Friday, June 26, 2009

being silly

I guess it's really happening then. My sis has told my 'rents and my other sis of the proposal she received. My father has apparently given his blessing, going as far as to say that he always knew that this guy would be the one and that he is the only person that is capable of handling my sis. He also said that it has been a long time coming. And that his prayers has finally been answered. My mum's reaction: completely blase about the whole thing. I guess she's happy for my sis, when I asked her, she just said that if that's what my sis wants then so be it. My other sis was cautious at first but then is now on board. I'm on board, I'm just also having a pity party for myself. Why does it feel that her wedding is going to be the end of my life? I wish to god that I didn't feel this way. I want to be unequivocally happy for my sis, without the doubts that hang over my own situation. I had become resigned to the fact that it would be my sis and I taking care of each other in our old age. I was never thinking about marriage. Now if she marries, I seriously have to figure out what I want to do with my life. Can't seem to skate by anymore and depending on her to think for the both of us. Once she marries, it would be all about her and her husband. I don't fit in anywhere. I also feel very betrayed. She has been spouting about not needing a man to complete her life for the past five years and even got me buying into it that now that she has suddenly done a 360, I'm left feeling cheated. I still feel the same and I can't bring myself to think otherwise. I genuinely feel happy the way I am without a man but now I'm starting to question if this is just a defense mechanism. She's got me all confused. I feel sad for me. So, I'm indulging in a pity party :P