Monday, June 8, 2009

random musings on a hot afternoon

I'm actually on sick leave today. I got caught in heavy rain on friday and had been taking some meds throughout the weekend but they didn't take so after making it all the way to work and finding that I started getting chills and sweating all at the same time, I copped off work and went back home.

Slept till 11.30 and then got up and had lunch, some pan-fried skinless chicken with boiled veggies topped with a mushroom cheese sauce, which I made earlier that morning (6 am). And now here I am waiting for the meds to kick in again so I cn get all restful. Seems like it's just getting worse. I started with an itchy throat and a somewhat blocked nose but now the throat is sore and the nose is runny. I feel all phlegm-y. I know, gross, but that's what the body does. It can produce the most outrageously disgusting things at times when you really think of it.

Anyways, will be going back home on friday for 3 days. My elder sis is having her birthday gathering together with my mum and my nephew. They are all June babies. So, as a surprise, am going to leave friday morning to the homeland so I can attend the birthday do. Will be back to workland on Sunday morning. It's a short trip. I do have a job to get back to. My family, bar my 2 sisters, doesn't know I'll be coming back so it's a surprise kinda thing. The last time I surprised them was in April when I had to go back for work. That was a good surprise :)

Can't wait, been feeling nostalgic about being away and left out from all the family activities. Sigh. The sacrifices I make for this job. But I need a job to survive in this world and in this economy, job hunting leaves a lot to be desired. Mainly I don't desire a different job. I like this job. So I will persevere. How melodramatic. I can get like that when I'm feeling sick.

So really, there isn't a specific point to this post. Like I said earlier, just a means to wait out the eventual conking out. But the meds are slow to take right now. Ok, enough ramblings, maybe I'll watch a lil "Leverage" on my Netty. Been scoping out new series since quite a few of the ones I've been following have been given the death penalty. New shows I'm into: Dollhouse, The Mentalist and Leverage. Finished the whole season of Dollhouse and The Mentalist and am currently going through Leverage. So far, so good. All are worthy additions to my quickly decreasing 500GB hard disk space. I'm only left with a lil below 150 gigabytes of storage. And I just bought the disk in February. Crazy ain't it?