative that way.

It's made out of cocoa and almond butter and it sounds so divine that I just had to get it. The mixture of the two produces a perfect consistency to moisturize the skin without leaving it feeling greasy. Also contains ground almond shells to give a gentle exfoliating effect that will lightly scour away any dead skin cells. It also has sandalwood and rose oils that act to calm skin and leaves a beautiful fragrance after usage.

I wanted to order this through Lush UK last time but due to the potential shipping melt factor, I had to forgo. There were a number of stuff I wanted that didn't pass the shipment test so with my mum being able to personally get the stuff, this was a chance to test out some of the more easily perishable things I wanted to buy. However, since I had been spending quite a bit this month, I decided to narrow down the choices of melty products I wanted and pick the one I truly would love to try. Aqua Mirabilis was it.

This should definitely be it on the whole skincare, haircare and body product purchasing. Till I finish these products, I doubt I'll be getting any more. This upheaves my skincare regime a bit as it will now include my alternating between the charcoal clay soap and the Ocean Salt cleanser/scrub. Then I have my two toners; the Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion and the Lush Breath Of Fresh Air. I'm hoping they are both going to be good. The Lush one seems lighter and I think can be used as a face spray as well while the Mario Badescu one has more of a calming property. Then there's the trio of problem skin fighting products from Mario Badescu that I'm hoping will keep those PMS zit gremlins at bay, my two solid shampoos, New and Godiva, from Lush and the Aqua Mirabilis body butter solid shower scrub. If there is anything I need, it's moisturiser. I still haven't truly found a HG moisturiser but the Garnier one I'm using is great enough for now.

Can't wait to go back Homeland now. I've got soooooo many great stuff waiting for me! Oh, and yes, family time is awesome too!