Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the sun shines on a healthy mind

I have no idea what the title is supposed to mean. It just sprang to life and literally typed itself in the title box. I think I was going for something along the lines of I'm better and grateful to be back on track health-wise. What with having to get on a plane in a day and a half. I am C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-N-G!!

So yea, I am on the fast track to recovery. Been taking my meds and daily vitamin c effervescent tabs. Also stayed on the nutella on wholemeal bread diet with some Heinz beef, pasta & veggie stew thrown into the mix. My housemates/colleagues have been completely adorable as well. One bought me a dozen oranges and another keeps supplying me with soothing chrysanthemum tea drinks. I wuv you guys, I truly do. You men are some of the sweetest men I've ever known.

Although the title does say healthy mind, I think I'm deviating a bit from that path. Ok, am usually a bit on the fanatical side when it comes to google newsing Kimi and Ferrari news. I practically do it on a daily basis but ever since the Turkish GP, I haven't been inclined to do it once. Not cos I don't want to, it's just each time I attempt to my heart starts getting all heavy and sad. It's mainly due to me not wanting to read any more negative press. It's hard to keep a bouyant attitude when people are putting me, I mean Ferrari and Kimi, down. Pause. I know how nutty that sounded but I keep this blog in the spirit of full disclosure of my personal feelings so if it paints me in an unfavourably crazy light, so it does.

On a more cheerier note, I am so stoked to go back home for 3 days. I can't wait! I soooooo miss my nephew and two nieces. And my mum and dad, though they are coming to visit me the week after :) And since it's a birthday do, quite a number of my extended family will be there along with some of my closest gal pals. I can also collect a package one of my closest bosom buddy who now lives, works and plays in Oz sent me via another buddy when they vacay-ed in Bali earlier this month. I dunno what it is exactly but there were hints about trips down memory lane. I suspect it has something to do with my boyband phase. Anyways, it'll be great for laughs.

June has me quite chatty on the blogging front. I mean for quite a bit my spirit was flagging, I thought this would end up being a deadbeat activity but looks like the tide has turned. I guess as I become more comfortable with having my thoughts out there with no one reading it, I'm just letting loose with whatever comes to mind. Isn't that the point of blogging? Saying something even when you have nothing to say?

P.S: No more leaky faucet. Can I get a "HELL YEAH!!!!!"?