Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the streak continues

I think June shall henceforth be known as the month I went broke 10 times over. Shopping seems to have taken over my every waking thought. I can't seem to stop myself from buying, buying, buying things.

My latest purchase comes from ebay. I decided to expand my leggings collection to include some faux denim styles. I bought one in black and dark blue. Since I'm planning to live in leggings throughout my European sojourn (dunno if this will actually be feasible considering the brrrr factor), I wanted to deviate from the 4 black pairs I already had. I am colour shy as I don't think my pins are skinny enough to carry non-black solid colours so I thought I'd instead go down the denim look road.

I have skinny jeans and I believe I work those. These will be just slightly clingier than those. Hopefully it all pans out and I'll look smashing :P Some images of said leggings will hopefully be a better visual aid of the look I'm trying to achieve.

I can't actually believe the amount of stuff I've managed to acquire in one month. Once I've calmed down more, I'll take the time to actually run invetory of all the new things June has influenced me to buy. Naughty month June, naughty month!

UPDATE (01/07/2009):
It's on its way to my 'rents house as we speak. Ok, that's an exaggeration but I should be getting it by tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait for the package to arrive. And I won't even be there to receive it. It's the thought of the stuff I bought waiting for me to get my hands on them that get me excited :D I love buying things!

new pilots for next year?

I knew there was a reason I'm still on my imposed F1 news blackout. The F1 community is rife with reports that Ferrari will announce at least one driver change for the 2010 season regardless where they end up racing.

The rumours have been swirling for the past 3 years or so about a Fernando Alonso and Ferrari partnership. Considering that Santander, which is a Spanish company, has signed on as a main Ferrari sponsor for next year, the rumours appear to have some merit. The person who is supposed to make way for the incoming former world champion is apparently still undecided. Kimi has been linked with retirement at the end of this season so the best bet would be him. I don't know and at this point of the season, I can't seem to muster up enough emotions to care. Ok, I'm lying. I'm trying very hard to remain clam. The prospect of no Kimi is devastating to me. Not under these circumstances anyway. But it might all be true since he seems to be making a very public debut in rallying. He's done three rallies thus far and will be competing in another one in his home country, Finland, at the end of July. Does this spell the end of Kimi in F1 and Ferrari? I really don't know.

The rumour mill has also churned out that Seb Vettel, who is currently driving for Red Bull Racing, is being poached by Ferrari. I can see how they do want him but I don't believe that he'll be in the red jumpsuit by next year. Ferrari will most likely retain at least one of their current drivers for next year's lineup.

That's all the latest F1 news I could muster before my heart got sick with the thought. Sigh. I'm feeling F1 is a terribly emotional burden that I might not want to bear any longer.

Monday, June 29, 2009

watching.....Secret Diary Of A Call Girl

And I love it! I held off on watching this after the first season cos I read a bunch of reviews that were less than lacklustre. But I finally got round to getting it just this weekend.

It's tv show no mans land. The period between May to September where all network tv shows go into hibernation. I am bored out of my mind. I am going through my film stash at an impossibly high rate. Hence, the need for new watching material. So, I gave in to my curiosity. Yup, my fascination with working gals won out over numerous bad reviews.

And I'm so glad it did. I dunno what those people are going on about. No content, just feeding into the salaciousness of the skin trade. It does have a storyline, it's telling the visual story of Belle Du Jour. And it's been pretty true to the book.

When I first heard there was going to be a tv series made and Billie Piper was cast as Belle, I thought that that was poor casting. I lean more towards dislike on the love/hate Billie Piper scale. But as I watch her in the role, I'm starting to see the brilliance of her as Belle/Hannah and it's definitely a casting coup. She is fantastic as Belle. She sells the character to me. I can believe that behind that pretty gril-next-door exterior, there lies a professional escort persona.

And the storylines, while not thought provoking nor world-saving (realistically, tv seldom is), it is done in a manner that you are left feeling as if you've been allowed to tag along on this unbelievable ride. I'm definitely a fan. Ok, and I have a small crush on Iddo Goldeberg, the guy who plays Ben, Hannah's best mate on the show. A lil man candy never hurt :D

Sunday, June 28, 2009

accessorize this

I'm not much of an accessories gal. When I do buy accessories, they're mainly bracelets and rings. But lately, I've been eyeing brooches. These particular set of 3 vintage brooches from the UK brand Accessorize.

Ever since I caught sight of them a coupla days ago, I haven't been able to get them out of my mind. So much so that I asked my sis to go out and find them for me. I saw this set on someone's blog which I forget and am regretful cos I really do want to credit her. Damn my habit of clearing my IE cache after browsing!

I haven't received word as yet if I am the proud owner of a set of these brooches but I'm crossing my fingers. A browse on the sight reveals that Accessorize have a different set of 3 for purchase, just not as enchanting as the ones above. The only one I'm attracted to is the one with the turquoise stones.

The above is apparently categorized as the eclectic set-of-3 brooches and costs GBP10. I have no idea how much the vintage set costs but I'm willing to hazard a guess that its within the same ballpark. Anyways, here's hoping my shopping streak continues with the purchase of my dream brooches :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

too much time on hand.....

does not contribute to me being fiscally responsible. It's a Saturday. I'm just chillin' at home. Yet, that didn't prevent me from spending money.

After my Barnes & Noble escapade, I've already gotten a taste of that high a great purchase gives you and have since been trawling the web (aside from at the same time half-heartedly tuning into the movie channel for the whole day) looking for something else to get my paws on. And I came back to this.....

The price has gone down an extra 10%! Unfortunately, I Don't Like Mondays still does not deliver to my home country. Sigh. I'm actually desperate enough to ask my boss if I can get it shipped to one of our branches in a country they do deliver to. I'm on the brink of texting her to find out but am holding off till at least Monday. Can't be seen troubling the higher ups with such trivial business on their weekend.

I really want these Melissa Vinyl ii shoes!

i am such a sucker.....

for discounts from bookstores. I can't help it. Every time I see a 50% to 70% markoff I can't stop myself from picking it up. Or in this case, clicking it into my shopping cart.

I opened my gmail account this morning to clear the deluge of daily emails I receive and came across the newsletter from Barnes and Noble. They are having a books clearance sale, most at 50% off. I wasn't looking for anything in particular but decided to just have a look around. Two and a half hours later, I find I have charged USD96.29 for 10 books.

I mean, on the outset, looks like a good deal, roughly USD9.50 per book right? Well, the discounts were super cheap, most of the books were about USD3.99. What jacked up my total was the international shipping costs. The cost of shipping exceeded the total amount for the books by nearly double. I paid USD62.39 for shipping and handling when my total cost of books was USD33.90. All I can say is the books were dirt cheap and the cost of shipping basically offsets the discounts and makes it equivalent to if I had gone to the store and bought them myself.

Why then would I go through with payment if the shipping total is more than the actual costs of the books themselves? Well, some of these books are hard to find in my home country. Some have ceased to exist (i.e: probably didn't generate good sales and was returned to publisher), some can't even be found in my country and others were just stories that appealed to me. I did make myself get a range of genres: heavy reading, light chick lit, period dramas and a biography that I've always wanted to read but couldn't find anymore.

After using the online currency converter, it all adds up to more or less the retail cost of the books sans discount. I'm fine with it. I've reconciled. This should be my last books purchase for the year. I believe it should last me till December. I still have quite a few here that I have not touched. In fact, I have about 3 books I have started but haven't finished. I'm also slowly going through "The Iliad".

I hope this time I will have a seamless shopping experience with barnesandnoble.com. This is their second chance to redeem themselves in my eyes. And considering it's quite a large order, this should sufficiently test their customer service. I hope I am not disappointed.

thongs and mary janes to make you fit

This post isn't about that particular style of undies nor about someone named Mary Jane. Instead, I'm talking about shoe styles.

Shoe technology has come a long way since its creation. Shoes are no longer worn simply to protect your feet when walking. Nowadays, shoes play an important role in women's lives. Some would even go as far as to say that wearing the perfect pair of shoes can make the crappiest of days seem alright.

I can somewhat attest to this. Last year, during my hols in the States in August, I brought 2 pairs of footwear with me: a pair of suede booties and my Chocolate/Cotto Cyprus Crocs. And I suffered greatly. Our trip started in San Francisco. I actually went down Lombard Street in my 3 inch Crocs. Crazy or what? I thought that they would provide me with style and comfort. I was somewhat wrong. The straps rubbed against my upper foot and left me with a scar that I can still see to this day. My feet woes lasted till Atlantic City where I did the smartest thing ever and got myself a 99 cents, made in china, pair of purple flip flops. I couldn't be happier.

Which brings me to this post. I'm planning my Europe trip wardrobe, shoes are of utmost priority here. Since the trip will take place in the height of autumn, I need a pair of shoes that will provide me comfort AND style. I still refuse to compromise on the style. For goodness sake, I'll be in Paris, the city of fashion. I can't go looking like a ruffian. It'll be completely shameful. Anyways, I already have one pair of shoes that are definitely going with me: my White Stag knee-high black boots that I got from Wal-Mart for USD5. I'm thinking of the other pair I want to bring and can't seem to find anything in my current collection which would qualify.

I was sifting through June's Cosmopolitan when I came across a Skechers ad promoting their "Shape Ups" sneakers. What they are:

"Shape Ups design promotes weight loss and tones muscles. Simulates walking barefoot on a yielding surface such as sand. Made out of firm polyurethane frame that supports and stabilizes the foot. The Kinetic Wedge super soft foam midsole designed to absorb shock and provide exercising effect1 1/2 inch midsole height at highest point in center. Its specially sculpted rubber outsole for natural propulsion.

Shape Ups also increases your muscle activity level, relieves pressure on joints and tendons and boosts your metabolism level resulting in increased calorie burn."

Shoes that exercise you? Do they really work? Well, to be honest, I do own a pair of these supposed fitness footwear. I own a pair of FitFlop Classic Walkstar thong sandals in black. As far as I can tell, on the occasions I do get to wear them, they do make me tired after. But considering I can't even decisively give a yay or nay on the fitness properties of FitFlops, I am iffy on the idea of fitness footwear. They are of course all on the pricey side. My FitFlops, bought in London, were a pricey USD72 or so. For thong sandals.

But I'm not anything if not fair. I wouldn't mind giving fitness footwear another go if the price is right. That's why I am looking at the Skechers Women's Physical Mary Jane Fitness Shoe. I like the idea of getting extra exercise on vacation. I know my Paris trip will involve pastries galore and the UK will be a fish and chippies extravaganza. So the concept of walking and being exercised at the same time really appeals. And Skechers is a well-known footwear company. The pair in question cost in the region of $99.95 - $105.00.

Which is more affordable than the other pair I had been looking at from MBT (Masai Barefoot Technology). I believe this company pioneered the fitness footwear industry. Apparently, the shoes are supposed to simulate your feet walking barefoot on springy moss or on a sandy beach as this creates a natural instability underfoot, which activates the supporting muscle system and has positive effects on the entire body. But the price range of between $224.80 to $249.95 is something I balk at. What with the whole uncertainty of the technology actually working for me. The pair I like is similar to the Skechers pair and is called the MBT Women's Lami Casual Sport Mary Jane.

Whatever it is. I have a few months more to come to a decision. Perhaps I will go in a completely different direction.

the first (and only) nephew.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


I LOVE YOU BABY MIKS! You may be six today but you'll always be my lil Baby Miks! Even when you're 16, 26, 36 and so on. I miss the smell of your head so much and yes, you do smell just like Chee Chom. I promise I will buy you the "Hot Wheels" with the dinosaur so you can run your collection on the track and they can get eaten up by the dinosaurs. Or something along those lines.


Friday, June 26, 2009

being silly

I guess it's really happening then. My sis has told my 'rents and my other sis of the proposal she received. My father has apparently given his blessing, going as far as to say that he always knew that this guy would be the one and that he is the only person that is capable of handling my sis. He also said that it has been a long time coming. And that his prayers has finally been answered. My mum's reaction: completely blase about the whole thing. I guess she's happy for my sis, when I asked her, she just said that if that's what my sis wants then so be it. My other sis was cautious at first but then is now on board. I'm on board, I'm just also having a pity party for myself. Why does it feel that her wedding is going to be the end of my life? I wish to god that I didn't feel this way. I want to be unequivocally happy for my sis, without the doubts that hang over my own situation. I had become resigned to the fact that it would be my sis and I taking care of each other in our old age. I was never thinking about marriage. Now if she marries, I seriously have to figure out what I want to do with my life. Can't seem to skate by anymore and depending on her to think for the both of us. Once she marries, it would be all about her and her husband. I don't fit in anywhere. I also feel very betrayed. She has been spouting about not needing a man to complete her life for the past five years and even got me buying into it that now that she has suddenly done a 360, I'm left feeling cheated. I still feel the same and I can't bring myself to think otherwise. I genuinely feel happy the way I am without a man but now I'm starting to question if this is just a defense mechanism. She's got me all confused. I feel sad for me. So, I'm indulging in a pity party :P

Sunday, June 21, 2009

achieving the trifecta

Getting pole position. Setting the fastest lap of the race. Coming in first at the end. That is the trifecta ALL Formula One drivers want to achieve on any given racing Sunday. Only few drivers have managed trifectas. Kimi's last trifecta was during the Spanish Grand Prix of 2008. At the British Grand Prix that just ended, one driver became part of this elite group of F1 pilots. It wasn't Kimi, as of the official classification, he is ranked 8th. Considering the afternoon, I am happy he managed to score a point at the most. He couldn't have done better though he tried. The car and him just don't gel well. No, it was the young German Red Bull Racing pilot, Sebastian Vettel, who managed that cool feat.

All weekend Red Bull were the team to beat and they proved their dominance with a one-two finish with Seb Vettel finishing over 18 seconds ahead of his teammate Mark Webber. Kimi started ninth, finished eigth. He had a great start, running in fifth but since he was short-fueled for his first race stint, that pretty much compromised his entire race strategy. Hence I'm not complaining about the lowly eigth. He was in danger of losing even that 4-5 laps towards the end so the fact that he retained the points paying position is a blessing in itself.

My props goes to Felipe. He started 11th, finished 4th. His race strategy was flawless. He was fueled heavy for his first stint which enabled him to post quick race laps when all the front runners pitted earlier. This allowed him to reduce the gap time and he exited the pits ahead of a whole bunch of people in fifth. After his second pit, he was fourth. So great job Felipe, lousy quali but good on ya for making it up during the race. His just as good as Kimi's start was also a big help. He totally did a "Kimi Raikkonen"*. Kimi, on the other hand, did a "Felipe Massa"**.

Brawn were third and sixth. They maintain their lead in the constructors championship and Jenson still is the man to beat. Although the last race held at the Silverstone race circuit wasn't won by a Briton as hoped by the large turnout on this race Sunday, nonetheless, the sporting British crowd still gave a hero's welcome to Seb Vettel who proved he is a worthy winner. And a future world champion?

*Doing a Kimi Raikkonen means starting in a lowly grid position and making a comeback drive to a superb points position in a manner that makes everyone wonder how in hell that was done. This was a standard Kimi move throughout his McLaren career and his first year at Ferrari. As of late, Kimi is still searching for that aspect of him. He seems to have misplaced him :D
**Doing a Felipe Massa means starting in a lowly position and basically not making any/significant headway by the time the race ends. Either they end in the same position they started, move up a place or two, move down the grid a few notches or don't finish at all. As of the end of 2008, this was a trademark of Felipe. He seems to have stolen Kimi's mojo. Good for him for maturing as a driver :D

the pressure is on

i've gone along for the past few years, happy in my singledom status. Since my last relationship ended, I have never felt compelled to actively seek out a partner. My last "date" was in April. Even then, I was ambushed into it. A blind setup planned by one of my best friends and her colleague with one of his friends. It was nice, just no chemistry on my part. Am not sure what the other party feels. Anyway, I have been happy to plod along as a singleton without a care or a thought to finding someone up until today.

What has contributed to this change of heart? Perhaps I should explain why I've been so comfortable with my single status first. Including myself, there are three of us siblings. All girls. In Asian cultures, the firstborn daughter should be married first but there are instances whereby the younger siblings can leapfrog the order. This is the case with my family. My second sister got married 10 years ago, ahead of my eldest sis. Since then, the pressure of coupling up and heading down the matrimonial path has never been an issue for me. As I have an unmarried older sibling, it doesn't matter if I do not end up married during the window of age most girls are supposedly to be all knotted up. My eldest sis has also largely influenced my own personal life. She is 37 this year and has achieved so many incredible milestones all on her own. Without the help of a man in the picture. I mean, she's not anti-man, she has had relationships on and off since forever but as of the past coupla years, she has been breaking down corporate barriers and just doing her own thing. And she's wildly successful at it. Happy too.

She always speaks of doing things for herself first and foremost and the impressionable lil sis that I am, have also followed suit in the hopes of filling in the footsteps she has so nicely left behind her. However, my sis is not lacking for male interest. Last year, an old flame of hers proposed marriage. I like him. She dos too but the circumstances were not permitting and she didn't take him up on his offer. She's generally on great terms with most exes. So when I was home for the family gathering last weekend, she and I actually went out for lunch with her "first love" as she calls him and we three had a great time. Apparently, on Sunday after sending me to the airport, he called her up for lunch again and while dining, proceeded to propose to her.

I like this guy as well. We get along. And he is successful in his own right so no worries about anyone taking advantage of the others success. What has me worried is that she's actually considering it. They have been apart for sixteen years. On and off throughout the years they keep in touch to commisserate or celebrate various milestones in their seperate lives. Suddenly after one luncheon he says he wakes up the next morning and knows that he was always meant to be with my sis. And he now wants to talk to my dad and has insisted that they marry by December.

This has me freaking out. Of course, if my sis is happy and wants to, I want this for her. But for me this is a disaster. I am in no way ready to be with anyone nor do I have any desire to have a boyfriend. If she ups and marries, the full force of inquiring minds (read: nosy relatives) will fall solely on me. She's my buffer and we've co-existed excellently in this way for the last few years. Without her on the single side I'm going to have to take on the burden all by my lonesome. And that's added stress I do not need nor want. I have enough in dealing with being away from my family, I do not want to have to worry about having to find someone to settle down with as well. Yea, so I sound silly and selfish. Look, its no house of fun to be the only single person in your family. I do not want to have family pitying me. I AM happy as I am but things won't be so easy with pressure from extended family. My core family in itself is cool. Get married, be single, your choice. No pressure from mum and dad but if everyone in my family is going to be all loved up and happy, I don't know if I can maintain my single mantra and be excellent with it. I want to be single until the time is right for me to be with someone. But I don't know if in the end I will end up conforming before that time has come. Does this make any sense?

Friday, June 19, 2009

leading nominee for (unexpected) civil war of 2009 category is.....

When I first decided to start blogging, I never realized that I would actually end up documenting, for my personal archives, the possible demise of the one sport I actually love to follow.

Yea, not exactly global changing stuff, it's simply infighting between the FIA and FOTA (Formula One Teams Assocition). The big manufacturers and the sports governing body is at an impasse. After many months of squabbling, the situation came to a head on Thursday night when FOTA made a press release to announce the creation of a breakaway series parallel to F1. The months of discussions and meetings resulted in zero headway and both parties were not able to reach a consensus on the future rules and regulations for the coming season and beyond and this, unfortunately, has led to the divide.

With a breakaway series, all the big teams including Ferrari, Mclaren, BMW, Brawn, Red Bull and all others excluding the privateer teams Williams and Force India, will start racing in an alternative "Formula 1". That means no more Kimi, Fernando, Lewis or Jenson. Most of these drivers are contracted to their teams for 2010 and so far they have all stood united with their teams in leaving the pinnacle of auto racing competition to race the breakaway series being set up.

Of course, the media has jumped all over this. Quotes form drivers have been broadcast left and right. Being one of the main players in the sport, Kimi has obviously had to give quite a number of statements in regards to the ongoing conflict. I have to say, he seems like a really PR savvy guy. He has, like Felipe, continuously stood behind his employers but at the same time he has managed to convey his disappointment at a potential breakup with F1. Most others, namely Fernando Alonso, seems to be quite ready to forget F1 and move on to the "bigger and better" series. I don't particularly think its smart of him to so publicly be dismissive of the sport that brought him worldwide recognition on top of the 2 drivers championship he won but to each his own.

Talks are still underway. Many who are observing the ongoings are confident the "rebel" teams will eventully come to race for the F1 banner in 2010. I'm not going to lay down any particular thoughts on my own. I just want to see Kimi drive. If its in F1, ok, rally, I'll follow, alternative F1, I'll watch. My allegiance lies with the driver. I go where he goes.

jumped the gun......yet again

Well, I really should take pause before I decide to come online and articulate the thoughts in my head into words. I apologize for complaining about the online bookstore's payment facility. Like I updated, the payment went through. In fact, the books have already been delivered to my home. I can expect to receive them here when my parents come up for a visit this Monday. I wholeheartedly heart online shopping after all :)

Yea, I'm wishy washy. It's ok. I think the freedom to change ones mind and also to own up to a mistake is one of the better attributes of being part of a civilized society. Can't wait to get my books. Still have quite a bunch I haven't read as yet but a 30% discount is kinda hard to refuse. Well, I simply don't refuse. I'm quite the sucker when I get emails from bookstores promoting online discounts or coupons. Just received a 20% off coupon from barnesandnobles.com. I'm actually thinking of getting Lauren Conrad's "LA Candy". I find Lauren cute. Love her sense of style most days and she seems like a smart young woman. She didn't drag out a reality tv career for longer than she should have. Got out when it was just the right time and is involved in many different endeavours as a result of said career. Reality tv star or fashion designer or author, Lauren Conrad wears her multiple hats with grace. I don't watch "The Hills", never even caught an epi before but I do follow a number of Hollywood celeb sites and what I've seen through news reports and images, I like.

Woah, didn't mean to go off on an I heart Lauren Conrad soliloquy. I don't heart her. I just think she's aight. Off tangent, will stop.

Books weren't delivered in time for them to arrive with my 'rents on Monday. The bookstore called the house to ask if they could come by and drop off the package but it was time for everyone to leave for the airport and too late for the books to make it anyway. The site updated the status as delivered on Friday when it was clear that it hadn't left the warehouse. What they should have done was update it as shipped or processed (or something other than delivered) and then when the books had actually arrived, then only change the status to delivered. Stating delivered before the items had actually been delivered is misleading. I was disappointed not to have gotten the books cos I was really looking forward to reading "Pop Babylon". Oh well, my sis will be coming up for a trip in the second week of July and should be able to bring it along with her.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

my unfortunate luck

I have always, ALWAYS, had problems with purchasing books from the online store of this mega bookstore in my country. I started buying from them at the end of last year. They have a lot of great online deals, like getting 30% off on the latest bestsellers, so during my first try I bought quite a few books and when it was checkout time, of course I'm paying using my trusty card but the payment fell through. So I had to email them and get them to re-process my order via a direct debit from my bank account. The second time I bought from them, again, the payment fell through, so again I had to email them and go through the whole process again.

Last night, I'm browsing around their site and I found three books that I've been wanting to read: Imogen Edward-Jones' "Pop Babylon", Candace Bushnell's "One Fifth Avenue" and Tasmina Perry's "Guilty Pleasures". All the three were 30% less which is always exciting for me so of course they go into my cart and at checkout, I attempt again to pay via credit card and would you believe it, the payment actually went through. Or so I persume. I can't be extra sure because for the longest time (I waited nearly 20 minutes) after I confirmed the payment, it kept on processing through the payment gateway and I'm wondering if the transaction id went through to the bookstore. I went to my issuing bank's online facility and checked that the payment has already been charged but when I checked my account with the bookstore, my status says payment pending. I am not sure if no one is around to update the payment status or whatever but I clearly dread emailing them again this time since my card has clearly been charged this time. Sometimes online shopping is such a drag!

UPDATE: Payment went through! YAY!

the first lady.....Happy Birthday!


May the day bring you joy. As is with 99% of daughters who love their mothers, I know you are the bestest, most fantastic mother a girl could ever have. You truly are and always have been the most wonderful mum to all of us and we are completely and utterly grateful to you for bringing us up the way you have. No one compares to you mama. I LOVE YOU! MUAHS!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i heart my new Topshop shirts.....AND my gladiator heels AND flight tote

Yup, yup. I went, I saw and I bought without hesitation. The day after my sister's big gathering, I spent the day with her, running around town doing errands before my flight back to workland the next day. We spent a fair amount of time in the city centre, particularly at this one mall which houses the be all and end all of stores. A shopping mecca so to speak.

The day started of quite early, after picking up her day maid to clean up after the successful party the night before, we headed into the city. First stop was the dedicated IT mall. One of my colleagues wanted a mini notebook just like moi and I was on a mission to get him the best that USD500 could buy. And get I did. I got him the latest model from HP and even I was tempted to trade in my lil Netty for this newest one. But Netty lives to service me another day. Or coupla years.

Our next stop is one of my most faved shopping destinations. It has all the stores I usually spend my money at and is so convenient. It's actually just a 10 minute walk from the IT mall but considering I was breaking in my Mossimo Petrova gladiator heels (not so handy on cobbled pavements) and my sis was wearing her Christian Louboutin peep toes, we took the car. We were on a mission. My sis was in love with Fendi's latest "IT" bag, the Peek-A-Boo and has been going on and on about it since I landed the day before. As we were walking to the Fendi store, she told me that if they have the bag in black patent and it's less than USD3K than she will get it. The moment we entered the store, my eyes immediately zeroed in on a black Peek-A-Boo. I pointed it out to her, we walked over to it and 20 minutes later we were walking out of the store with a huge Fendi carrier. It was just fate that everything aligned for her to get that bag. I just also want to say that the service at the store was simply excellent. Some of the high-end stores can get real snooty but they were as friendly and helpful as can be.

And that's where we come to MY purchases. Well, after lunching on some exquisite sashimi which cost my sister's ex boyfriend a pretty penny, I left them to catch up and went on my way to complete my mission. I had earlier made an attempt but my first glance around before I was pulled away for lunch didn't come to anything and I was disappointed. But persistance pays. I went again and found the western denim shirt first. I had made up my mind, if I find the red tartan shirt that I would pick up both shirts but if I could only get the one then I wouldn't get any. Since I saw the denim shirts were in abundance, I sought the help of the sales girl to find my other coveted shirt. She had difficulty understanding what I wanted but in the end directed me to the floor below, which I had visited earlier. I thought I'd just go down and take another cursory glance and in the 2 minutes it took me to walk down the steps to the lower floor, my eyes landed on the red checked shirt of my dreams. Just the one shirt, I rushed over to it sooooo fast, I attracted the attention of the sales guy. He watched me take it off the hanger and told me that they had just put it there. Last piece, just off the mannequin. I gave it a try, a size 8. Perfect fit for my broad shoulders. I asked his opinion, he said it looked good (what else would he say right?). I took it up with me to the upper floor.

Once there, the sales girl who helped me earlier saw me and I pointed the shirt to her. Told her it was off of the doll and she proceeded to help me with the selection of the denim shirt. After trying the shirts on for size, I settled on size 8 again and she rang up my purchase. Since I'm a member of the Topshop franchise, I got a 10% discount of all nett items and collected some points. My total came up to about USD85 for both shirts. I am extremely happy with my purchases. They look great on me and are classic additions to my closet trandscending seasons. Simply timeless and great quality too. I can see them getting good cost per wear value :D

I think my new purchases are deserving of a small pictorial alongside my spiffy new heels and my fabulous Hayden Harnett flight tote. Am also wearing my 7 boyfriend jeans and my Promod leggings. Excuse the messy bed, I just got back that afternoon and, yes, my first priority was to take piccies of myself in my new clothes and accessories. That's how excited I was about my new stuff :D


I've been freezing out all F1 news for the past 2 weeks and only just decided to google news Kimi. I was under the impression there were no new races till July based on the F1 racing calendar I put up on my blog. So I was extremely surprised when I started reading the latest news on Ferrari's new upgrades for the British GP and they kept referring to the race being this weekend. I checked with the official F1 website and true enough I had made a typo on my calendar and if it weren't for my overwhelming curiosity I would have definitely missed the race this weekend. And that would have made things more depressing :)

watching.....He's Just Not That Into You

Just finished watching "He's Just Not That Into You" and I LOVED IT! It was a sweet movie, kinda like "Love Actually" but better. I think that all the characters were portrayed by the right actors/actresses. My take on the movie is that they hit it right on the head with this one.

I heard from various sources that this movie was not up to par but I really enjoyed it. I thought it was thoughtful and romantic and real. The whole dating scene, or should I say relationship idea, is completely different from what reality is. We are brought up with a set of rules that we ought to follow to extract something from someone we like but how can ONE set of rules apply to billions of people in the world? People in itself are inherently different from one another.

What I took from this movie is that you should not allow yourself to be chained to the do's & don'ts of relationships created by god knows who and passed down through generations. Yes, they may act as guidelines but don't live by them. Feel the other person out, connect with them and then you'll manage to tap into what makes them tick. I love the Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck storyline. In the end, she saw that a piece of paper certifying that they were husband and wife did not define their love for each other. Their love transcended those gender roles but Ben Affleck knew that although she finally realized what he had been trying to tell her all the while, the one thing that could make her happier was for him to marry her and he did. Out of love for her. Which is why one should marry. As a celebration of love. Not because its time or this is what I should have at this point in my life.

In this day and age, I am surrounded by people who get married or are in relationships because they believe that at this certain age I should have this, this, this in my life. But my personal outlook is that things will happen naturally, if its written in the stars, it will happen. Fate is definite. Don't be with someone for the sake of having someone. Don't not be with someone just because you think it's not time for it. If a life-changing oppurtunity comes along and all the variables are looking as if they fit, embrace it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

buying into trends

I am a fashion and beauty junkie. I love reading fashion & beauty magazines (read: Cosmo, Glamour & In Style), especially those that cater to the everyday woman. I mean, I'm ok with artsy fashion (Vogue/Vanity Fair, am talking about you) but I prefer to peruse through wearable stuff.

On a personal level, when I am deciding which trends I want to jump on, I usually am conscious enough to note if said trend will gel with my persona. I am by no means a fashion victim, I don't just lap up any and all styles coming off of the runways. For instance, I'm not about to delve into acid wash jeans and harem pants cos I know when taking into account body shape and personality, these two fashion resurgences do not complement me one bit. Conversationally though, I think of trends as not exactly trends but resurgences in interest. I mean acid wash and harem pants. Synonymous with Debbie Gibson and MC Hammer. The 80s. Fashion doesn't necessarily create new styles but simply updates looks set years before to allow for more modern and hopefully wearable interpretations.

Some recent trend alerts that I've bought into/rediscovered have been the gladiator/cage footwear, plaid and chambray shirts, maxi dresses, denim jackets, leggings galore, crossbody sling bags and the fringe invasion. I've pretty much covered most of the Spring "It" styles but one look which I am mucho interested in but am undecided if I can follow through is the jumpsuit/romper. I mean, I love some of the looks that have made it into the high street shops but considering that this look flatters such a select few I dunno if I would be one of them. I recently have been wading through tons of images related to this trend and if I do decide to jump aboard, I would definitely buy one that is strapless, a bandeau top suit with full pants. I have broad shoulders which I believe is one of my more stronger assets and it is a part of my body that I don't mind showing off. I have an image in my head of the exact one that I would buy and what kind of accessories to complement it with. How I would dress it up or down, depending on the occasion. But as yet, I have not found the "ONE" and have not gathered enough courage to actually try on the ones I have encountered. I prefer to keep the stylo mylo image of moi in aforementioned dream jumpsuit in my head a while longer and not mar it with pictures of reality ;P

Saturday, June 13, 2009

guess what.....

As I am typing this while sitting at my desk in my bedroom, I currently am wearing the tartan red shirt from Topshop and have the western denim shirt hung on the cupboard handles. That's right! I went, I saw, I flashed my members' card and credit card and bought the 2 shirts that I talked about in the last post. Love, love, love 'em!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i covet.....these Topshop shirts

I dunno. I keep thinking about them. And it won't stop. It's like that clothing application Sage designed on the show "Privileged" that mixes and matches the clothes in the closet to give you a variety of alternatives. That's what keeps going on in my head. I don't have the pieces but I'm already matching them to the clothes I already have. What am I talking about? These two shirts below.....

God, I feel like such a slave to fashion right about now.....I know that a big part of the reason I really want the two shirts above is because they are in trend right now. But at the same time I know these pieces are timeless so it wouldn't necessarily be an impulsive fashion moment. So plaid design and chambray shirts are in this year. Big deal. I see loads of people wearing these two around ALL THE TIME. (If it ain't obvious, this is my way of justifying the additions to my wardrobe).

I'm just going to go to Topshop and see these shirts myself to satisfy my curiosity. If I find that I can't resist then it'll be about GBP58 well worth it for the two. I can so see myself in the checked shirt paired with my H&M leggings, Mossimo Petrova heels and my Jatujak market fringe vest and fake eel skin clutch. Oooh! I can't wait to see these firsthand!

the sun shines on a healthy mind

I have no idea what the title is supposed to mean. It just sprang to life and literally typed itself in the title box. I think I was going for something along the lines of I'm better and grateful to be back on track health-wise. What with having to get on a plane in a day and a half. I am C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-N-G!!

So yea, I am on the fast track to recovery. Been taking my meds and daily vitamin c effervescent tabs. Also stayed on the nutella on wholemeal bread diet with some Heinz beef, pasta & veggie stew thrown into the mix. My housemates/colleagues have been completely adorable as well. One bought me a dozen oranges and another keeps supplying me with soothing chrysanthemum tea drinks. I wuv you guys, I truly do. You men are some of the sweetest men I've ever known.

Although the title does say healthy mind, I think I'm deviating a bit from that path. Ok, am usually a bit on the fanatical side when it comes to google newsing Kimi and Ferrari news. I practically do it on a daily basis but ever since the Turkish GP, I haven't been inclined to do it once. Not cos I don't want to, it's just each time I attempt to my heart starts getting all heavy and sad. It's mainly due to me not wanting to read any more negative press. It's hard to keep a bouyant attitude when people are putting me, I mean Ferrari and Kimi, down. Pause. I know how nutty that sounded but I keep this blog in the spirit of full disclosure of my personal feelings so if it paints me in an unfavourably crazy light, so it does.

On a more cheerier note, I am so stoked to go back home for 3 days. I can't wait! I soooooo miss my nephew and two nieces. And my mum and dad, though they are coming to visit me the week after :) And since it's a birthday do, quite a number of my extended family will be there along with some of my closest gal pals. I can also collect a package one of my closest bosom buddy who now lives, works and plays in Oz sent me via another buddy when they vacay-ed in Bali earlier this month. I dunno what it is exactly but there were hints about trips down memory lane. I suspect it has something to do with my boyband phase. Anyways, it'll be great for laughs.

June has me quite chatty on the blogging front. I mean for quite a bit my spirit was flagging, I thought this would end up being a deadbeat activity but looks like the tide has turned. I guess as I become more comfortable with having my thoughts out there with no one reading it, I'm just letting loose with whatever comes to mind. Isn't that the point of blogging? Saying something even when you have nothing to say?

P.S: No more leaky faucet. Can I get a "HELL YEAH!!!!!"?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

nutty for nutella

Just had my Nutella fix. It's lunch. Ummmm.....hazelnutty choclatey goodness. For the past 2 days that I've been sick, spreading a good layer of this on 2 pieces of wholemeal toast is the only thing that's been keeping me from starving. I understand it's probably not the best option for get-well food but it certainly makes tasting food bearable. We can thank the high sugar content for that.

But on a more postive note, since Nutella is low GI food, means that I don't feel hungry till its time to feel hungry and by that time I am ready for the next round of meds. If I remember correctly, I've had bread with Nutella for 3 straight meals: dinner last night, breakfast this morning and just now for lunch. Don't seem to be getting bored of it just yet and at least it is eliminating my usual mid-morning hunger pangs. It's even managed to squelch my cravings for daily hot choccie. I give myself about a minute after I'm finished with the meal and any additional/lingering food cravings disappear. I feel full. Good.

But I'll most likely be making myself some fish porridge for dinner. Get in some more substantial stuff. Like I mentined in one of my random posts this week, I will be boarding a plane this friday, I do not need to be held back for swine flu inspections. Plus, can't be ill when you're headed to a party right? Now if only I can stop the constant leaky faucet effect that's happening with my left nostril that would be nice :D

damn, damn and damn again

Ok, am still semi-sick but am on a work from home day and should really not be browsing cool blogs but am anyways so.....not the point of the post.

From the hour and a half of trawling budget fashion blogs, just found that the clothing site "I Dont Like Mondays" has the Melissa Black Vinyl shoes I have been coveting on sale for USD74.25. With all international shipping for USD10 for orders less than 100 bucks and completely free if you are over!

And so happens, they have 2 left in stock for size 9 but here's the triple damn part: DOES NOT SHIP TO ANY COUNTRY IN WHICH I HAVE LIVING RELATIVES! Uuggh! So hate when that happens. Why, WHY, WHYY?!?!?!? Why does the US have such great shopping that is practically inaccessible to those in Asia. We got money to spend y'know. It'd do you well to expand those shipping policies to cover more of Asia. The frustration is also in part due to my having overextended on the friends travelling to the States and ordering stuff for them to bring back to me so I'm a bit shy to order some more :(

Anyways, it was in my cart, I was checking out, registering myself as a new member when I try to fill in the shipping deets and, lo & behold, do not see my country nor the country I work in. How annoyingly frustrating is that? Maybe I'll just have to accept that Melissa Black Vinyl in size 9 and I are just not meant to be. Sad. I don't like "I Dont Like Mondays".

Monday, June 8, 2009

random musings on a hot afternoon

I'm actually on sick leave today. I got caught in heavy rain on friday and had been taking some meds throughout the weekend but they didn't take so after making it all the way to work and finding that I started getting chills and sweating all at the same time, I copped off work and went back home.

Slept till 11.30 and then got up and had lunch, some pan-fried skinless chicken with boiled veggies topped with a mushroom cheese sauce, which I made earlier that morning (6 am). And now here I am waiting for the meds to kick in again so I cn get all restful. Seems like it's just getting worse. I started with an itchy throat and a somewhat blocked nose but now the throat is sore and the nose is runny. I feel all phlegm-y. I know, gross, but that's what the body does. It can produce the most outrageously disgusting things at times when you really think of it.

Anyways, will be going back home on friday for 3 days. My elder sis is having her birthday gathering together with my mum and my nephew. They are all June babies. So, as a surprise, am going to leave friday morning to the homeland so I can attend the birthday do. Will be back to workland on Sunday morning. It's a short trip. I do have a job to get back to. My family, bar my 2 sisters, doesn't know I'll be coming back so it's a surprise kinda thing. The last time I surprised them was in April when I had to go back for work. That was a good surprise :)

Can't wait, been feeling nostalgic about being away and left out from all the family activities. Sigh. The sacrifices I make for this job. But I need a job to survive in this world and in this economy, job hunting leaves a lot to be desired. Mainly I don't desire a different job. I like this job. So I will persevere. How melodramatic. I can get like that when I'm feeling sick.

So really, there isn't a specific point to this post. Like I said earlier, just a means to wait out the eventual conking out. But the meds are slow to take right now. Ok, enough ramblings, maybe I'll watch a lil "Leverage" on my Netty. Been scoping out new series since quite a few of the ones I've been following have been given the death penalty. New shows I'm into: Dollhouse, The Mentalist and Leverage. Finished the whole season of Dollhouse and The Mentalist and am currently going through Leverage. So far, so good. All are worthy additions to my quickly decreasing 500GB hard disk space. I'm only left with a lil below 150 gigabytes of storage. And I just bought the disk in February. Crazy ain't it?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

no delight after all in turkey

Well that simply sums it up. I think I won't do a pre-race post after this. I feel like I may have jinxed him with all my talk about good starts and KERS and podium finishes. I'll just keep them thoughts to myself next time.

The race started, he lost 2 positions on the run to the first corner, mainly due to the potentially crash-inducing move by teammate Felipe Massa on the start and Kimi trying to avoid him gave Nico Rosberg an opportunity to pass as well. Then the camera panned away somewhere else but apparently Alonso then took a look and banged against him causing damage to his right front wing which also allowed Kubica to pass. So he effectively lost 4 places on the start.

At his pit stop, he had to change his front wing which dropped him further back than otherwise necessary to fifteenth. He kept pushing, finally managing to haul himself all the way up to ninth when the race ended. And if I do say so myself, shaving quite an impressive amount of time off of his gap to Glock during his penultimate lap.

The point is he tried. It wasn't for lack of trying. He did his best. Onto the British GP then in 3 weeks time. Let's just try to finish ahead of Massa. That little Brazilian prick is really starting to annoy the hell out of me with his low self-esteem issues. Stop being such an insecure runt, asshole! You don't have to keep on trying to make sure the whole world knows you're number 1 at Ferrari. Right now a number one driver doesn't exist there. You're both still fighting to be number 1 this season. Quit your complaining and talking yourself up and just shut up and drive. Take a page out of Kimi's book and shut your mouth more. The difference between you two is that Kimi is a world champion. What are you really? A pretender to the throne, that's what.

Ooh, looks like the zen has left the building. He just made me so pissed. Ok, never mind, the 3 points Massa collected were 3 points more for the team. Points are points. It's a team sport after all. Good job Ferrari :) We'll try better next race!

what's your weird fascination?

I was sorting through an assortment of books I've read, packing them up to bring 'em back with me when I take a trip to my homeland when I realized that I have an inordinately large collection of stories/biographies on people in the business of "serving" people.

Am not really sure why I have a passion for working girl stories :P But I seem to like to read "true accounts" (in quotes cos I can't be completely sure the retelling is all true) tales of life as a high paid escort. Maybe it's because my own life is vanilla in comparison to these women who live life on the edge. The ones that I like to read about usually are in the profession because they enjoy it. I'm not completely sadistic to enjoy tales of other women suffering in the sex trade business. My fascination is with the women who CHOOSE to be in that line of work. And not the ones where they are beaten up by their pimp or are mainly high strung on drugs. The biographies I read mainly relate to how these girls operate. The prep, how their clients are vetted, what kind of work are in their repertoire, those kind of things. Mainly these women work through an agency which are usually, in their retelling, managed by women.

I don't think it's my inner working girl that enjoys the salaciousness of the stories but mainly an avidly morbid curiosity of what drives these women to do the work that they do. There are two authors, both having worked/are still working in the business, who I enjoy reading. Belle Du Jour, who I think is the original working girl turned writer, and another one who goes by the name Miss S.

Belle Du Jour's book is titled "Belle Du Jour: The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl". Her story even inspired a TV series called "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" starring Billie Piper. When this book was first printed, there was an uproar (which is always great for book sales). People protested the release of her book, calling it a glorification of the skin trade when many other women, most forced, were not facing the life Belle talks about. From my perspective, yea, it may seem like she's making the life of a working girl to be glam and just like any other service related job. What I think a lot of people fail to see is that not everyone is forced to go into the business. Some of them actually enjoy the job. And that's part of my interest in stories like Belle's. For my whole existance, I've been fed the impression that all women in the sex trade are being taken advantage of but to see a whole different side where there are those who are willingly going about doing this job is something I find completely weird. Which is why I read their stories. And all I can come up with is they do the job because they like it.

Miss S has two published works: "Confessions of A Working Girl" and "Extra Confessions of A Working Girl". She started out in a working house/salon/brothel in one of the bigger towns in England, Manchester or something but in the second book had decided to move to London. Her story is slightly more varied. She gives the readers a background to why and how she got started in the sex trade. You follow her footsteps from being just a small town working girl to high-priced London escort. In between she did various other jobs related to the industry, stripping and whatnot.

Reading these books doesn't make me wanna chuck in my life and go join them. Nor do they make me feel disgusted by the lifestyle they have chosen. I know some people might think that I'm trying to fill voids in my life by living vicariously through other people's experiences. When I read books, especially those that have a biographical theme to them, I just read to see what other people's lives are like. Not particularly to absorb their experiences and go out and make some of my own but just a curiosity to know. I'm pretty satisfied with the place I'm in. My life might not be all high-charged sexy work but it's not completely vanilla nor is it too much of an exotic flavour that you can't take it. It's a finely balanced sundae :) And even if it is so, that I am void-filling, I say why not. Why not live through other people's eyes?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

turkish delight!

I'll just get to the crux of this post.....Kimi qualified sixth for tomorrow's Turkish GP. C'mon and give me a big woohoo!

So considering in the last race he was second on the grid, it may appear like a setback but all things considered, it is progress. Monaco has always been an anomaly in terms of actual development progress so the real barometer of the Ferrari comeback should come tomorrow on an actual race circuit. And for Kimi to out qualify his teammate on what is Felipe's supposed untouchable track speaks volumes of Kimi's own progress this season. I think the return of slicks is really enhancing his driving style.

Ok, just excited to actually go racing (haha, I'm so deluded) tomorrow. Hope all is good and goes well. Off now. Crossing fingers and actual praying will occur for Kimi to get another podium :D

Looking good for Kimi, just saw the fuel weight distributions for the grid and he has the heaviest fuel load out of the top 8 drivers. This basically means that he can stay out longer than the rest of the field and possibly jump a few positions if he can get in a coupla lightning quick in-laps before he pits. And if the car behaves. Here's hoping he can make a KERS aided jump up the grid at the start and run a podium finishing race! Best of luck Kims and here's a kiss for good luck (yes, yes, delusional, no need to point it out, am well aware of the fact :P). MUAHS!

the lil (beauty) things that count, part 2

So, part 1 is done and dusted. Onwards to part 2. What else is there in my current regime? The game face of course. The cleansing, toning, moisturizing and pampering is only half of basic skin care. The necessary steps to ensure that your face is prepped for the more fun of the whole beauty thing.....MAKEUP!

Now, I've professed my love of the San Fran based cosmetics company Benefit time and again and let's just say they are still a bene fit for me and I can't enough of them. Benefit may be on the pricier end of the makeup spectrum but I think their products do give you bang for your buck. My Benefit items last me ages, and despite some of them probably outliving the set guidelines of makeup longevity, I can still use with confidence and not break out into horrible spots.

Last December, I gifted myself a Benefit beauty bounty. Out of the items I've gotten, I have started using only the Non Fiction liquid foundation and the You Rebel Lite tinted moisturizer. I still have quite a bit of my Dandelion powder, benetint stain and Some Kind-Of Gorgeous so I haven't touched the new ones as yet. I only have great things to say about Non Fiction. I love it. It provides great coverage for those special occasions night but I don't take this for a spin during daytime as it's non-SPF. Although it is touted as a light coverage foundation, my own experiences has me attesting that this gives you a more than adequate flawlessly matte finish for a night when you're going heavier on the face paint. Especially when paired with the foundation faker that is Some Kind-Of Gorgeous. I have used it consistently for all nighttime events and the foundation works great. It doesn't melt off for a long time and the matte look lasts ages.

For my day face, I turn to the You Rebel Lite as I'm quite obsessed with SPF. I recently got on the tinted moisturizer bandwagon early of last year. My first foray was with CoverGirl and although I loved it, it left me looking quite like a grease pan halfway through a work day and would rub off quite easily on clothes. I had heard of the supposed holy grail of tinted moisturizers that is Laura Mercier but at 40 bucks, was a bit too pricey and eventually I decided that I would start with the supposed second best which is from Stila. I waited to finish out my CoverGirl but around the time I was to get the Stila, Benefit came up with their beauty packs and I decided to just hedge my bets on You Rebel Lite instead. My thoughts on You Rebel Lite. I LIKE IT! It does go on a lil bit greasier than I would like but it absorbs well into the skin right after giving your skin a smooth feel and providing you with the bare minimal coverage. Which is perfect for me as I'm more of the au naturel type rather than I'm wearing my makeup type. You Rebel Lite gives me the SPF protection I crave as well as the bonus of not rubbing off on my clothes nor leaving my face looking like a veritable grease mirror. It last thorughout the day. Another winner from Benefit in my book.

Of course, all makeup enthusiast knows that tinted moisturizers and foundations work their best when there's a layer of base for them to start on. My base of the moment which I love, love, LOVE is by Garnier. It has a dark spot lightening effect and also provides my face with SPF 60 protection. It comes in three shades: white, beige and lavendar; to cater to whatever skin needs you require. I first tried the beige and loved it. During re-stocking, I grabbed another 2 tubes while they were on sale but only realized it was the white ones after a coupla days and I had thrown the receipts. I was a bit bummed at first but now I have to say that it's a blessing in disguise. I will continue buying the white base after this as I feel it is the one that best suits my skin. The base itself is light and non-greasy. I usually pat it on 5 minutes prior to putting on anything else. It absorbs well and leaves your skin feeling smooth and of course protected from those harmful UV rays.

To set everything, I use my best drugstore brand secret which is a Ponds Oil Blemish Control powder in pink. Pink powder highlights and illuminates the face. It reflects natural and artificial light well giving off the effect of a healthy, dewy glow. And I love the fact that I don't have to spend a bomb to get thie look. The powder cost me a mere 70 cents for the small travel size and about a buck fifty for the big bottle. I have used this as my go to loose powder for nearly 3 years now and it has not failed me since. I gave up pressed powder completely after using this. This is my holy grail loose powder and not even You're Bluffing by Benefit competes.

Anytime I'm putting on my makeup, be it day or night, I will always use the Dandelion boxed powder for rosy pink cheeks. I love Dandelion as it gives the face a more natural looking flush and subtly highlights my cheekbones without making them look overly prominent (and ending up looking like a drag queen). I give this powder particular emphasis on my cheeks as well as swiping it across my forehead and chin and strokes on the side of my nose to slim down my admittedly wider than I like nostrils. I also give my lids a swipe of Dandelion for an "awake" look. I prefer Dandelion to all other blushes I've tried and it certainly beats Nars Orgasm which I own but rarely use cos I think it's tone is too peachy and appears too stark for my skin. When I need more of a stronger look, I will always pair Dandelion with a few dots of my Benetint stain. It makes for a perfect combo!

I'm not big on doing my eyes. I only ever swipe mascara on my lashes for nights out and even then I use Maybellines's Lash Discovery in clear cos I haven't quite gotten the hang of not making a gloopy mess with normal black mascara. When I do attempt to do coloured mascara, I either use Bad Gal mascara OR Get Bent which is both by Benefit. I like Bad Gal as it really gives a doll like finish to the lashes but I prefer Get Bent because the angle brush makes putting it on practically idiot proof for me while also giving the lashes a lengthening and fuller look. Sometimes, I will also coat my lashes with a final clear swipe to set them. Prior to all this mascara handling, I'll normally use my Shu Uemura eyelash curler to give my mascara a better chance of actually getting on my lashes. They work wonders in curling and somewhat seperating the lashes prior to mascara coating. When I'm in a particularly generous mood, I do swipe on some of the eye products from Benefit's Realness of Concealness kit which features Lemon Aid for the upper lids to give a more fresh look as well as acting as eyeshadow primer and pat on some Ooh La Lift (a puffiness decreaser or something like that) and Boing undereye concealer in 03. But only if I'm not feeling lazy. I also mainly use Benefit shadow pallettes like the ones in the "Perfect 10" pallette as well as another all eyeshadow pallette "Curve Hugger" which has since been discontinued. Most of the colours are of a more neutral tone, more earthy shades. I'm not particularly flashy about my eyes. I only got into eyeliner as of 2 years ago and have tried both normal pencil liner as well as liquid liner. I absolutely love my Bad Gal eye pencil. It is definitely my go-to liner. I also own a Stila blue liner which I use on occasions when I'm bored of black and am feeling experimental. I also own a CoverGirl liquid liner in Black-Brown which I can't seem to get a hang of despite numerouse attempts. Maybe I am just not meant to achieve the cat eyes effect. It never works for me and I usually end up going to Bad Gal to remedy the messy situation. My brows are something I don't touch myself. When I have my sister around she'll graciously do something about them but on my own, I can't draw on my brows to save my life. I have actually never plucked my brows. EVER. They are pretty much in line au naturel with some stray exceptions but I've never felt compelled to touch them or have a go at a brow bar. Perhaps it's a fear of seeing my elder sister's, and my mum as well, overplucking and subsequently having to compensate with brow pencils that has scared/turned me off.

And we come to the lips. I think lips is definitely my favoured part to dress up. I usually start with the Benetint lip and cheek stain and from there on, any and all colour is on the menu. My biggest makeup vice would definitely be buying lip balms and lip glosses. I own an inordinately large amount of balms that purport to do this and that from popular name and drugstore brands like Neutrogena, MAC, Benefit and Nivea to the obscure like Skin Food from Japan/Korea and Balm Balm from the UK. But I almost always start with Benetint. Right now, I've been using CoverGirl's Amazemint in "Everything's Rosy" or "Pink Positive" over Benetint. I love the glossy minty glaze and it complements the base rosy colour of Benetint perfectly. I also have a Bobbi Brown lip crayon in magenta that goes perfect with Benetint for the times when i want my lips to stand out from the rest of my makeup. I love how it makes me look as if I've been eating a basketful of strawberries. Sometimes, when I feel like going Angelina Jolie-esque, I will slather on Benefit's Lip Plump which gives the allusion of fuller lips without going for collagen injections or even the sting of lip plumping glosses like Too Faced Lip Injection or DuWop's Lip Venom.

And that's how I normally end the war paint ritual. When the lippie goes on means its the end and I'm ready to bound out the door. Of course, it all doesn't really end there. I'm also quite fanatical about taking off my makeup. I usually use a wet wipe first (am not particular if its meant for faces or bums) and then use Johnson & Johson's baby oil to take off the more stubborn makeup. After doing a lot of wiping I will cleanse my face and then use my Boots Witch Hazel + Tea Tree Cleansing and Toning Lotion to ensure that there is no more makeup residue. I probably use too much cleansing products on my face but I hate the thought of having residual makeup blocking my pores while I'm getting my beauty sleep. Plus, ensures the pillows and sheets remain makeup-stain free. Fanatical is the way to go for me ;P

the lil (beauty) things that count, part 1

I've mentioned before that I've never been one to have perfect skin and this post isn't to nullify that cos it still is far from perfect but thanks to a select few beauty tools, I think I have managed to bring whatever skin issues I had under a semblance of control.

I'm not 100% convinced but the main product that has contributed to this turnaround I believe is the detox green tea I've been drinking since the beginning of the year. I have quite religiously drank 2 cups a day, with a few skips here and there, and I believe the detoxifying properties is contributing to the clearing of my skin. I guess the antioxidants from the green tea are also doing its part to reduce the effects of aging but since I don't even look my age as yet, I have no real idea if the tea is actually helping in that department. Ask me again in 10 years and if I'm still looking like I'm in my twenties then we'll both have the answer to that. The only drawback to the tea is its "flushing" effects. I normally drink the tea between 5-6 in the evening and the detoxifying will unfortunately wake me up in the middle of sleep. I'll usually wake up around 2.45 am and will go again after I've had my morning coffee at about 6-ish. It's slightly tedious to be awoken as such but in the end it's for the best that that I get it out of the way before I have to be in the office. Nobody wants to be the one who holds up the toilet at work. The taste of the tea itself can be somewhat disturbing if I have accidentally let it steep for too long but otherwise it is tasteless. I don't put in any artificial sweetener or anything else really and simply take the tea as is. Prefer it that way in fact. Although the instructions say that per day you should drink 2-3 teabags, I usually manage to stretch out the one teabag for 2 cups in succession. Hence, recouping my money via prolonging the purchase period between boxes as there are about 50 packets in a box which normally lasts me about 1.5 months.

Next on my beauty regime list is of course the Basis soap brand that I've been using for the better part of the year. I'm currently on my second bar which is different from the original sensitive skin one I tried first as it's meant for acne prone skin instead. I have not noticed any difference per se in the effects of the acne soap bar or sensitive soap bar but once I finish the 2 bars of glycerin base acne soaps I will revert back to the creamy sensitive bars as I think it's less drying on my skin. Plus, I'm trying not to allow my skin to completely build up a resistance to the soaps, hence the switching it up a bit. Perhaps, I'll alternate between the cream bar and the glycerin bar. I'll just play it by ear.

On the scrub front, I haven't used my baking soda concoction since switching bar soaps but have instead used my pore minimizing Garnier scrub to slough off the dead skin. I usually forget to use the scrub until I feel my skin surface get gritty but normally when I'm actually following a routine, I'll use the scrub twice a week. And immediately followed with a cleanse using the soap. I find that if I use the scrub alone and don't follow up with the bar soap then I will likely get some bumps on my skin the following morning so to be on the safe side, I double wash my face. Once with the scrub then with the soap.

For toning purposes, I have done away with the Kiehls blue astringent as it didn't particularly help any and was pricey to boot. Instead I now alternate between my Garnier lightening dew toner and my Boots Witch Hazel and tea tree toner. They both prep my skin for the best moisturizer absorption and that's what the Kiehls could never do.

My moisturizer of choice is also by Garnier. I love their Skin Renew night moisturizer that I got from the States but that's all finished now so instead I'm trying to finish off the skin renew Regenerating Serum I also got during that trip. It doesn't work as well as a night cream as it's not light enough but it comes from the same range so I'm not going to pick on it too much. Plus, any skin regenerating is always welcome in my eyes.

For pampering purposes, I still use the Garnier range's self-heating clay mask as well as their whitening essesnce mask alternatively but I have also recently gotten the Pelican Detanseki charcoal soap which I haven't tried out as yet but am hoping will become an alternative to all the mask slathering. If it works out as well as all the reviews it has gotten then I'll have a more economical alternative to buying the Garnier maska cos in the long run those masks do add up to a small fortune, even when I get them on specials.

That's my current beauty regime. I'm pretty stuck on it and like the saying goes, why fix it if it ain't broke. When there's a breakdown in the system, I'll contend with it then but for now, I am happy to have my routine. Who says routine is dull?

Friday, June 5, 2009

the first daughter.....happy birthday!

To my dearest, darling first sis, I just wanna wish you a happy, happy, happy, happy (times infinity) birthday today!

Will think up some ideas for a prezzie, can't quite afford the telescopic lens for your SLR but I might be able to swing that extra battery pack. After all, that'll definitely come in handy when we are on the European sojourn.

Anyways, many happy returns of the day, enjoy turning 28 for the umpteenth time(not actual umpteenth, mind you, don't wanna give the jig away ;P)! On a side note, I think most women I know like to just turn their birthdays into a repeat of one age that they feel represents the best year of their life. Mine would definitely be when I crossed over into my mid-twenties. But can that really be a barometer since I'm still in my twenties for a good few more years?

Ok, on topic.....love you sis and muahs multiple times.