Tuesday, June 9, 2009

damn, damn and damn again

Ok, am still semi-sick but am on a work from home day and should really not be browsing cool blogs but am anyways so.....not the point of the post.

From the hour and a half of trawling budget fashion blogs, just found that the clothing site "I Dont Like Mondays" has the Melissa Black Vinyl shoes I have been coveting on sale for USD74.25. With all international shipping for USD10 for orders less than 100 bucks and completely free if you are over!

And so happens, they have 2 left in stock for size 9 but here's the triple damn part: DOES NOT SHIP TO ANY COUNTRY IN WHICH I HAVE LIVING RELATIVES! Uuggh! So hate when that happens. Why, WHY, WHYY?!?!?!? Why does the US have such great shopping that is practically inaccessible to those in Asia. We got money to spend y'know. It'd do you well to expand those shipping policies to cover more of Asia. The frustration is also in part due to my having overextended on the friends travelling to the States and ordering stuff for them to bring back to me so I'm a bit shy to order some more :(

Anyways, it was in my cart, I was checking out, registering myself as a new member when I try to fill in the shipping deets and, lo & behold, do not see my country nor the country I work in. How annoyingly frustrating is that? Maybe I'll just have to accept that Melissa Black Vinyl in size 9 and I are just not meant to be. Sad. I don't like "I Dont Like Mondays".